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1e3b0d  No.130953

hi i found this video on twitter about Trump chain migration there are children in cages and nobody talk about this why?? https://twitter.com/i/status/1276115081672003584

there are children that have not seen their parents for years?why Trump allow this?

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b0dd74  No.130956


Because it's a hoax. Why would we talk about a hoax except to laugh at it? There have been zero net deportations under Trump.

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1e3b0d  No.130957


you do you sage your comment wtf are you a troll

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1e3b0d  No.130958

when obama, hillary was in power president era when was in power they do same thing and nobody talk about this??

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1e3b0d  No.130959


you tell me that children immigrants in cages are hoax??

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1e3b0d  No.130960


so you tell me that the video is fake??

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90a371  No.130962


It’s a goddamn hoax. No one is being deported. Millions of nonwhites have flooded into the US during Trump’s jewish reign.


Right. Almost as though it’s a hoax or something.


Staged, at least.

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56ec33  No.130978

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045430  No.130982


Because they're not human children. They're subhuman trash who belong in cages like the animals they are.

Sage for being a nonwhite nigger faggot who can't speak English.

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c59a92  No.131343


what the fuck is with all the TacoBell shit on the page today? Are they employing mexicunts as shills now? Holy fuck the feds have no standards.

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166aa5  No.131345


>Millions of nonwhites have flooded into the US during Trump’s jewish reign.

By my own estimate the current US population is about 600million with 250,000,000 illegal shithole people.

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ea2855  No.131375


lol that is icon alarm for notification message lol what the fuck is wrong with you?

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ea2855  No.131382


lol what??? are you crazy wtf i just read

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ea2855  No.131384


lol ban is coming idiot !i bet you are alien !do you realize what you say or post??

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ea2855  No.131385

there are many videos

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ea2855  No.131387


not all are hoax

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9ba948  No.131392


You really don't belong here. You have to go back

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8086de  No.131408

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9d5f51  No.131493


lol you troll

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9d5f51  No.131494


another troll !

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cd31de  No.131514



>implying multiple


Soon enough it'll be clear to you that letting these shillfests stay up is the real acceleration. The site is dead, and Jim is not coming to save us. We merely need to wake up to that fact.

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34c57b  No.131525

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34c57b  No.131526


you are troll why the fuck you change vpn troll


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d22049  No.131528

File: e9d0e0395da2fcd⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, baitlowquality.jpg)

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