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d4ca1f  No.130937

The whole NASCAR noose controversy has been making people flip flop on if it was actually a racist shitpost, or just someone looking to hard into something.

Well, they released a photo of the ‘noose’, which had been attached to the garage door pull. It looks pretty legit, and it says the picture was taken Sunday afternoon.

The problem with that, is there is water puddles outside in the noose picture. On the speedway website, the weather last Sunday had no mention of rain, thunderstorms of anything.

Very suspect.


^weather schedule

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52a901  No.130943

It doesn't even matter. The investigation already concluded it was a hoax. It's out of public consciousness and is forgotten forever.

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bafd7e  No.130993

File: e00e53a16ac6937⋯.jpeg (41.14 KB, 960x540, 16:9, DoNotBeliveTheJewLies.jpeg)

A noose is a slip knot.

If you pull on the loop it constricts. If you pull on the knot it slips away and is gone. A noose used for a pull wouldn't last long.

Also, a rope used for a pull in a garage would rather quickly discolor from dirty hands pulling on it, which means that is a new rope.

I believe it's a staged photo.


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e664be  No.131079

I don't care a single bit for NASCAR, but did they perhaps get taken over by jews some time back? If not, it could be the jews in the media who they sell TV rights to. Corporations were a mistake.

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