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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 74118cf3297a1be⋯.jpeg (96.08 KB, 1080x1022, 540:511, nigger_email.jpeg)

8b3616  No.130678

Operation Nigger Email

Equity Prime, who fired the mother of the cop who shot the nigger had their reputation attacked by hackers who exploited their website to send racist emails.




>Scrape emails from universities. Prioritize blacks, diversity, and list serves to maximize exposure. because the email will be blocked after some time.

>On a website you hate, could be university, company, org, etc, find a form that will email you with a field you control such as the name field. See if you can put a message in the name field.

>copy paste the params and use a multithreaded script to send out the emails.

>watch twitter for the lulz

Obviously use tor and vpn.

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