> Islamic slavery was nothing like American chattel slavery
Bullshit. There's camelpiss-drinkers out there who claim that every slave in Islam was a well-treated domestic slave, but that's a complete and utter lie.
Barring the odd eunuch, male slaves in Islamic societies were usually used for hard labour, like in oil mills, mines, or even plantations.
The Abbasid Caliphate during the 9th century AD/3rd century AH? Right during the peak of its political power? Yeah, Iraq had plantations and large-scale landowners back then. As well as thousands of slaves from East Africa to work those plantations.
Then the Zanj rebellion happened, i.e. a slave revolt that was big enough to devastate Iraq. It's probably one of the main things that broke the Abbasid Caliphate as an empire.
>Muhammad actually tended to free his slaves - even marrying one of them and adopting another as a son
You actually think that we don't know the story of Zaid ibn Haritha?
Yes, Zaid was a slave who was manumitted by Muhammad. And yes, Muhammad adopted Zaid.
In fact, Muhammad even found Zaid a wife, and he married him to Zaynab bint Jahsh.
But you probably didn't want us to know about that because Muhammad then got the hots for Zaynab, and he even pressured Zaid to divorce her just so that he could marry Zaynab himself.
Obviously people told Muhammad that this was a really fucked up thing to do (IIRC it's even one of those things that counted as incest). The whole thing got so bad that Muhammad actually had to conjure up a revelation (33:37) about how God says that this is totally A-OK, and that adoption is kinda bullshit anyway.
Zaid got screwed over in the end.