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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 5714faad06d9e7f⋯.png (144.6 KB, 1787x921, 1787:921, 1445776585770.png)

8e520c  No.130603

I'm going you let you faggot shills know right now that I am not a motherfucking glownigger so suck a steamy load out of my cock and kill yourself with that demoralization psyop about glowing. You don't have to reply to me, nigger.

I want to know more stuff like this. I want more information like this. I know at least one of you niggers knows shit than can help me on my quest for knowledge. At least one of you faggots has the information from prior experience of working with water treatment or power generation in Minecraft and SIMS 3.

And no, I'm not doing this to entrap you or whatever the fuck. I need this information for me. I need these images for my infographics folder. If you have more stuff like this, I thank you.

I'm not asking for regular infographics. That should be obvious. Maintain your OPSEC, do not share any personal stories about your experiences with these fields. Just information only.

To any glows, information is legal to share. I am not a fucking terrorist. Go fuck yourselves with a nigger dildo.

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3fd852  No.130632

Why bother? No one's going to do a damn thing anywhere. Look at the date on that image. No one has done a single thing it said, anywhere, at any scale. It's not going to happen. Whites aren't GOING to fight back. You know it and I know it. Stop asking for illegal shit.

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8e520c  No.130706


I'm not White and I'm not a weak ass faggot either, nor do I ever recall saying I intended to do anything, whatsoever. Take the Jewish glownigger demoralization script to the cucked ass haints you convinced to believe that fallacious bullshit. I'm not dumb enough to fall for this shit. Someone here knows what I need to know for my research. And this information is legal. It only becomes illegal when someone utilizes it and even then, how is the person giving free information aware such thing will take place. There is minimal if any culpability from that. You hooknosed phosphorescent boys aren't good at this. First day? First week? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find some cucks that Jew shit will work on while I grow my folder.

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b73fca  No.130716

Everybody knows this shit since the 70's and more, much more. I've seen the army manuals on this kind of warfare and it's crazy shit. Going into a war zone full of every kind of booby trap an murderous mind can invent is really really sickeningly worrisome. Shit that will blow your fingers off, blind you permanently, cripple you, give you horribly infected wounds, kill you. Getting shot by the enemy in open battle is the least of your worries. The thing is, I rather like living in a modern city, with sewage disposal, garbage removal, pensions, hospitals, schools, bridges that aren't about to collapse, electricity that comes out of wall sockets, clean potable water to drink and wash with. I love libraries and art galleries, and public performances of music. There are those that can tell you how to bring all this stuff to a screaming halt, for months on end. But I'm not a nigger; I have zero desire to shit in my own nest, burn down the logistical infrastructure me and my people have to live in.

So in conclusion, OP, I would like to cordially invite you to go and fuck yourself most painfully then eat shit and die.

Thx bye.

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19177d  No.130723



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8e520c  No.130822


That is exactly why your weak race is dying out at the hands of Jews. Keep jacking off to BLACKED, playing Vidya and watching sportsball, faggot. Waahhhhhh, I'm not a nigger I need muh NFL, Netflix and muh libraries. Lmfao. At no point whatsoever did I say I wanted to do anything with the info, just that I need it but, okay, I see you. Thank God my kind are not so cucked. I found what I was looking for on /k/ anyways. Thanks for nothing. Cuck.


Hi CIA! How's the demoralization psyop going, fren?

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f6cd28  No.130837


>whites aren't going to fight (like retards, achieve nothing, get caught and put in jail) back

How's the weather over there in Israel Mr.Hooknose Goldbergstein?

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55070e  No.131060


This. I don't expect or even care if white people do anything, I just want the coping retards on this board to face reality, take a good hard look at their dying pussy race and admit that they are weak. Just admit that the jews won by using your own personal comfort as leverage over the future of your people. Admit that you are no better than a consoomer soyboy hiding from the shadow of reality behind his nintendo switch surrounded by superhero posters. They literally walked up and swiped your entire country away in front of your face lmao. They kept pushing the boundaries for DECADES while you sucked your thumb in the corner daydreaming about whatever imaginary circumstances it would take to finally trigger your fantasy boogaloo. They chased you out of every major city and economic hub in the country. They throttled your asses out of academia, businesses, the bureaucracy, basically every important position in the country. They appointed an anti-racist new york oligarch with jewish grandchildren to "represent" you. They kicked you out of the political discussion wholesale. They rationalized and normalized unprovoked violence against you by dehumanizing your very existence in every faucet of the media and pop culture (eg. nazi = inherently genocidal, right wing = nazi, non far left = right wing, therefore killing non-far left white people = killing genocidal nazis = ok).

And what the fuck is your answer?

>durr I'm just gonna run away to the countryside, fuck the big cities where literally everything important is located, always remember to run away and surrender your home as soon as trouble shows up

>What do you mean go to college?? Wh-what about le pozzed professors turning me into a tranny? Just become a car mechanic bro!! Being a blue collar peon while asians and jews take all the important jobs and run society is the ultimate REDPILL!

Case in point:




I know I'm just gonna get called a glownigger or get mocked for writing a long post (lmao at you discord generation babbies who grew up writing 12 character replies on twitter) by the same crowd of coping, voiceless, cowering faggots, but I don't care because I know that on some level you agree with me. Good riddance.

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