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File: 3b8e041056fce23⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 800x538, 400:269, Bundesarchiv_Bild_1011_134….jpg)

File: 1a329b79232a552⋯.jpg (194.54 KB, 525x750, 7:10, Bundesarchiv_Bild_1011_134….jpg)

b76549  No.130543

These are pictures from the Warsaw Ghetto and there is something about Jews that makes them look different and I can't tell what it is they look slightly off; can someone please explain this to me?

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f17277  No.130558

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05ada1  No.130583

File: 541889cf94d84d0⋯.jpg (33.5 KB, 640x533, 640:533, arct14_doc_nvvonbraun.jpg)


Higher rates of interbreeding, and they look like crap in your photos because of malnutrition. It's not rocket science.

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60d596  No.130591

File: efb4063acb7f528⋯.jpg (147.67 KB, 650x804, 325:402, JEW_FOREHEADS_III.jpg)

Inbreeding gives each jewish group in various countries a unique appearance. Cousin marriage, uncle niece marriage is condoned in Judaism and amplifies the common traits especially in physical appearance.

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703e47  No.130623


No wonder the pretty and elite >>>/jewess/ girls are desperate to latch themselves onto handsome gentiles. Do you have a little bit more money than the average man? Well you too could have your own personal jewish American princess. Warning: The jewess contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause jewish children with birth defects or other reproductive abnormalities.

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c3507f  No.130645

File: d842aced8989fa0⋯.jpeg (16.05 KB, 249x255, 83:85, shapeshifting_kike_woman_….jpeg)



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d283ac  No.130747

File: 394faeff8ea19f5⋯.webm (4.86 MB, 322x240, 161:120, Absurd_Pesttanz.webm)

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fc1f66  No.130832

File: e362ba8579cf988⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 854x480, 427:240, der_ewige_jude.mp4)


That was a pretty good educational documentary movie.

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550ca9  No.130836

they are neanderthal demons

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f17277  No.130870

File: 6ea38b9e5d6ebf1⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 714x857, 714:857, Spinoza.jpg)

File: ddfeb9b6f669f6e⋯.jpg (959.29 KB, 1647x2130, 549:710, Maurycy_Gottlieb_Jews_Pray….jpg)

File: 9c2bf4dc686de99⋯.jpg (713.15 KB, 693x911, 693:911, Flugblatt3_Joseph_S_Oppenh….jpg)

Did medieval Europeans ever notice that the people who call themselves Jews tend to look different than the surrounding European population?

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c3507f  No.130874

File: 151253bebf6ae22⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ivanka_boob_job.jpg)

File: 23f6abc4bc594d9⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ivanka_chin.jpg)

File: 57d9295dda52898⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 750x450, 5:3, ivanka_teeth.jpg)

File: cbc630953274fd3⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ivanka_nose_job.jpg)

File: b0866c6b28808a8⋯.jpeg (10.27 KB, 255x151, 255:151, ivanka_teen_before_after_….jpeg)

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c3507f  No.130875

File: 04ec0deb862be27⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 1370x3732, 685:1866, semites_in_disguise_as_glo….jpg)


You mean different like this…?

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1106d1  No.130878

It’s simple, Jews are semites. They have interbred to a huge extent with white Europeans which explains Jews with pale features, but they retain many traits shared by their fellow semites the Arabs, such as the hook nose, black curly hair, brown eyes etc.

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d2f9ec  No.147035

File: 2ffb78706c84e66⋯.png (48.96 KB, 496x799, 496:799, Spotting_the_jew.png)

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9d7901  No.148248

File: 09820f3fd60e651⋯.jpg (94.28 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1595722226193.jpg)

I don't know what it is…

…I wouldn't fap to her or anything…

…just saving her to show me how ugly they are…

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d0a490  No.148258

File: 1cfbecf36b223d7⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1.jpg)

File: 12acadc3833432c⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 450x461, 450:461, 2.jpg)

File: 15d04327fbe094b⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 678x381, 226:127, 3.jpg)

File: 0169a322d38dea8⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 972x592, 243:148, 4.jpg)

File: 738185524ef66fe⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 202x223, 202:223, 5.jpg)


That's an imposter.

She was not chosen by G-d.

These are the real Chosen.

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734c11  No.148275


fuck off degenerate

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d25182  No.148322

File: a15742a1ab90295⋯.png (83.22 KB, 300x225, 4:3, Shapiro.png)


>when you don't know how to co-opt the goyim

>just show them your perfect ashkenazi sister

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f2f7d3  No.148436

nose, earlobes grown to the head, slightly fatter underlip were taught to me by my father how to spot a jew. Not sure about eyes, majority would be brown I guess because of ashkenazi Khazar/Turkic ancestry. For mizrahi jews it goes without saying. Curly hair, lots of jew men have curly dark hair. And then the last name. If it sounds German, be weary. If it's not a profession, be more weary.

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7ecaf2  No.148443


your father is stupid. Celts have all those traits as well.

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26c1bd  No.148458

File: b662d497942980b⋯.png (5.64 KB, 211x239, 211:239, images.png)


Bobenheim am Berg

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aadcbd  No.148483


oval faces, almond shaped eyes, larger lower lip often has crease near bottom edge "double lip," weak chins, fleshy oversized earlobes, raspy guttural voices


black metal = simmering white vengeance

itz coming

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594ab0  No.148485


That's correct and Germans also often have names that are not professions but all in all those are pretty good indicators including the names.

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8ec192  No.148498

File: 6d822b1ac459f0c⋯.jpg (226.55 KB, 1457x1032, 1457:1032, mark_zuckerberg_infront_of….jpg)



>If it sounds German, be weary. If it's not a profession, be more weary.

I'd like to further that in saying, when you break down German Jewish names, more often than not they are ridiculous.

>Zucker-berg = Sugar Mountain

>Spiel-berg = game/play Mountain.

>Gold-stein = gold stone

Who the fuck would pick sugar mountain as a family name? Only Jews.

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d1cd1a  No.148504


One that doesn't get pointed out often is the suffix -man.

If you find someone with a surname that contains the suffix -man in America you can be pretty sure it's jewish.

Goldman, Silverman, Feldman, there are a lot of names that use this suffix.

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594ab0  No.148512


Anyone who has gold or silver in his name is a Jew.

Just don't forget that some German names also end in man.

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594ab0  No.148513

In northern Europe professions also end in man. For example in swedish.

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594ab0  No.148514

Or english

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982a92  No.148583


Second this. Hoffmann, Zimmermann, etc are common German surnames that aren't explicitly Jewish.

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7989eb  No.148648


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7989eb  No.148649

big noses

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f7c1b9  No.148691

Middle eastern people are the most inbred on the planet. Thousands of years of harems and cousin fucking rekted their genetics. Also jews often married their own siblings to keep wealth in the family.

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8801c5  No.148694

File: 64486c74c2d3793⋯.jpg (365.02 KB, 1280x1098, 640:549, people.jpg)



In this context, your post seems damning.

But real context is pre-jobs ivanka looked like ivana. Which was from certain part of east europe that looked like that. Eastern european women often don't meet the northern european look…

>that last one

She looks like jared ffs

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77f943  No.148716

They look like Jews

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59b7b7  No.148745

File: 1a0d3a3c130d81c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 628x2795, 628:2795, kike_genes_copy.png)

Middle eastern genes, low-T by their matriarchal upbringing and genital mutilation, the ironic combination of miscegenation AND inbreeding, and corruption of their bodies by the pure evil in their "souls".

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292872  No.148747


I go with a basic rule. Anybody forcing multiculturalism, is a Jew.

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f50629  No.148763

File: acf78160a0e767e⋯.jpg (68.17 KB, 822x537, 274:179, ShowImage.jpg)

A well kept and most feared secret is that the African/Ethiopian Jews came first. They migrated into the mideast and were enslaved by the Egyptians/Babylonians and later into europe.Interracial breeding

causes mental problems and they're completely interracial with little to no trace of their origin race explaining their malicious behavior.

This is why hapas(see Daniel holtzclaw, Elliot Rodgers)and mutts(see Colin kaepernick and jussie smollet) cause so many proplems and why "White" jews push miscegenation so much. They want to lower everyone to their level.

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2119fd  No.148769


so the we wuz jews nigs were right…

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222b75  No.167255


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