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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 7ffc4e038aaad29⋯.png (961.02 KB, 1968x1720, 246:215, victims_matter.png)

b25f6a  No.129596

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a2ca22  No.129597

Sounds like controlled opposition.

Expect a lot of embarassing "Nazis" and cryptokikes.

An unfortunate development. Optics are much better when it's just niggers wrecking civilization.

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32d789  No.129598


literally who

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b25f6a  No.129607


have a (((you)))

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a2ca22  No.129612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b25f6a  No.129614


lets talk about circumcision. tell me about your scarred or mutilated penis

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977290  No.129628

File: 81af29f3030559e⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Circumcision.webm)


My favorite subject.

Here's a video teaching how to mutilate your baby.

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e4188d  No.129658

The ultimate red pill is when you see all the barbaric and rampant B on W crime the MSM covers up. They have to see it or their minds will not change. But i'm suspicious of all organized marrches.

So yea he does good work.


After they're red pilled then what, vote Republican? Fuck that!

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964b2b  No.129662

File: 98e75bc5fa3e980⋯.jpeg (103.22 KB, 1266x688, 633:344, HitlerIsHere.jpeg)

Pic attached is why. Let the niggers burn nigger cities. We can get our marshmallows out.

Cops are itching to beat someones ass right now, and I can't blame them. It's permissible to beat whites right now, why would we give them an allowable target? Let the niggers riot and burn shit. The redpills keep coming.

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ba9ab6  No.129680


Colin Flaherty is one of the few voices calling out black on white violence articulately, consistently and in a (relatively) normie-friendly way. Complaining about him because he's not naming kikes in every breath is shooting ourselves in the foot. He's doing great work, more than most on this board, and he deserves our support.


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964b2b  No.129687


Checked the site, surprised there aren't constant protests outside his house for naming the nigger. Sounds like /ourguy/.

Still don't think this is a good time for the demonstration right now. The country is learning about niggers through real world experience.

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36b208  No.129752

File: 9238a8bdb794d24⋯.jpg (236.39 KB, 691x893, 691:893, circumcision.jpg)

File: 60170a15a79c532⋯.png (452.54 KB, 660x581, 660:581, circumsion_stats.png)

File: cc1bea1f19a97d9⋯.png (2.94 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, circumsion.png)



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