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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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49a382  No.129199

That's what the legendary Brother Nathanael seems to suggest.

It's a good watch, worth sharing.


Kill Malcolm X and pin the blame on Farakhan, that sounds pretty Jewish. It's interesting that Malcolm X was killed 3 weeks after that speech he called out the Jews. Also there's some interesting parts in that speech i've never heard before, check it out in the vid above.

Dig! :)

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49a382  No.129201

Wrong video @ autoplay

This is the video I meant to post.


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ee7639  No.129221


That depends on whether it was good or bad that he was killed.

Jews did all the bad stuff and none of the good stuff so you can figure it out that way. Kinda like satan.

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cf8d37  No.129357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uh no it was Farakahn. He had a big fakey emotional meeting with Malcolm X's daughter.

It's typical nigger shit; insane ambition over who will be king of the gutter leading to murder

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