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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 98e75bc5fa3e980⋯.jpeg (103.22 KB, 1266x688, 633:344, hitler_here.jpeg)

b47d88  No.128937

If you are currently reading this than now is not the time to go out in public and throw retard rallies; the time to act is when we no longer have the Internet or Starbucks or McDonalds until then you must stay put. This is the last summer my parents will allow me to be a basement-dwelling loser as I just turned 18 and my parents wont allow me "to just stay home all day and do nothing" so I either need to get a Job go to College or run away, I am both unemployed and unemployable due to my "special" interest in National Sozialism (National Sozialism is just Capitalism in decay so, of course, no capitalist employer wants me) and I would rather shove nails through my Urethra than continue to go to school so my only option is to run away and become a National Sozialist activist and use every last fibre of my being to fight for the Deutsches Reich in any way that I can. Society needs to start breaking down by the start of the school year or it will ironically be the end of the world for me as no sane white person will want to rally with me for this "Deutsches Reich" thing.

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307107  No.128962

It sounds like you're unemployable because you're a massive sperg who can't stfu and do 8 hours of work without trying to "redpill the normies".

You're 18. Get off the internet, read books to sharpen your talking points, get fit so you don't get raped to death by niggers, learn an actual marketable skill, get a gf and stop being a fucking schizo

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e449c9  No.128988

Join the army. No really, join the army. I know, I know, don't want to be a zog bot. But its the best way to become disciplined and acquire skills. It puts you in a useful position should the day of the rope ever come. It will generally be a valuable experience, much more than college. You're still young right now and its easy to think things are going to start kicking off far sooner than they are. When you are young it is very easy to get swept up in this kind of stuff but its more gradual process than you might think. Don't spend your next five years waiting for the race war thats always just around the next corner.

People have been talking about the race war since you were 6 years old. Things a certainly heating up but don't wager your life on it. Make preparations and further the cause when you can but in the meantime, enjoy your life while you can.

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9009a6  No.129078


Why not college first and become an officer instead of just an enlisted grunt?

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f69fde  No.129082


You’ve stated you’re a useless eater and you’re posting jewish propaganda. Fuck off.

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2d2e4c  No.129087

No you are useless to the National Socialist movement in your current state. You need to get a trade or a skill. Become a tool and die maker.

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85bb1e  No.129089

File: 8c57d9a8e9d5a45⋯.pdf (1.03 MB, full_auto_conversion_selec….pdf)

Jews fear you will do 5 things.

>Stockpile Guns

>Buy Land

>Have White Kids

>Refuse Jewish Business/Media


Do those 5 things and the jews lose and they can't do shit about it without igniting a war that they will lose, and they know they will lose it. They want to remove the police and thats a good thing. Federal Law enforcement will dwindle as well. Buy autosear kits for your guns and just sit on them, stay legal for now.

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c123c5  No.129182



We will keep redpilling everyone in real life about how the jews are the main reason for all of the world's problems and that IT IS ALWAYS OK TO KILL JEWS.

There is no future for jews.


>Join the army

No. Kill jews.

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97e45e  No.129320


OP here, I could easily do 8 hours of work a day without trying to "redpill the normies" but that's not the issue, the issue is that my potential employer could look me up on the internet and discover my political opinions; I personally don't know what results you get when you type in my name to Jewgle because I'm too scared to check.

I am a coluntary Celibate who rejects the sexual advancements of all brown woman that come near me because I am probably mixed-race and I'm not entirely sure if Autism is genetic so I am not propagating my inferior genes.


Last year I tried to join the Marines and the only time I did PT was on September 11th where I experienced my own personal 9/11 when I discovered just how out of shape I am. I was disqualified for six months when I was to much of a bitch to do an HIV test because I hate needles so I've pretty much given up trying to do anything military related.

I now have unacceptable political opinions and the only leader I am loyal to is Adolf Hitler and the only flag I recognize is the Hakenkreuz flag so the only Army related stuff I will be doing is with my fellow National Sozialists.

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c8c800  No.129328


Fuck off with your thin blue line crap.


>I am a voluntary Celibate who rejects the sexual advancements of all brown woman that come near me because I am probably mixed-race

What kind of logic is this? not having sex with those that are similar to you? once you're brown you're always brown, there is no such thing as "whitening".

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15a231  No.129488


Get off of 8chan.

>>129078 and


were right. Go to college, stockpile guns and have kids, land etc. These things will help build you up. But as for your problem of putting political affiliations with your name, well, either delete them or become an entrepreneur. Do as Cecil Rhodes did. As you've said you are likely of mixed race, yet you don't know, so take an ancestry test. If you are mixed race, you will get perfect results that will match up with who you really are, because they don't add fake kike ancestries unless you are actually white. It doesn't sound like you are very autistic if you are, so that is not a problem. There should be a cutoff for that, and your existence on this site proves that you've well surpassed it. If your ancestry comes back mixed, find out which ethnicity is majority and has done the most accomplishments, then choose it as your own, and make it your only ancestry (that you consider yourself). Other than that, don't join the military, and stop thinking about who you are. Now that you know, simply move on, get as much knowledge as you can, and treat yourself as if you are your own slave.

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15676c  No.129494


>treat yourself as if you are your own slave

umm what? I would not trust a slave, so I would free him, and send him away

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15a231  No.129511


No, I meant force yourself to work for a plan that you have set up. Make a goal, and don't question it, just work toward it.

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1651c4  No.130353


An issue I have with this as a general rule is that jobs that require a college degree are usually found in cities and are thus hard to combine with the prospect of buying land. Of course this depends on your degree - degrees in agricultural management or technology offer a lot of jobs outside cities, degrees in law, finance or international relations don't - so if you are just entering college like OP, you can pick a degree that fits well with buying land, but many people are probably already halfway towards building up a career when they get redpilled. For example, how should you plan ahead if you are doing a masters in international economy? If you want to work in your field, you're stuck with cities, if not you have to start from square one again.

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