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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 4984c2ed9e3e2e0⋯.jpg (101.1 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, statue_of_liberty_face.jpg)

e6cfab  No.128372

Statue of Liberty is actually about *SLAVERY*

Tear it down!!!!

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0be9c1  No.128505

We need a new calendar with names for the months and days that don't reflect white Western European slave trade exploitation of black peepoz. Today is the 2nd day of LaQeefa, Year 1. Today is Chitlins day. Tomorrow is Ribs day. The day after is Chiken day. The day after that is Syzzurp day.

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56062d  No.129139

Amerigo Vespucci. It would not take much effort to convince the marauding rabble that America itself is named after a guy that owned six million slaves that he turned into lampshades, and who was clearly an evil racist who hated feminists and homosexuals, was a climate change denier, drove a Hummer, ate red meat, and was a frequent guest on Fox News. Therefore "America" needs to be promptly re-named and any reference to it wiped from the books.

Try it. They'll believe it. The lemmings would not think twice.

It is also a cryin' shame that the Grand Canyon has miles of walls as yet unbeautified by spray paint. The Hoover Dam? Heck, that is a big blank canvas.

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31a394  No.129193

I won't be satisfied until they rename Washington DC.

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f7c76c  No.129253

Replace it with a statue of Melania.

She never owned any slaves.

Besides, the statue is the artist's brother, not a female. Look at the frikkin' face on that thing and do some research.

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affee0  No.129359

File: bc5f802c5a1a7da⋯.png (116.83 KB, 1051x319, 1051:319, Screenshot_1.png)


>How To Being White Nationalism 101: The Thread

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