529e4e No.127181[Last 50 Posts]
Is there a sure fire way to deprogram people? We need to figure out methods/formulas to help people see the truth and either redpill them directly or get them to slowly redpill themselves.
These methods need to vary based on demographic i.e. a method for women, a method for the zoomers, methods for the various minority groups.
Post ideas if you got em.
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0fc58d No.127185
1. Jew -> oven
2. Wait
That's literally it.
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a2b3c2 No.127186
You can put jews into ovens without man power. To get manpower you need a method of deprogramming
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6e4b1b No.127187
According to ol' Yuri, some people are so far gone it's impossible to get through to them. We are talking programming overriding and replacing all independent thought.
Most normalfags, however, are just followers; they can think, they just don't like to - it's uncomfortable. So they follow whatever status quo there is. With all the media in enemy hands it's a losing battle, though. Take back the media, then you take back people's minds. There will always be a few brainwashed kikeslave cultists out there, but that's nothing a lead injection can't solve.
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96ebba No.127189
But again to take back the media you need to have manpower and a lot of it. You either need a lot of people to populate existing outlets or make your own. The problem with making your own is that you will have the full force of the kike owned companies coming after you like they did with Alex Jones.
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0fc58d No.127190
And you can't deprogram people while the jews are in control of all avenues of information flow. Guess it's a check mate.
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ad8144 No.127197
You need to start with the schools. Become a teacher. Take back the minds of the children.
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faab20 No.127200
I have a thought.
What about,
They've been programmed so bad by fear, {imaginary, mythical Nazis}, that I expect the only thing to override 'that' might be 'more fear'. Though, more refined, targeted at their psyche.
jews use the aberration of 'if you are not perfect, you'll be disposed of'. This means everyone in essence, no one's perfect. Plus the more degenerate you are, the more fear you'll have, which makes it easier for the jew to control them.
Everything the jew does and says is a lie, elaborating over the top of their lies with more fear might just tip the balance.
Associate it to the individual, not the group {people/race}. If you can make the individual fear due to isolation, view point, personality traits. lifestyle traits or something equally toxic, you might be able to instill a lever into them.
Eventually, reassuring them with positive ideas once they are fearful could be incorporated.
What we really need is information on how leftists TURN. Yuri B mentioned it didn't he? That they are far more reactionary than most.
The other alternative is to ridicule their original fear. 'You're afraid of mythical Nazis?! Are you a diaper baby?!' .. This is probably more fun for everyone.
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8da2c4 No.127204
I think this is extremely valuable to think about. I also think that the people in need of deprogramming should be split in two categories, normies and lefties. I think they respond differently to things we are saying. We should also think about which group has priority; normies are more numerable, lefties are more dedicated.
I think the key here could be stories from anons. If anons that used to be normies or lefties could share their stories about how they became redpilled, we could identify patterns to identify which tactics work. I myself discovered /pol/ through edgy internet humour when I was 16 and I incorporated the things I read on /pol/ into my first attempts at formulating political positions. So I don't know what it is like to be an adult who is unaware of the Jewish problem. Maybe the takeaway from my story is that maintaining a presence on meme sites for teenagers is important? I remember that the natsoc community on Ifunny played a role in my early redpilling and my decision to start browsing /pol/.
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0fc58d No.127213
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I used to believe in this weird utopic idea that if all countries relinquished their weapons, then the world would become peaceful. I think the reason is that I was never really exposed to the real world, all the savage niggers that attack people for no reason and Africa being an eternal shithole despite all the attempts over decades to help them and religions that want to bomb people for some religious reason and countries that would happily take any opportunity to invade other countries if they could and governments all across the world being full of corruption, hell the US is waging war in other countries right now for some reason, I wasn't aware of how real all of that is and how most of the world is just not peaceful nor good hearted. I wasn't really "brainwashed" in any sense though, I just believed whatever flowery bullshit (mostly "everyone is equal, gays are good" kind of shit) I saw in whatever online communities I went to.
Can't remember what exactly changed me, I think it's just because imageboards were my preferred online platform and you can't stay too long without being desensitized and exposed to a lot of things.
I think there's a middle ground that simply doesn't work. If you try to "redpill" someone normally, it'll fail, they'll just kneejerk reject it, I remember doing that myself whenever I saw Nazi imagery and guns. Instead you should take one of 2 approaches; either have to do it carefully, slowly inject redpills in ways that they can digest. Or then you need something really hardcore that shocks the fuck out of them and creates cracks from which redpills can flow in, like getting mobbed by a pack of niggers, or being told shocking things by someone they really trust. I think the current riots are redpilling a lot of people for instance, with niggers looting and torching places while the leftists kneel to them, it's just completely messed up to anyone except the most brainwashed drones as long as they see the real picture in social media instead of just the CNN-filtered narrative. I suspect even some of the kneelers are going to start feeling like shit's wrong the longer it goes on.
One tactic could be to have nonwhite allies. The more cucked someone is the more likely they are to take nonwhite people's words as gospel, it could be useful to start breaking the conditioning. Nonwhites also seem less likely to be cucked because they haven't spent decades in a society that demoralizes their existence every day.
It's also VERY important for people to feel like they're not alone, that the other side is not just evil gun crazies and supremacists, but rather normal people and peers.
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e9a808 No.127244
I think for most people and especially women the slow and steady approach works best. I think to start the process you have to start with easier and more digestible redpils and not got street to race realism and the JQ. I think you first need to show simple stuff like how the media lies and how corrupt the government is and doesn’t actually care about the people. I also believe that for women it helps to try and frame it within an emotional context because women tend to be more emotional in general. However as a man this can be difficult for me because speaking emotionally like that doesn’t come very naturally. I’m trying to red pill my girlfriend right now and it’s slow going. I’ve tried going just with facts and logic but that doesn’t seem to be the best avenue. I think learning how to tap into emotions can be a very powerful tool.
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50c479 No.127252
There is plenty of literature on how to deal with cult members, right?
Exactly, anons here have the experience, what are the best-working arguments?
"It's irreversible, fellow anti-communists! Just give up!"
Bezmenshekelov of the (((CIA))), he might not even have been an actual Russian for all we know.
They have literally no idea of what National-Socialism actually is beside their preconceived notions (irony). Use that.
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543c53 No.127253
Letting them get punched by niggers is a big redpill. Police going on strike is a big redpill. Let them see what a world without whites look like, and they'll be begging for white supremacy within no time.
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0d0f10 No.127258
I have tried deprogramming my friends. It works for some but not all, though I believe it was the method I attempted, not that they are a lost cause.
First, why do the jews want all of your data, even genetics? Simply put, so they can program you. Reactions are based upon genetics. That is their end game, they can map your responses based upon your genotype. More demoralization? More fear? This genotype responds better in this manner etc.
We cant do that, but we can group in more simple terms. For example, the red pill wont be the same for a clinton supporter as it will be for a trump supporter. Just as it probably wont be the same for a man or woman, or black or spanish.
Thus, I can only comment on the whites aged 22-35 mostly liberal. None I am still friends with, because I was too aggressive in attempting to deprogram them. I thought triggering dissonance would be the key. like for example "Islam is right about women." It triggers dissonance, and one would hope it would help them to realize their beliefs are contradictory. That does not happen. They just direct their rising blood pressure towards you.
I have successfully "pilled" others though, same group.
It was in a debate about vaccines.
> Vaccines don't cause autism.
Does that mean they are harmless?
>Maybe not but I don't want my kids to die of measles.
Of course, no mother wants that for her children. Only the sick and twisted would knowingly cause harm to children. I wonder what group of people is the least vaccinated.
>probably some white hillbillies
we both discover jews claim religious exemptions more than any group. shocker.
The conversation continued, and eventually ended with her wanting to know more about the vaccine compensation programs, how many there were annually, how many millions, and how many affected.
Thats a win. A huge win, especially considering she is a white woman, the only who can have white babies.
Deprogramming is slow and cannot cause them stress. Any stress they feel will be directed at you. Thus, you must make "discoveries" together.
You must guide them as if both you and them are deprogramming each other together.
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e9a808 No.127259
In order for that to work you need to at least sow the basis for the truth because if they get punched in the face by a nog or their city falls into anarchy because there are no cops they will be confused and paralyzed. They need to have some basic understand of race realism and other red pills even if it is at a superficial level in order those events to click and make sense to them.
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e9a808 No.127266
I think you are on to something with the “deprogram together” idea. Can you please expand on this if possible.
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0d0f10 No.127276
I've another story of how I lost the previous cohort.
Guy brought his girlfriend to poker night
>You are so interesting! you know all about conspiracies
Oh boy here it goes. what do you want to talk about?
Damn, zero to 100 real quick.Okay, first why? second, whats suspicious about it to make you think its a conspiracy?
>well the internet has a bunch of 911 truthers and its just so strange two buildings would collapse so suddenly
three buildings
>There were only 2 towers
but three buildings, building 7
And it went on from there until all of poker group had a revelation that there was no possible way 2 planes could take down 3 buildings, why its taboo to talk about it since they know im patriotic etc. why criticize those trying to find truth?
Then I fucked up.
>So anon, who did it?
the jews
And then I had to leave and haven't seen them since.
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0d0f10 No.127279
But this was a great learning experience. It taught me that deprogramming was only possible one on one, unless another person was on your side. otherwise youd be ostracized. Additionally, it works best with NEW knowledge. Not that their knowledge is wrong, that will cause dissonance directed at you. They must discover information which they have not already been programmed.
Anyone else have stories?
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c2f81a No.127316
Are there actually concentration camps that are made to Deprogram National Sozialists?
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3299f1 No.127319
>sure fire way
If there was, we would have done it centuries ago and the jews would be a literal footnote in a history book, mentioned as a dangerous–but extinct–subspecies. Everyone is different.
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3299f1 No.127321
Yes, it’s called every school in the Western world.
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e9a808 No.127355
That's not true because they werent as entrenched as they are now. And back in the day most people knew the problems they posed, but mostly lived in rural communities were the affects were not felt as much.
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bdb4c8 No.127368
welp thats that solved. wel dun pol
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6290f8 No.127373
And remember, you mentioned the jews. You went too hard too fast. Never go too hard too fast.
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6e4b1b No.127405
>"It's irreversible, fellow anti-communists! Just give up!"
I never said it was irreversible, I just said that we are trying to piss against the wind.
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8e5e51 No.127434
well what you guys NEED to realize is that your not going to protect the white race by going natsoc.Your not going to have people follow you if you have authoritarian beliefs. that's just retarded.Hitler is just a funny meme. When people praise Hitler i just assume they are joos posting, so that they can act as victims even more.Ditch hitler. its way easier to go moderate nationalist/ economic protectionism.
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6e4b1b No.127478
>just become safe, toothless cuckservatives, guys
I want 4chan to leave.
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2d18a1 No.127501
>That's not true because they werent as entrenched as they are now.
So if there was a surefire way, it WOULDN'T have happened when it was EASIER to make happen. Do you want to try again?
>And back in the day most people knew the problems they posed, but
Did nothing about it, and now we're paying the price.
>the affects were not felt as much.
They were.
>you guys
Congrats; we're not going to listen to you.
>your not going to protect the white race by going natsoc
Prove it, paid shill.
>Your not going to have people follow you if you have authoritarian beliefs.
Prove it, paid shill.
>that's just retarded
Is this your best argument?
>Hitler is just a funny meme.
Is this your best argument?
Isn't it funny how paid shills are proven to say this, and only paid shills have ever said this? I think that's funny.
>Ditch hitler.
>its way easier to go moderate nationalist
So Hitler, then. Got it.
>economic protectionism.
So Hitler, then. Got it.
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d8be3b No.127532
There is no sure fire way, but for me it started with a tiny doubt. If blacks are the same as anyone else, why is their side of town a run down violent shithole? From there, it escalated to normicon dr3, then I found more plausible answers in places like this where there is no censorship or filtering. Once I figured out my teachers were lying to me for years, it gave me 'moral permission' to throw away their programming, if that makes any sense.
The holocaust was my final redpill, and what changed me was this statement:
"The holocaust is thermodynamically impossible."
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a495b0 No.127592
When I said sure fire where I didn’t literally mean works everytime. I was more thinking of outlining which redpills to start with to slowly get people thinking before hitting them with the big ones like race realism and JQ.
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0d068a No.127760
I've thought about this a lot, Sure fire way? No, there's not even anything close to that for (de)programming, at least not in the public science.(t. neuroscience grad student) So I'm gonna ignore the point of your question and just write a blog post (enjoy):
In principle the whole thing boils down to challenging your old beliefs and replacing/revising them. Obviously easier said than done because there are infinite defence mechanisms if you try the head on methods like debate and spitting facts. That's why its rare, but still pretty much impossible for women and other neuro-typicals to be converted like this. The other option is to take the backdoor and do it subliminally or nudge them in the right direction and make it so they come to the conclusion you want. That's the one that is most effective for the enemy so I'll focus on this option.
I encourage everyone to read up on predictive processing and REBUS. (http://pharmrev.aspetjournals.org/content/71/3/316.abstract)
The linked paper has to do with the effect of psychedelics but it gives good insight into some leading neurocognitive theory.
QRD of major points:
-There is a continuum between the brain being chaotic (psychosis, schizo) and rigid (extreme OCD). The optimal balance between the two is the critical point. (Entropic Brain Hypothesis)
-Normal waking consciousness (NWC) is tuned to be slightly more ordered than critical (NWC is at a sub critical point)
-Psychedelic drugs act to reduce the functional architecture of the brain so that there is less order. i.e. shifts the system towards criticality
-This reduces the weight we ascribe to our previously held beliefs and allows for new perspective and new insight, i.e. more chaotic/entropic brain => less weight to held beliefs => changed beliefs
This is one of the main theories out right now to explain how people get life changing effects from psychedelic therapy. But the mechanism is general and is even theorized to also explain the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.
So what does this mean for our purposes? The previously held beliefs are the target, that is the agitprop we're fighting. But in normal waking consciousness these beliefs are foundational and to question them is to slide into chaos, something that a normal brain strongly resists. So if we want them to be more receptive to a message you need to increase entropy in the brain to shift it towards criticality. We know that things like meditation, mindfulness, and psychedelic drugs do this and are efficacious in altering deeply held priors. So any plans should include something like these or try to emulate their action.
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0d068a No.127761
The obvious and most potent deprogramming then would be a hero-dose of LSD with a red-pilled trip-sitter as a sort of hippy Virgil. But this isn't really practical since they would have to agree to it. Also, that assumes you have friends, and are cool enough to convince them to do such a thing, which is unlikely. (Note for retards and glowniggers: DO NOT DOSE ANYONE WITHOUT PERMISSION)
In terms of emulating their action, it is tricky since there's not a ton of research on this. Any research there is doesn't really lend itself to operationalization. For example, decreasing activity of the default mode network seems to be important for the psychedelic effect, but how can we come up with strategies that result in lowered DMN activity? Obviously we can't monitor that, so aiming explicitly for that endpoint makes no sense. But the ideal strategy should assume a meditative/psychedelic-type brain state, or act in such a way as to mimic a meditative/psychedelic brain state.
I haven't fleshed this out fully (it probably reads like schizo rambling), but here are some generally ideas of mine that follow from the above:
- Perspective is key. Use analogy, abstraction, metaphors…etc. try to get them to experience the other perspective emotionally, not rationally (this is why real art will be so important).
- The mindset of the target is important if you're going the back-door route. The closer to zen the better. I was thinking maybe get an old paki to larp as a "guru" on social media. Just spout platitudes and basic white girl level spirituality and eventually to run short meditations with some very very subtle redpills (working title: operation snake-charmer). LibFems are vulnerable to the BS myth of the Indian wise man. Any rational person would look at that Bikram dude and see a crazy creep but LibFems see a god, this should be exploited.
- Maybe something to take advantage of the growing psychedelic drug culture? Perhaps a video or playlist to accompany the trip (there is already stuff like this) and it's filled with individualistic messages and the importance of traditional values. Though fucking with people while they're tripping is really dangerous and should not be done!
-Aim for something that doesn't draw a reaction immediately, ideally an idea that gets stuck in their head and they come back to later on their own.
This is all theoretical, I've never tried this on anyone but I was writing a paper on predictive processing/psychedelics and I think it is huge in how the Cathedral controls the culture. It will also be key in freeing ourselves from that control. Let me know what you faggots think or if you have ideas on concrete ways to apply this.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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e78b66 No.127767
You want to guide people to conclusions in a way that makes them feel like they arrived there by themselves. The vast majority of people don't like to admit that they're ignorant/misinformed, especially when it involves lifelong-held beliefs. Basically, use the socratic method.
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8a80c6 No.127777
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ab0796 No.127787 
It take about three generation to change a society, so its got to start now with government directives to school teachers or withhold gov. funds to make real history taught in the class rooms at
schools and university's
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5cc015 No.127815
It's difficult not to ram the red pill down their stupid fuckin gullets when it all seems so obvious. It's frustrating when the majority of people are dumber than dog shit.
I think another good weapon in the arsenal is to point out the contradictions in things to fuck with their cognitive dissonance.
"It's weird how all those people protested over that black dude being killed by police, but no one got upset over that white lady who was also shot by the police, and she was actually reporting a crime not committing one"
"What I don't get is why they make such a big deal about the holocaust, didn't communism kill like a hundred million people? Yet they don't teach you much about that in school"
"What confuses me about vaccines is why people who have their kids vaccinated care whether other people have their kids vaccinated. If the vaccines work, why would it matter?"
"Why is that Africa is for black people, Asia is for Asian people, the Middle East is for Middle Eastern people but white countries are for everyone? No one ever criticises the Japanese for not letting foreigners in, yet they seem to have very little crime and no terrorist attacks so maybe they're onto something?"
Watch them struggle to defend the lies they believe in. We need to get better at this because the war we are fighting is one fought with information and the kikes are pretty good at twisting the truth.
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8e5e51 No.128045
What you neegars NEEED to realize is that No one will follow authoritarians. YOu fucking zog shills.even the kkk is evolving. you need to evolve as well. natsoc belongs in the past. zog won. get over it. what we need is a small and efficient government. and that's it. Uncle adi was not a moderate. lol he preached WAR when he was in ww1. in the trenches.
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aaf104 No.128050
Isn't this precise effect basically achieved with recorded media? >>94869
Every end to the paths of reasoning I take is that control of the (dominant) media must be seized. And right now, that media is the web, and non-p2p technology puts up barriers of financing and legal battles if we ever want to have a say in its content. So this must change.
>YOu fucking zog shills
lol Hasbara can't even find operatives who type as if they aren't on meth these days
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8e5e51 No.128052
>ol Hasbara can't even find
anon i dont do drugs.
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aaf104 No.128053
Well perhaps you should try. I recommend a gram of fentaynl.
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8e5e51 No.128056
you sneaky little joo
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364f45 No.128073
In my case, deprogramming did not enter my mind until I literally thought my lifestyle was killing me. That would be general enough for a transfer of some wisdom, which for me is to ignore other degenerates. We're all hardwired to seek dopamine hits, and exercise appears to be the sustainable way.
Weakness is not meekness.
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64cbf6 No.128427
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affb19 No.128492
You're literally brain damaged. Nothing you've said is legitimate, shill.
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1e37a8 No.128870
People are willing sheep. How can they be deprogrammed from their own nature? They cannot be deprogrammed. The only thing to do is to replace the voice of authority with one that isn't so self destructive and contrary to truth.
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50c479 No.129030
No but "Yuri" did. Because he was a (((CIA))) mouthpiece.
Also an oil driller that obviously didn't point to the JQ.
Terry would have run him over with his car.
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670ea3 No.129032
Untermensch fag detected
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8610ba No.129164
No one OF VALUE will follow autoritarians.good people only want freedom and democracy. You are the shill here.
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d76d6a No.129173
>oy vey goyim whites bad natsoc bad
>i use buzzwords to make you worship jewish ideologies
>oy vey be libertarian because jews love it and jews are good
You're literally brain damaged. Nothing you've said is legitimate, shill. We will never do what you want. You have failed.
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20d1bc No.129218
hey retard, since when is libertarian-ism is the only non-authoritarian ideology? are you that dense?
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201f61 No.129398
I believe capacity building is the key.
Doing things for yourself is rewarding, and goyim will quickly discover to their annoyance how many things they are in fact prohibited from doing independently.
Simple challenges that are non-political in nature and suitable for both men and women, Ideally social in nature and help revive the Volk.
>make your own bread and give it to someone
>Don't buy any store-bought sauces
>Don't use your phone for the week
>Grow a vegetable/herbs and give them to a neibour
>Go clean up a bag of rubbish from somewhere
>repair something in your house
>do ten pushups every day for a week
We can all benefit from such activities by gaining skills, self esteem and independence- and such efforts are likely to go viral and hard to hijack to any ends.
If Communists or Jews wish to pervert such efforts we still make a marginal gain.
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13a7aa No.129483
Three things to keep in mind…
1. Most people follow the heard/consensus
2. Whoever controls education also control the masses
3. Most people consider themselves to be knowing and right
Long term strategy: Do it like the Marxists, study and become a teacher. Journalism and Politics are the best attack vectors.
Short term strategy: Make people in your social sphere stop watching TV, and make them being critical to any MSM information. Drop redpills in a non invasive manner. Instead of straight forwad educating people and shoving facts down their throat, play dumb and ask questions. This way the person gets put in the good feeling position of the educator who is helping you, but in reality your questions are directing thier thought process.
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13a7aa No.129493
Emotions control thought.
This is especially true for women. Also keep in mind, because of evolution, Women and Man respond to different emotion-triggers. Women for example are more prone to triggering via "care taking reflex" (starving/poor/ill children…) or "sexual market value" (their beauty, their ability to get a Man…). While Man are more prone to triggering via "Protector reflex" (Woman gets raped, or a animal or child gets tortured…) or "economics/wealth" (their ability to get money). Try to use these triggers to your advantage…
Fear is a good trigger in general. Fear of loosing your job, your wealth, your health. Fear of raising crime rates, of rape, of abusive husbands…
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d8be3b No.129580
This first image is very true. The Frankfurt School was able to get into our elite colleges through the humanities. Once they got into the admin side, they used that leverage to ruthlessly and relentlessly install their own co-ethnics and fellow travellers into positions of power. Now they totally own the institution that trains (brainwashes) all whites either wealthy, talented, or connected enough to get in. And no matter what kind of racial or gender quackery they come up with, the institutional prestige seems to protect them completely.
They've pretty much turned our own elites against us.
What we need to do is either the same type of infiltration to take our own institutions back, AND/OR set up alternatives like online colleges to undermine them.
Unfortunately, we dont have a nation state like the Soviet Union to back us. We dont have any billionaires on our side either, they've been brainwashed the same as our other elites.
What we could do us set up collective organizations…
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58b5dd No.129673
Humor is the only way.
Look how successful Pepe was.
Anime style characters speaking red pills and being funny works too. You hit right in people's comfort zones then. Then they will share it. Then it spreads everywhere.
(Pic related, I can't meme though.)
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2d99bc No.137439
Beginning at the level of recovery from physical torture, the indoctrination regime of Orientalist and Kike Zionism in Western Culture could, in a white ordered white run institution, be contained and reframed. This would involve flushing and prohibiting all kikes from staff and client participation. These kikes are figuratively torturing our genitals on a routine basis in our own nations. This and the life long syndromic effects are not even remotely tolerable. http://circwatch.org/
Lenk below is a poor example since it is grotesquely pozzed; but the basic clinical structure does have a real world foundation that could be repurposed and refined to serve Europid suffering. See: https://www.cvt.org/
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c6aaae No.137797
This one might actually work.
The fact of the matter is that the commonly portrayed model of "programming" as means to cause cognitive dissonance isn't entirely correct. It's true that it happens when you try to convince them they've been lied to, but the point is that it never gets to that point.
The true programming isn't meant to make normies believe 100% of what they've been fed rather it's to cause a complete cognitive shut down when confronted with anything that tries to undermine the social engineering. It doesn't matter what follows, be it a completely valid argument and appeal to reason or nigger speak devoid of value. It won't be processed and comprehended anyways.
So the only way to get to them is when they have their guard down. What's needed is a subtle mix of truth and lighthearted media but usually there needs to be much more of the latter so the killswitch doesn't trip.
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2d4932 No.138849
Things to note, for anyone thinking of applying these ideas.
A good amount of social intelligence will help vastly.
Do not try to make everyone fall into a rhythm of reflection by default. It seems like a logical opening strategy, but it is better saved for mid/late game.
Choose wisely. You're not here to save the planet.
Don't play armchair general.
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d3a340 No.138897
You can't just say it and not provide a meme picture y'know. It's no fun without it. I demand laughs to end demoralization.
Pic, I tried again… I'm not really a funny person IRL so I need some soap, lampshades made out of jews.
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413227 No.142393
This is all fine but then maybe, just maybe we should really develop a clear methodology.
Like; The Progressive Steps to Redpilling
with possibly two parallel paths, one for leftists, one for normies, or even a path for each type of worker in the society, or one for young and old people, one for man and the other for women, etc.
There was an Odinist book from the beginning of the former century that was very political, in which his author had synthesized short and concise arguments for each type of man of society, to drive the point through.
It's about time we provide these useful tools, guidelines which our proselytes can easily use in society for maximum efficiency.
We have the experience now, we can make them.
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413227 No.142394
Let's have some bullet lists for commies for example. Truth about communism/marxism, about Marx (Mordecai) himself too, etc.
Facts about homos and pedos.
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63ffdd No.142491
Only boomers. Who cares about them, they fuck everything up.
We should make echo sites that echo unbiased news by writing shitty articles. It is what they do
Fear works
That seems like ti would work on many. Personal stories make our brains all gooey
International politics has a huge learning curve. You need to know culture, geography, finance and economics. Most people think the US is the most racist country on the planet.
Women do not do logic. They do emotion and personal gain (emotion or assets). Puppy dog young white boys, show her stories of young white men being poorly effected and say you don't know how to help (write a letter to the school board). If she helps you craft an argument if might help.
No thank you, but fear works.
True, but be cautious. Personally I think most vaccines are fine, but believe just about everything else.
This. Meme magic is real.
Don't mess with things you know little about. I would recommend LSA. Preparing the mind is also very important. LSA and a crash course in real history would be great, but you need to be careful with fear. You do not want fear with psychedelics
Spray them with memes. Something will stick.
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d01a21 No.142515
As stupid as this may sound it is actually the true and the main reason why IMAGEboards dominated online discussion at the pre-(((draconic censorship))) era.
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53a4d0 No.142526
Going to post a truth that's been known for millenia.
There are people who can talk about a thing, but have no understanding.
Like how people talk about programming, deprogramming, maybe even know a thing or two (or imagine they do), but can't do shit.
Beware of teachers going around claiming that they know this and that but don't have any skill. Threads like this are full of them.
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f42579 No.142919
Gore posting esp featuring niggers casually butchering eachother is closest thing. Overrides all the emotional associations with stronger signal. Disgust instinct activation is the key. The second best way is gradual disgust instinct activation through exposure to un whitewashed degeneracy (ie drag queen library hours). Third is mirror neuron disgust activation by responding naturally to ordinary things with exagerrated disgust response (example pewdiepie calling things disgusting and making face every other sentence.)
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f42579 No.142923
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a264a4 No.142929
>Is there a sure fire way to deprogram people?
No. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
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baf537 No.142966
There is no "surefire" solution, but I think I have the ultimate answer, and his name was Bob Whitaker. Don't take my word for it. Give his material a chance, and try it on some people. Have realistic expectations, but for me personally, I've had very tangible success in changing how people talk and think. Whitaker has given us the language to fully sidestep the "racist" problem white people have.
My primary technique in getting someone to absorb this is to have it briefly repeated from various sources. Be creative as much as possible, but I usually do this by casually mentioning a certain meme to a targeted person spread over a weeks or months. Multiple people doing this to a single person slowly over time is the gold standard. E.g." "Racist" is an anti-white slur." and "Diversity means chasing down the last white person." are some dead simple ones. Also see The Mantra.
There's a lot more to this, but to boil it down: the ultimate aim is to pin a specific crime - White Genocide - to a specific offender - the anti-white puppets and their jewish masters. It exploits the white psychology of a sense of fairness, the same way the anti-white meme of "racism" does. Don't discount the White Genocide meme like I originally did, it truly is the real deal we've been looking for.
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788a93 No.143005
Lets take a moment to consider the principles of agency.
Most Jews due to Hebrew rhetoric and Hebrew grammar (including for example numerological associations), lose subconscious agency to the spirit of the Jewish nation and lose some conscious agency to the Jewish god. All other religions experience that to a lesser extent, lesser only due to language.
Lets remember most of them are as much slaves as we are.
Goa'uld inhabit their brains. They suffer more than victims.
They have more to gain by escaping slavery than we do.
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8af2bd No.143029
You do not need to convince everyone, technically you just need 51% of the population if you want to change things democratically, much less otherwise.
Spending all your time trying to persuade every person you meet is a waste of time. Unless you are very talented and convincing you will have a low rate of success. You will not achieve anything by splurging out alt-right memes on normies. The only thing you will do is set off a red flag in their mind and they will brand you as a fascist and once you get there, it's game over. It won't matter if you point out facts, if you use logic or even if you are right. Normies will simply discard anything you say at this point. You can't force someone to accept the truth if he does not want to. Especially in this day and age where accepting and openly telling the truth has such a familial, societal and even professional cost. Why do you think more and more people are starting to wake up and reject the multicultural/globalist/degeneracy agenda ? Because the propaganda has become more and more intense in terms of quantity and violence. The human mind works in a way similar to Newton's law : the harder you push against it, the harder it will resist and work in the opposite direction. This is why (((they))) have been successful during decades : they work via suggestion and emotion rather than brute force : "make black babies" instead of "destroy your race", "be free to abort and sleep with whoever you like" instead of "kill your white babies and don't have children". They work with the mind, not against it.
You need to do the same. You can't force the truth into people's minds but you can make them doubt, you can make them want to know more. Personally I like to use subject that are not directly connected to "hot" topics like the monetary system, the history of debt-slavery, the warmongers, the pedophile rings : things you can't say are morally justifiable and defend. The rest is up to the person. If they want it they will do their own research and eventually reach the same conclusions as us. Because our conclusions are based on the truth and logic instead of emotion and fear of being ostracized. This is the reason so many leftists join or ranks in comparison to right-wingers changing their minds : you can open your eyes to the truth, you can stray away from the lies, but you can't choose to ignore the truth and believe in a lie. Once they stop believing in the narrative that's made for them, once they get a taste of the truth, normies can't go back and it's only a matter of time until they completely dismantle the propaganda and indoctrination by themselves.
It is a slow process, it is not 100% effective, but it is the most effective one. Think about your own case : how much time did you need to finally reach the truth ? It's been 10 years and I still don't know everything. You can't put years of research, debate and thought in a 10-minute conversation, but you can start the process.
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9a9e7e No.143044
Step 0: Understand that the people you are talking to fundamentally think differently than you and stop projecting your good faith desire to understand the truth onto them.
Look at pic related, you're almost certainly along the side of the alpha/delta, you're a reasonably intelligent man and to the extend you are not smart you're smart enough to understand your limits and this tones down your confidence. If you are a beta you'll likely be able to admit it. Your confidence, ambition, competence and intelligence are closely related, each influences the other.
Leftists are gammas. Liberals and civnats are betas. Women, jews and non-whites are, across the board, less competent than white men. Betas, in a healthy society, are fine, they follow the alphas and know their place. The problem is gammas. Gammas typically don't exist naturally. They are made. They are the spoiled brats, the participation award children, the hot woman everyone simps for. Jews who are told they're the chosen who can do no wrong. Niggers who were told we were kangs. Stronk womenz who need no man. These are the delusions that make gammas.
The world of the gamma is completely different from the other three. They are owed things they can not possibly obtain through merit. They can not accept the truth under any circumstance. Everything is a self-aggrandizing lie. Harrison Bergeron was a warning lies can only lift them so far. They have to tear down those with actual merit just to have any chance to compete. Betas invariably side with gammas because they are uplifted by the same mechanisms. While they are unwilling and incapable of achieving on their own they are usually happy to be elevated above their station and fill some good paying make work job.
This is why everything is about social signaling. It's all about peacocking while destroying anything that's genuinely good or beautiful. They can never stop attacking the competent and successful. They can never stop lying. They can never stop telling themselves the comforting lies that they are the good guys. This is why they'll engage in mental gymnastics to justify the most insane things imaginable. This is why emotions trump reason. This is why they will never leave you alone.
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9a9e7e No.143046
Step 1:
Once you understand how they think you can understand how to combat them. It's not hard. They told you how. "Don't judge me" "No bullying" "No shaming"
Yes, it's that simple: Judgement, shame, bullying. Social condemnation. Laughter and mockery. What do all these things do? They lower your social status. No one sides with the judged. No one sides with the laughing stock. No one sides with the outcast.
Create a moral conclusion. You support this because you're a bad person. You believe this because you're a coward. You do this because you're lying scum. You are disgusting for perpetuating this lie. You're repugnant for covering up for this crime. You're a traitor. You're prividedged.
Why? You're afraid. You're lazy. You benefit somehow. You're a coward. Since you are one of these things
But the one thing they are not is stupid. They are not ignorant. Because…
Step 2:
Here is where you use your logic and evidence. Create a case for your moral condemnation. The fact is everyone knows 13/50. Everyone knows about ZOG. Everyone knows who they can't criticize. Not everyone knows fags reproduce through abuse, but many do. If you suspect they genuinely don't know these things, never admit that. Always call them a liar when they claim ignorance. Always call them a liar when they pretend to be stupid.
If you know how criminal niggers are, it's immoral to pretend they are not. If you know what fags do to kids it's immoral to be a faggot. If yow know what kikes are up to it's immoral to be a philosemite.
Step 3:
Offer a way to save face. This is the point of bullying, judgement and shame. You were wrong to do that, but it's ok, you just have to reject further evil. You were forced into believing the lies of your professor. You were tricked by the kike media into thinking you were alone. But you're not alone. You don't have to pretend anymore. You don't have to lie. You don't have to be an accessory to evil.
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9a9e7e No.143055
This type of deprogramming is the only kind that works because it targets what's wrong with these people. A social climber doesn't want be move to a lower position. They only want to move up. It's nearly impossible to tell a lie when you know no one will believe it. There's no point in running a scam where no one will be fooled.
The issue you'll run into is that you'll need at least a neutral venue. They've been gaslit into thinking the consensus is far left insanity. You'll need at least some support to do use social pressure. If it's a 1 on 1, then simply being someone they like and respect will often be enough. If you have some mutual friends who you've already cracked that will side with you then it will be easy.
But be careful. Deprogramming incompetent and delusional people is the same as telling niggers they're retarded disease infested rape apes. Some are going to respond with violence despite the truth of your statements.
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d8267f No.143070
the only ones we need on our side are white chads and white soyboys. White chads for obvious reasons and white soyboys, because among them are lots of vicitims who can be salvaged and turned into men. There is a whole generation of men who were raised by roastie moms, fed xenoestrogens, brainwashed with porn since middle school, taught to hate themselves and their culture since kindergarden, made to feel guilty for being white, and we can't turn on backs on them without at least trying to recover some of them. We really need to try to fix them before we just throw them all in ovens. They are still our brothers and we must try to recover them. No one else matters. don't waste time on women (they will follow the chads) or the boomers (they will soon be dead). And you do this by first making yourself strong physically, mentally confident, and having the knowledge to be unwavering in your beliefs when you talk to other men.
Once you're a chad yourself, or at least the best version of yourself you can be, its easy to get what I call soyboy groupies. Seriously, most chads will obviously avoid soyboys because they don't want to be associated with them. But from personal experience, I've had success with this conversion process. Maybe because I wasn't a born chad, I was a late bloomer so I have some empathy for them. I became chad in college, I was a male stripper for a couple years, quickly got red pilled on women first obviously, then red pilled on jews much later. I mention this only to emphasize I've seen it from both sides of the fence. I eventually cleaned up my act and worked in the corporate world in IT.
So fast forward, I'm working for a fortune 500 a few years ago, and I had this nerdy simp guy that would follow me around the office, a co-worker from another dept, I though he was gay at first, like why is this fag always around me? I was thinking. He would see how the women treated me at work even though I was an aloof and really paid them no attention. He would simp to them and get nowhere. We start talking one night when there's an after work mixer at a bar, it was a media thing. and we just start talking about girls in the office, and I realize he's just a normal dude but misguided. I took him under my wing so to speak. We start hanging, I start training him at the gym, we go to shooting range, etc. He almost became like a younger brother. Of course I find out he was raised by a single mom. Eventually we start talking politics, its all baby steps. But now I consider him a good friend. And it feels like I saved a mans soul in the process.
become the chad you want to be
lead others to becomeing chad
save the white race
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4bfb9a No.143109
The best way is to let the libs and minorities screw them over. The pain and loss will change them. It did me.
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5308b1 No.143179
There were actual real camps with a whole denazification of germany by the allies, total mind control, so much that you can see what is being to europe now without even a decent peep.
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3e4d83 No.143217
It's a good idea, memes can be made around this. Most of the 8chan army has disappeared, and they're the only ones who can recall that sort of data. Most of the meme artists are back at the pozzed 4chan.
You can make a horse drink if you feed it salt. Salty tears of joy, remember the day Trump won and the leftists melted and cried? hah, good times.
I need some more salt memes.*inhales* maaannnn, gibme da salt meme maannne.I need da salt meeems.
Thank you anon for that enlightening post. I met a gamma female once, and yes, they try to tear down others, and grossly manipulate surreptitiously. Seeing it written out is astonishing. She even told us she was a gamma! I didn't know what that meant at the time. Now I do, and now I know why her family was into vice. Extra note- Her sister was BBC'ing it, much to her disgust. Ha!
So how the fuck do we deprogram a degenerate leftist? Universities are pumping them out!
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3e4d83 No.143223
All us Natsocs would turn GAY for YURI BEZMENOV!!!!!!!!
Watch his naughty videos online!
Leftists left in shock!
Seriously.. Imagine if we smash hit the NPC's with such an inverted move? Would their 'literal' heads explode if they watched the videos then?
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9a9e7e No.143369
Most females are gammas. Pic Related, Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, any female "in our movement" saw the "alt-right" as a way to get social status. Then when it backfired they stabbed everyone in the back and disappeared, now they're blowing the boss for a promotion at some office somewhere because they can't get a promotion through hard work.
> So how the fuck do we deprogram a degenerate leftist?
I explained the process here >>143046 once you understand it's all about social pressure and being cool and fashionable you have to create social pressure towards seeing liberal faggotry as repulsive, immoral and contemptible. This is easy because leftism is immoral and degenerate. Associate their positions with untenable ones.
Anyone who is pro-fag or pro muslim call them a child rape apologist.
Sluts are disease spreading whores.
Anti-natalists are cowards who shirk their duty to the next generation.
Anti-whites and zionists are traitors.
Commies and gun control advocates are genocidal lunatics.
You have to be brutal about it. You have to bully and shame them, it's the only things gammas respond to.
The trick is to then offer them a path to salvation. They know having a family and loving your race is the key to happiness. They were weak and made a mistake. That's fine, making mistakes are a part of life. By putting their family, friends and nation first they can become popular and loved instead of hated and reviled.
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53755d No.143382
This. If Gandalf controlled the ring he would just end up making good look evil by enforcing it.
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53755d No.143383
Just prove to them the kikes genocided Christians in Russia. That's what redpilled me. You can't win by trying to make victim narratives "uncool." They're embedded into human instincts which is why religions have them. The only way to win is to make a better victim narrative. If you don't you're just cucking yourself by not really playing the game in any capacity that matters whatsoever.
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d01a21 No.143392
That doesn't make alphabetical sense.
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a1d97c No.143429
random comment : i believe mental & physical flexibility are similar (if not associated) and that it depends on genes and lifestyle. i think it's an incredibly hard problem to tackle and that it's the youth that's most vulnerable and adults these days are not doing their job
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02ebf3 No.143601
This, nature will redpill itself. As in history repeats.
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d01a21 No.143775
The issue is not redpilling nature, the issue is redpilling our subspecies before we go the way of the dodo.
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529e4e No.144948
It's not just about redpilling white people, everyone needs to be redpilled. We have all be lied to in one way or another. We have to realize that some people and cultures are just not compatible and should simply peacefully separate. There is nothing wrong with this idea in any moral sense and I believe that it will make everyone happier in the long run. In addition, it will allow everyone to focus on actually important issues instead of just fighting of none sense.
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2a342e No.145494
>You have to be brutal about it.
Brutality usually triggers a shutdown response: I'd be careful with that. There is nothing more "painful" to the psyche than giving up core tenets one is convinced about … due to the simple fact that it would mean personally admitting to having been a complete failure and idiot. Few minds are ready to do this. Instead, offer a way out once you managed to get some "hooks" into their personality and trigger doubts about their convictions: convince them that they have been lied to, that they have been deceived. The notion of being lied to generally does induce a strong feeling of revulsion … it is not easy to get to that point but it is easier to first "deprogram" them by merely showing them that those they derived their original "ideals" from have deceived them in one way or another. Mind you, at this point you DON'T yet offer an alternative (which is usually the exact same opposite of their original world view). Instead, leave them in despair and revulsion, let the feeling eat into their hearts. Once it has festered enough within them they will literally beg you for an alternative view. Simple as.
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32af67 No.145512
They rape kids to disable this epigentic switch. Intensity of disgust response predicts left-right axis 90%. That fucking simple. Chans churn out right wingers due simply to disgusting filth turning this switch on. Same thing with Weimar Republic. Very simple really.
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2a342e No.145517
Have to say here though that epigenetics are mostly pseudoscience aside from promoter silencing on a purely cellular level and some effects you see during early embryogenesis. Disgust response is primarily explained by subtle genetic variations in the dopaminergic system (and therefore emotional processing) as well as interaction of said system with environmental (learned) cues. Please excuse my autism here but too much faulty information circulates in these regards.
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5275cc No.145626
Understand propositional logic and worldviews. L2 transcendental arguments. If you're gonna try to memorize a bunch of different methods for different groups that's pretty dumb. You don't have to do that. Most of the crap people have been fed is in fact crap. if them simply being around you makes them start understand p's and q's better chances are they're gonna start questioning stuff.
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5275cc No.145627
Meaning you're gonna have to understand enough about what you intend for them to question. When you understand the Socratic method, the relevant approach writes itself, you just keep direction. There's who, what, where, when, why and how, but those can't cover all the branches of philosophy, that's just how it's dumbed down for a 6th grade reading level.
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257f60 No.147108
What, what if, we start the theory that the leftists are supporting Nazism?
Here me out. Nazism is a slur word against the Natsoc groups. Nazism's 'functional truth' is what the jews say it is, which is basically everything israel does. Slave trade, organ harvesting, racial discrimination, race supremacy, government overreach, and more. It would bite the leftists brain in half if they were found to 'be supportive of Nazism, by supporting israel and jews (doing said things).'
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6e8680 No.147437
"the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible"
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09b298 No.147464
I suggest soporific drugs and allegorical puppet shows
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7b277b No.147465
The way Asha Logos puts it feels best to me. When you want to help somebody reach the truth then you need to meet them halfway between the truth and where they are now. Instead of shouting at them with words they could never understand.
Basically look for people who have somewhat stubborn natures when it comes to the modern "society" and give them breadcrumbs to help. Ask a leading question or get them to think about some line of logic. Let them figure it out themselves.
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efc88a No.147474
It's easy, just look at my edits. Just take whatever comes out of your mouth and return it to you.
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eca35c No.147496
use sexual propaganda
present whites as strong and masculine
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91a205 No.147517
I'd like to throw something in…
A simple strategy to spread redpills on social media:
1. Make a normie comment (like "All humans are equal! Not Hate!") very early on a trending video/post.
2. The next day you comment might be at the top as it has 500 likes and 100 comments like "I support this!" and "Yes!" from lefties.
3. Edit the comment to a redpill of your choice (based enough to seed doubt about the MSM narratives, not so based that your account gets terminated).
4. Thousands of people will read your redpill as it is a top comment, many will believe it's information as so many people seem to like and support your views.
Hint: Via VPN and anonymous zero-credit pre-paid SIMs ( which cost like 1 buck (with zero credit, but for receiving confirmation codes when registering a account you don't need credit) you can create a large amount of accounts for cheap. Even when some accounts get terminated, you will still have many to continue. For just 10 bucks a month you can safely spread dozens of redpills with high-level of reach.
Just a thousand people doing this will have a noticeable impact!
More propaganda tactics in my next post…
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91a205 No.147522
Another good way, in spirit of focusing on the education sector, is making Quora accounts to spread redpills. For the ones not aware, Quora is a question-and-answer website with 10 million visitors per day. On the website questions are asked and answered by users, either factually or in the form of opinions.
1. Make multiple Quora accounts (via VPN etc. like described in my prior post)
2. Focus on certain areas of questions/answers (ie. WW2) this will give you a "specialist status" (resulting in Quora and People actually requesting answers from you on the topic)
3. Drop redpills early and boost your answer with your other accounts
4. Thousands of people will read the redpills.
Answering questions is easy and can be done "in between" (toilet, bus, waiting time…) via Cellphone. A dozen per day is doable even if you got a job and a family.
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51be1e No.148731
Boomers can be redpilled and be very useful with the wealth they’ve accumulated over time. Use your redpills from a anti-commie and pro-Christian perspective. The Cold War
Propaganda still exists in their minds so use it. Also I personally believe we should call ourselves National Populists instead of socialists simply because too many boomers and normies see the word socialism and think commie shit at least from xp in the US when we despise Marxism. That’s just some of my thoughts. I’ve even converted a couple of Qboomers believe it or not with this tactic.
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887b02 No.148770
Throw lots of truth at them even if they dismiss and deny it. Eventually they'll be hit with something that breaks the barrier for them.
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5cbdd5 No.148782
To the sleepers… No one can save you. No one can and no one may. YOU. MUST. WALK. THE. ROAD. YOURSELF. Sorry OP you can't do it for them. They have to do it. Themselves when they are ready.
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7b277b No.149028
Truth bombardment can be effective, but the only thing that will change their mind is themselves.
This is why I like Asha Logos Subverted History series so much. The first episode is a concentrated amount of truth, and if somebody is receptive to it then it can help redirect them entirely.
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a1a0e6 No.153388
Even if you can deprogram people what do you hope to achieve?
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468f9f No.153415
The total destruction of your jewish tyranny.
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754683 No.153567
>That Freudian slip
It's true. Jews have been putting themselves in ovens recently.
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9e6e01 No.153584
I agree. I think Hitler had the right idea – forging a genuine, modern national identity. The issue is that his name has forever been coded within most people's minds as something completely irredeemaable, so any mention of it, or any ideas connected to him, will be immediately and irrevocably rejected.
We need someone and an ideology with his idealism, but fit for the modern age. And it'll work too, if it ever comes around. Remember, before Hitler, people resented Napoleon, but now that name has been consigned to moral ambiguity. Someone who can embody the ideals of Hitler and men like him, without the accompanying atrocity, or at least one that looks better from a modern optics standpoint, will run the world.
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188777 No.153593
I do not have a quick and easy solution but I do know how people can improve themselves to be able to recognize truth.
So yes, there is a sure-fire way but it requires a certain level of commitment. Yoga practices and sadhana, along with a healthy diet and conscious action throughout the day will stabilize the system and bring about clarity. Or in other words, when the body works at its best and the mind perceives things just as they are, there will be nothing to see but truth. You can never hope to know truth when you yourself are a mess. Your body isn't working at its best, your mind is cluttered with nonsense, your emotions are all over the place and your energies are low. Bringing forth balance is the first thing that should be done because if there is balance, information like the truth about Hitler's Germany and the current state of the world will not freak people out and send them into a state of frantic denial. As much as I myself recognize the seriousness of what is going on and want to show the truth to people, it would be foolish to do so and yield no results because something more fundamental is wrong.
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419ba7 No.153645
People need to be healthy and it starts with their bodies. Our reckless desires and complacency have ensured that we do not know where our food or water comes from. We have handed that responsibility to the state. And the state is putting mind numbing chemicals in them. And possibly much much more. The problem is a lack of self responsibility. People are leaving nothing for their children and give nothing to their parents, who in old age are vulnerable. We have all sold out for material gain. We were all fooled that everyone needs one of everything, that we could all get to the “top” in this ratrace. When in fact we hold up the top. America and her citizens have run a fucking mok on the world through their inability to rise against the tyranny of the worlds superpower and the world and her people suffer greatly from it. We are responsible. If you want this revolution to go peacefully then get some land with as much family/friends as you can and start planting and digging wells. Refuse to spend or make money and starve out the system. Any “but” or “what if” you can come up with against this plan is rooted deeply in desire/ego/fear and doesn’t serve you, as you can see from the current state of the world. If it’s going to be violent then you will still gather your friends and family and still have to secure land and food and water, that which isn’t poisoned. The fog in your head is from toxins. The lethargy. The depression. The anger. ALL built up by toxins and stored emotion (literal chemicals you store when in extreme moments of emotion that can’t be released, that’s why eventually the smallest of things will make you snap). You are SICK and they want it that way. Begin fasting/researching/planting/supplementing your way out of this state of health so your mind can be clear and you spirit fully engaged in everything you do. your body is a key to your enlightenment/fulfillment that activates a healthy mind and spirit. You can’t have those without a clean, balanced body. Or sit there and lose everything anyway. They will/are taking you by force and subterfuge. You don’t have a choice in this. Already chem trails and cellphones have FAR more of an impact and tell them about us WAY more than most of us care to realize. Put this shit down. Quit paying for your enslavement. You are sick because they want you to be. Get healthy.
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998fd9 No.153743
The problem is the demoralisation part. Most people are hooked on booze, drugs, fast food and pornography. They haven't been raised in a society prepared to protect them from that.
It is immensely difficult to escape these jewish devices. I only escaped because I lived on my own in Asia and spent a lot of time online, if you have a family and a hectic job you will simply never give yourself the time to get red pilled. It took years to fully deprogram myself, I had so many internal arguments about stuff, it is such a painstaking process, I don't see millions of normies being prepared to do that.
If we controlled the media it would be easy.
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99488f No.153747
Noone dies from measles, and Jews dont vaccinate.
You can try with the real forgotten history, it will all be attempted to be erased soon. As you can see yt deleting every documentary.
Also showing the real world without cnn filter…
Ofc years and years of brainwashing results in the goy living in a dream world, not sure if you can ever reverse that. It all started when they were children. Also note that vaccines contain formaldehyde, and thimerosal-mercury, and the adhd causing aluminium (, if they dont die from all this) that will destroy their brain, and soul, also make them weak and sick.
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38990e No.153761
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38990e No.153764
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38990e No.153765
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38990e No.153766
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38990e No.153768
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38990e No.153769
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38990e No.153771
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38990e No.153772
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4da45e No.153824
There's no surefire way to persuade anybody. General persuasion literature is probably as good as anywhere else to start. The ability to listen to another and get a true sense of their personality is helpful in all circumstances in which persuasion is a goal.
My best advice is this:
First: Be/become somebody who is worth listening to and worth trusting. If you're a shambling weirdo known for ranting about the flat earth and the nonexistence of space (despite your professed belief in aliens from outer space), then you're just a clown. If you're a hard working and/or otherwise accomplished person who gives people the benefit of the doubt and makes their lives better with your presence then you're going to have an ear for anything.
Second: If you are a person worth listening to, work on opening yourself up to new acquaintances just enough that they are able to see it immediately. Build up an aura worthy of a genuine/trustworthy/intelligent/studied fellow. Normies/lefties/whoever can often tell when somebody is the real deal, even if they're not sure why. The messenger is important. He is critically important. Committed lefties will still probably react to you as vampires to Holy Water, but oh well. Catch one in the right mood and you might win.
An example: I've met gay fellers and less-beehyuns (read in JLP's voice) and, within a single conversation, asked them about any prior abuse that may have led to their current state and voiced that I think they're on the wrong path. Without exception, they're neither hostile nor offended–often they're glad to open up to a kind stranger. The key is that I don't have any animosity towards them (hate the sin, not the sinner, right?) and they can sense it. Even normies have elaborate circuitry for sensing the overall disposition of an interlocutor, so if you're legit they'll feel it.
Active listening and coming across as well-read (don't try to fake it, too easy to spot a fraudulent "scholar") are enough to get people to listen to your case.
Bonus points for having a level of expertise in an unrelated (or seemingly unrelated) discipline. If you're able to banter about something interesting yet accessible you can show a potential convert your chops before you even begin to discuss anything verboten.
tl;dr: if you're intelligent, kind, and know what you're talking about, you can win.
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b4bac5 No.153829
Excellent answer. But they all want gibs.
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4da45e No.153837
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72e5f1 No.153842
deltas are the missing link in the chart and it's somewhat political that they didn't rename the other cases, too much baggage around beta and gamma.
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72e5f1 No.153843
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72e5f1 No.153844
I'm not sure the outcome is favorable and probably would be too overt to get through their cognitive dissonance.
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72e5f1 No.153846
Solid post, this also illuminates the challenges we face because of poor leadership and persecution of good leadership, we are up to our noses in deltas, some of histories greatest figures were deltas like Cicero or Goebbels but these men are slow to act if not led well, we lack sincere leadership, because our delta hordes are waiting for Hitler 2.0 and hitler may well have been a delta himself who was forced into actualization by circumstance.
I think we may not get the leadership until the collapse begins so we need to pursue ideological unification now so that after the lights come back on we aren't fighting each other over minutiae.
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acaf23 No.154104
This is what I use -
Do banks control the world? Yes
Now realize that unearned interest is what keeps the wealthy so rich and money is power right?
Now imagine that your private gang have been stacking interest for you and all the Christians and Muslims for almost 2,000 because of Usury laws!
Now who runs the banks?
Compound Interest is the Nuclear Bomb of the financial world!
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02bfda No.154360
Why deprogram when you can create culture? Make music, video, books, images and release them into the wild rather than trying in vain to weaponize your ossified memetic committments? This is far too totalitarian a mindset to succeed, and especially since we're living in postmodern, posthuman hyperreality. The goal is not truth or falsity, only the hegemonic arresting of peoples' attention in the present technocratic/virtualized social arrangement. Ellul drew a distinction between dialectical and logical evolution in The Technological Society. In a sense it could be argued that the scientistic edifice of technocracy is the dimension inside which is fitted an artificial ideological dialectical hyperreality, arresting as it does the mass public attention and misdirecting, thus neutralizing, more or less everyone just shy of the mountain top thereby.
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074a13 No.155136
He was just deplatformeed from twatter for shitposting so hard that (((communism))) went trendings' and most of his file names are old infinity numbers
Writing style matches up with this too. Looks like deprogrammer anon is back in the game.
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788a93 No.155194
What do you mean by dialectic?
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7da3f0 No.155826
Ok here's my story of going from normie to /pol/ to a lefty to whatever the fuck I am now.
>start out as a normie kid who's only conception of politics is a vague sense of 'republicans bad'
>I was socially awkward and spent a long time online. Specifically on 4chan.
>When /pol/ was created I spent a lot of time there.
>I got fairly redpilled in the sense that I wanted a 4th Reich and whatnot.
>Trump won and the alt-right turned into an utter cringefest. It became very clear that this movement was cucked nonsense.
>I also realized that a lot of the people in the movement (even the more serious neo-nazi types) were just dumbfuck degenerates who were either pedophiles or conspiracy theorists who were genuinely fucking garbage at researching things.
>This led me to the belief that most of the far right is just glowie misinformation.
>I was led away from racism because the vast majority of pro-white propaganda I had sense was nonsense.
>I then gained an understanding of marxist class analysis. This led me to the belief that a lot of the issues people have with minority communities are infrastructure based and the only reason racism is perpetuated in society is that it divides the lower classes.
>I believed (and sort of still believe) that capitalism will possibly collapse in my lifetime (or at least in this century) leading to the destruction of societal infrastructure and either fascism or socialism rising.
>Now I'm realizing that the far right wasn't entirely stupid, there are probably some pretty genuine white nationalists in powerful positions who are plotting shit within the government, and I may live to see some real 'night of the long knives' tier shit.
>At this point I don't know what to believe. Only that when shit falls apart I want to survive and ensure that humanity/society survives.
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dbcb5f No.155832
You have to change their genetics unfortunately. That's in the hands of people foaming at the mouth with marxism.
They want you fat, stupid, and useless.
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dbcb5f No.155833
If you want people to be redpilled these days you'll have to create the right kind of virus. People are absolutely shut off to anything thats not on the TV or mainstream media including 'muh red pill' nonsense.
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7da3f0 No.155835
I'm gonna go ahead and tell you shit like this doesn't work. Not only are you posting this on a massively popular imageboard where everyone would just see your post shared all over twitter, but leftists don't support Israel. And the idea that you would call them 'Nazis' and try to conflate 'the group that hated the Jews the most in recent history' with 'the people who regularly call others nazis and also Jews themselves' is just a mess of logic that nobody will ever believe.
Stop thinking of this shit as what you think would be funny, or what would convince someone with your own worldviews. You are going at this from the perspective of someone who is already redpilled, not a normie. And that is why you will fail.
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bc4d20 No.156728
From plebbit, but still gives me a chuckle
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bc4d20 No.156730
It's definitely important to have individuals open the door themselves. One example of this I saw recently was on Twitter, the poster said something along the lines of "Blacks want equality but I have no idea how we can convince white guys to rape 20,000 black women a year"
Firstly it's edgy and provocative.
Secondly, it's intentionally inaccurate - and when bluepilled retards get shocked by such a figure the first thing they do is search it on Google after thinking "there's no way that's true" and after finding that the real figure is considerably higher the wheels start turning.
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3b8710 No.156733
honestly i just spam redpills to any form of social media i have available to me. autistic screeching works for the left and i think it was goebbels that said 'make it simple and repeat it enough times until everyone believes it too'
but of course im paraphrasing
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0f594d No.156737
The situation today is comparable to the situation of blacks in France as described by Frantz Fanon. A subservient class of racialized people who only hold worth as long as they acknowledge and uphold the values of the ruling classes. Whites wear a (black) mask. Almost all SWPL behavior can be described as the last actions of a people on the edge of extinction, without a language to explain or even understand it and who are forced to wear a black mask of nigger brown globohomo respectability. Forget that the leftoid pedophile that got shot down was a pedophile for a second and remember his (almost) last words and what he was fighting for. This was a mongrolized white fighting a pseudo-fascist racial insurrection and spoke like a nigger, he was a victim of black supremacy first.
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a259c5 No.156781
I really can't understand, why people are shocked and angry, when they hear about a female who got raped, but don't respond the same when they hear about the coercion of masks for example.
What's the difference ?
Rape is a coercion of sex, while the coercion of masks is the same rape, because you do something against your free will, so it harms your dignity and your soul.
If one type of coercion is illegitimate, why are others legitimate ?
Coercion must be strictly forbidden.
Be it a coercion of sex, wearing masks, paying taxes, TSA security checks…
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aad327 No.157120
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444e59 No.157131
Well, I've been showing my lib family some Yiddler memes, and its working alright.
Can finally have a conversation about Israel without being called a nazi.
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9fd4b9 No.159915
You mean reprogram.
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5d3db3 No.159930
More copypastable posts. Some people are getting smart as fuck in these days. As small as this board is, it has real value.
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5d3db3 No.159933
No he means deprogram. Only the (((bolshevik))) views people as a computer with no human basis.
The cult member is damaged. They have false information internalized to a false belief system. They need deprogramming. Now admittedly, this becomes a problem when almost the entire society is the cult. There becomes a genuine question of where the "baseline" is. Indeed, a (((bolshevik))) could easily make the case that the majority must by definition be correct in their beliefs. But such are the tricks of the (((bolshevik))), and we are wise to them.
Any truly awake human being is capable of redefining the baseline. Pull the archetypes back from your ancestors. They still exist and the full picture can still be reformulated.
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fe0b63 No.160214
Unfortunately the starting point is going to be different for each person as well. I have a midget friend who was a professional wrestler until the kung flu dried up his audience's money to see sporting shows. His starting point was crime stats; him asking my opinion on why "Democrat" I.e. nigger run cities were Whittier than white run cities or even rural areas that were poorer.
My former employer at a computer shop complained about predatory bank loan practices my 3rd day in training. He was a small business owner so it was easier than I had expected to get him to the point of casually saying like in conversations about things we both hated about society.
That could be another valid avenue. Try to be funny when you complain about clown world. Humor has been a tool of subversion for millennia.
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fe0b63 No.160215
Damn phone posting.
Another bump because this topic is important.
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ec4800 No.161306
Get a cheap telescope and show them Saturn's occlusion of the crescent moon, everything else will fall after that kind of a red pill.
monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society for June 8, 1860, Thomas Gaunt stated that the “Occultation of Jupiter by the moon, on the 24th of May, 1860, was seen with an achromatic of 3.3 inches aperture, 50 inches focus; the immersion with a power of 50, and the emersion with a power of 70. At the immersion I could not see the dark limb of the moon until the planet appeared to touch it, and then only to the extent of the diameter of the planet; but what I was most struck with was the appearance on the moon as it passed over the planet. It appeared as though the planet was a dark object, and glided on to the moon instead of behind it; and the appearance continued until the planet was hid, when I suddenly lost the dark limb of the moon altogether.” I have personally also seen stars through the edge of the waxing/waning Moon. It actually happens fairly often; if you are diligent and specifically observing for the phenomenon".
There are many more accounts of stars visible through the moon as well.
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1d05d6 No.161315
any more info on this or better photographs? searching doesn't bring up anything
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ec4800 No.161323
Many accounts of this effect exist from back when people wrote things down. I had no idea about it myself so I never saw the effect until I started looking.
Literally all you need is a cheap telescope from Ebay then just watch the motion of the moon to see if it will intersect any stars. I saw the effect the second day I started looking so it's not exactly rare.
No idea what this could mean other then the moon is a reflection of some kind. Probably read the Vedas or Nazi Welteislehre cosmology.
Sir James South of the Royal Observatory in Kensington wrote in a letter to the Times newspaper April 7, 1848, that, “On the 15th of March, 1848, when the moon was seven and a half days old, I never saw her unillumined disc so beautifully. On my first looking into the telescope a star of about the 7th magnitude was some minutes of a degree distant from the moon’s dark limb. I saw that its occultation by the moon was inevitable … The star, instead of disappearing the moment the moon’s edge came in contact with it, apparently glided on the moon’s dark face, as if it had been seen through a transparent moon; or, as if a star were between me and the moon … I have seen a similar apparent projection several times … The cause of this phenomenon is involved in impenetrable mystery.”
“Philosophical Transactions” for 1794 it is stated:
Three persons in Norwich, and one in London, saw a star on the evening of March 7th, 1794, in the dark part of the moon, which had not then attained the first quadrature; and from the representations which are given the star must have appeared very far advanced upon the disc. On the same evening there was an occultation of Aldebaran, which Dr. Maskelyne thought a singular coincidence, but which would now be acknowledged as the cause of the phenomenon.”
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9f15f1 No.161342
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a7d803 No.161343
Psychedelics will deprogram anyone, the problem is that if you don't have something worthwhile to reprogram them with, the old programming will simply re-assert itself.
Really you need to combine psychedelics with a complete physical separation from the mass media world, such as a mountain retreat or similar.
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e06614 No.161365
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e06614 No.161368
Even infants know some things, it is genetically programmed, so schools must aggressively corrupt their minds at a young age, and there still will be a 3.5% error margin for success.
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43ce16 No.161371
>Is there a sure fire way to deprogram people?
Yes, but you would need to control schools and media, so it's pretty hard after we gave those to jews
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e06614 No.161373
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4edf7a No.161477
>The issue is that his name has forever been coded within most people's minds as something completely irredeemable, so any mention of it, or any ideas connected to him, will be immediately and irrevocably rejected.
True for boomers, not for people born 2000 or later… universally, at least.
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67c9aa No.161713
underrated, this is what redpilled me, realizing that we are prevented from true autarky. It especially works on west coast style eco-liberals, because they already view "local production" as a positive buzzword and are programmed to respond positively to it
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8d81fd No.165142
I've never understood why this concept is constantly presented
You can't possibly accomplish this because their is no sure-fire method or formula to red pill people. Every individual is going to have something that potentially gets them questioning things, some people have no solution, no matter what evidence you present them with, its not going to matter.
Breaking them down into various demographics is just as useless.
If you want a "method" talk to people as individuals, don't make assumptions, see what they believe, what they value and push back.
The big red-pill for me was "the media lies to you" but that doesn't lend itself to conversation because it requires presenting loads of information and isn't reliant on rhetoric.
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788a93 No.166658
Not exactly, since we can account shock.
What causes shock varies, but
we can account for the affects of shock.
we have to make sure we program
a model for self-shaping + genuine choice
not simply the choices we want other to take.
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788a93 No.166659
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0a37f6 No.166684
Only cure is a bullet in the head.
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959f8b No.166759
Not really. You can only awaken people who want to awake. Most people hate to have to learn anything about anything that doesnt directly effect them. The only way more people "wake up" is to attack the system as Dr Pierce described. This whole Covid psyop is waking a lot of normies up, but again you cant just force anything down their throat you can only plant seeds and see who takes the bait then guide the ones that do. I mean what did you have in mind helping people you know personally? Sharing videos and articles etc. Mass awakening? Lolz not gonna happen, you just gotta put stuff out and let them come to you. I made this video archive though so if you just need material to give potential matrix escapees you will find everything you need here
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959f8b No.166767
To add to this, I don't know why the right posts shit like this >>157120. What is happening right now is the biggest red pilling event in history, an accelerationists wet dream. Let the anti-white communists do all the work and take all the risks. The leftards are unironically better disciples of James Mason than rightoids ever were. The leftards are actually out in the streets killing feds, stopping traffic, burning down businesses etc. I mean they are siege personified only rightoids who are pussies don't like what's happening because they are pussies who "want to live in peace and raise a family" etc etc. They just want to go along and get along/ It is like GLR said "conservatives only care about their wallets, National Socilaists care about their race"
These wannabe rightoids aren't really part of the cause they just larp as being part of the cause because they have no where else to go to bitch and complain. Real revolutionaries knew peace was never an option and have just been waiting for when the conflict actually starts and you wont be arrested and prosecuted for exterminating the enemy, waiting for law and order to break down into actual military conflict.
The left is making that happen for us because they are taking it for the team willing to do the shit the right wont do because the right isn't at the point of having nothing to lose yet. You aren't really ever gonna wake up normies, most of them are too stupid to even understand wtf is happening tbh. You dont need to wake them up honestly, you just have to wait until they have nothing to lose and scoop them up as part of your outfit. You only have to give them enough information to morally justify why you are doing what you are doing. Save the red pills for the leaders/commanders.
You think any military "red pills" enlisted men? They just give them orders not tactical and ideological intel briefs, this is for "officers"
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959f8b No.166789
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959f8b No.166802
Why are you posting kindergarten tier shitposting on twatter with someone getting one like with 10 followers you fucking retard? I can only imagine this is you, if not it would be even more sad. You aren't "red pilling" anyone posting shit on twatter for your 10 followers to read you fucking donkey
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959f8b No.166807
Not bad anon, most the people on this website are legit retarded it is rare to read something like this. I wrote this article, how about you give it a read I think I can show you how to take your analysis to a new level
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788a93 No.166853
Beta'es Alpha'es, Gamma'es
When did we start playing sburb and end the world?
Those memes suck, that cognitive framework sucks.
Play homestuck, make friends.
Roleplay if you feel lonely.
Orgasms will make you feel numb.
Don't orgasm if you aim to feel less alone.
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788a93 No.166944
We don't need that incel grammar anymore.
Asexuality ftw.
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3f871b No.184804
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13e40c No.184877
The only things keeping us from deprogramming people are
1. the constant purity spiral leading us to separate outselves from purplepilled ideologies and
2. shills who shoot down every suggestion of IRL meetups. The purplepilled normies ARE meeting, but (1) keeps us from infiltrating their groups.
I guess my working theory is that we have to start with those who are closest to us. Redpill good ol boys and lolberts first, then branch out. Eventually you develop a series of bridges that lead through ideology space from progressive through libertarian back to natsoc, race realism, and ultimately JQ.
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64125c No.184882
>purity spiral
Don’t miscontextualize, anon.
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13e40c No.184913
That argument is the equivalent of muh constitution. You are sticking to your principles while things are getting worse.
>8kun is gonna save the white race.
>All I have to do is wait until we magically win.
Great job retard. Your strategy is indistinguishable from doing nothing at all yet you LARP as though you are NSDAP in 1925.
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3299f1 No.184917
>refusing to compromise on things that you know work is equivalent to refusing to compromise on things that you know don’t work
You don’t have an argument.
>yet another strawman out of thin fucking air that absolutely no one was arguing or supporting
Yep, you’re done.
>your strategy
That’s funny; I haven’t posted a strategy. What’s my strategy, dipshit? Go on. Tell everyone what it is. I’m extremely curious, since I haven’t posted it and clearly you know, so do tell.
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c3d15f No.184919
We need to push our propagandas on tiktok,
I am currently doing stuff like this:
1. Post random memes and stuff till you get like 1k followers or something
2. then start posting right wing memes/ hitler edits/ REDPILLS
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c3d15f No.184920
This is how liberals are radicalising kids on tiktok to become gay:
1,They steal some dancing videos from like beautiful girls accounts
2. They reupload their tiktok videos and in description they wirte: "Do you support lesbians/gays" cause I am lesbian, and then kids in comments write: Yeah I support you,
Thinking that its a beautiful girl who supports gay rights and shit uploaded that video,
this is how liberals in my country are spreading their propaganda to kids on tiktok
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13e40c No.185096
>That’s funny; I haven’t posted a strategy. What’s my strategy, dipshit?
You don't have one. You're just a LARPing faggot. That much is clear. You have theories about what works based on the filtered ideas of other people. At the end of the day, it's just intellectual masturbation that you use to rationalize sitting with your thumb up your ass. You call people kikes on the internet and you feel accomplished and complacent. That is your truth. Congratulations. You are totally impotent.
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239e2e No.185108
discord trannies do that.
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239e2e No.185109
I do this in a gaming clan. Gaming is the best way now because there is less moderation. Make fortnite, minecraft tiktok/youtube videos and do the same exact thing.
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cccf08 No.185116
>methods for the various minority groups
we need baste minorities in our ranks, so basteeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We nazis need totally more diversity, otherwise it's all so white and boring. We need 50 shades of brown
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276ebe No.185236
How did the Left manage to program all the normalfags to begin with? Well, they took control of entertainment, the press, education, and the bureaucracy. Then they blasted their messages in many different ways through many different channels for decade after decade after decade. You have compelling fiction which supports their values, you have authority figures telling everyone that science proves the Left is good and right, you have HR ladies hiring and promoting Leftists while blacklisting Rightists, you have the illusion of total Leftist consensus projected by TV, magazines, and movies, you have social media companies boosting Leftist messages and censoring Rightists… These and a thousand other powerful tools have been running constantly for lifetimes to pull and push people Left.
Different people respond to different methods and messages, but whatever kind of person you are, the Left is right there talking to you in your language 24/7. There is no silver bullet we can use to counter that. So what do we do? We must gradually and sustainably build institutional power and a serious propaganda apparatus. It's a slow project, and I'm not entirely sure how to do it, but it took the Left decades to get where they are, and it's going to take us decades, or even centuries, to undo it.
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3299f1 No.185238
>you don’t have one
Oh gee! So you admit you lied. You’re a liar. You just make up whatever you like whenever you’re cornered and then claim victory. Spectacular job.
>blah blah blah more autism
>blah blah blah can’t explain why he’s telling whites to compromise on truth and our beliefs
>blah blah blah can’t hold a discussion without a strawman
Thanks! You’re done. Feel free to leave now.
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e60c68 No.185252
Can confirm. Evergreen survivor.
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180340 No.185269
You guys go to hard on Blacks. They would be the easiest to wake up from indulging in Jewry. Im Black & id love nothing more then a 1940s 88 revival. I would turn George SoreOs into soap my self. With all the info out there about Deep State & the Seeds they plant why hasnt it been done. I cried watching the Greatest Story Never Told finding out 40 Million Germans including women & children died brought me back to what the jews did with slavery. Plus finding out Jesse Owens was offered Dinner by Uncle A & FDR pretty much told him to fck himself. Blacks hate the 1% they dont think they are Jews though they think there Joe & Jenny in the suburbs not the Bergs & Noses at the Banks & Politics. Hope this gets seen i think its important. Call me a Nigger if you want I dont care. The Jew are a bigger problem it effects us both more the the problems we cause each other right now. Sincerely Nark Dazi
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6204bb No.185272
The was a lot of ragefuel in that ad, but nothing made me angrier than a fucking nog telling a white guy to behave himself. Remember that fucking "10 hours" girl doing the "social experiment" to show how much catcalling women get? Nearly every single one of them was black or mixed. Every single person involved with that ad should be blacklisted for life.
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f737af No.185572
Not the same guy, but I think it has to do with not feeling attacked. People wanna be treated in a friendly way. Because the programming tells them not to accept being deprogrammed, you have to do it in a very passive way for it to get past the security filters. If you kind of guide them without forcing them, nothing violates the program, and then once they're out of the radius of influence, they're free to think for themselves.
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9924a6 No.185613
hardcore commies are already redpillled on the (((wall street)))) (((banks))) and (((real estate))), the problem is they believe their own ideology will fix all of that.
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a527c9 No.185876
2 ways. Meet them where they're at, as Mark Collett would recommend. Its how I went down the YT rabbit hole from Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sargon and Stefan all the way to Jared Taylor, TRS and /pol/.
The other way its to say absolutely bat shit insane stuff to someone close enough to you who believes most stuff you say. This also happened to me. A friend of 4 years went HAM and said "ITS THE JEWS! THEY'RE GENOCIDING THE WHITE RACE AND WHEN THEY'RE DONE WITH YOU THEY'LL COME FOR MY PEOPLE!" He blew up like that 2 or 3 times. I almost stopped talking to him and I thought he was batshit insane but I knew there was something to "WG".
Watching the interview with David Duke and Tommy Sotomayor blew my lid because I thought "surely he is the only white supremacist out there" but there he was talking to a black man as a friend railing on about that Spike Lee movie about him mentioning how jewish character was written in. Then there was Devon Stack's "How Boomers were taught ot hate themselves" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwFshwxECq0 and it named the jew and suddenly everything flipped. Everything I hated was because of the jews. I fucking sperged out and spent the next 3 days on my laptop seeing the coincidences and my memories throwing things at me and I realized I already had a J-dar, a very sharp one but I didnt know it was a J-dar. I can name these kikes a good as anyone.
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a527c9 No.185877
I doubt that Uncle A invited J.O. to dinner. He was probably miffed a black guy got the gold, but I think sports can be a healthy outlet for racial animus.
We go hard on blacks because most are nigs. I can respect a good black men like David Clark, Jesse Lee Peterson, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tommy Sotomayor, Malcolm X, and to a lesser extent Larry Elder. Pretty much anyone below that is trash including Doc Rivers who cried like a faggot and lied "Its so hard when this country doesnt love you back." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eb_vutMZeA
Like seriously? Gave you niggers freedom, highest standard of living of all the blacks in the world, voting rights, welfare, affirmative action, a platinum plan, this word "racist" to shut down anyone criticizing you and worst of all sportsball, rap, the millions of dollars that come with that and the white women you're "allowed" to fuck when you have that status. Fucking seriously. I saw more white women with black men than white women with white men.
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