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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: a26166695be5c1b⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, message_to_the_west.png)

721bda  No.125370

The western world is changing profoundly and rapidly as we’ve lost our conception of God, that recognition of some higher governing power from which we all creations springs. The divine lofty ideal that has been fuelled to the fire of human greatness for generations.

Money naturally, slithered into fill the void and as it became the new driving force of individuals and nations all organs of influence and control naturally fell under its sway. The obscenely wealthy on both sides of the political spectrum began to use their purchase to create media platforms to push the idea of mass immigration and the destruction of borders as a means of insuring an endless supply dirt cheap exploitable labour.

It’s difficult to imagine something more sick than the hijacking of a nations noble and altruistic instincts to serve negative ends, but ambitious profiteers tend to care for little but their bottom line, and their unrestrained greed must wear a mask of virtue in the process.

Instead of finding means to support these individuals in struggling or war-torn regions to feed, clothe, house and create lasting solutions for them, in the places they have always called home?

A deeply corrupt press began to craft the narrative that the only way to help these individuals was to import them in massive numbers to live next door to us even in some cases in our own homes alongside our children.

In our blind, albeit well intentioned altruism we threw open the doors and watched as well funded organisations began shipping in migrants and refugees by the millions. The results have been catastrophic, sky rocketing crime especially rape and sexual assault, with large sections of certain nations now off limits especially to young women, an explosion in gang violence, a massive strain on the social welfare systems and profound economic costs in general, a lowering of school standards and thus a decreased pace and deficiency of education, and a sense of relation and common cause with one’s neighbour replaced with a restless confusion.

For the first time in modern history life expectancy is falling, suicide rates and drug overdoses sore and once beautiful cities are now littered with urine, faeces, used needles and broken people.

Is this then a last message to the west, and epitaph even, a recognition that we squandered our parents inheritance, a world our ancestors built up over the Millennia has been casually discarded and left to be picked apart and sold for scraps?


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721bda  No.125371

But something encouraging is beginning to happen, the conditioning is beginning to break, vital questions are beginning to be asked.

What if that noble altruistic nature that causes us to seek to help the world would soon be rendered mute if we became unable to even set our own house in order.

What if diversity wasn’t a nation's strength, what if it wasn’t the friction and tension and the pulling of in opposite direction that made nations stronger but rather the sense of family, community, of social cohesion and resonance, that ability to relate too, and feel a real bound and kinship with one's fellow citizens.

What if every people both western and non-western deserved to experience this and that an entirely modern practice of shuffling human beings between nations as if pieces on a game board was both unnatural and psychologically destructive?

What if it’s the case that any nation trying to represent everything at once ultimately ends up representing nothing at all.

What if this attempt to tie together the concept of love for ones ancestors, culture and way of life with the concept of racial hatred and genocide was an insidious and baseless lie?

What if all people deserve to feel the right to love and respect their roots?

What if we simply chose to ignore those hateful voices that we demand teach our children to feel a paralysing guilt and instead choose to be positive and life affirming.

What if as individuals instead of taking the easy path and virtue signalling in exchange for social or career advancement we instead choose to be selfless and self-sacrificing and prize the future of our children over our own personal benefit?

What if we admire the diversity of peoples and cultures in this world to the extent that we took steps to preserve it, as opposed to ushering in a one world shopping mall with the consumption as our new religion and the masters of money as our new gods in which we all look speak and think the same as our exceptional human variety is indiscriminately mixed into oblivion.

What if the greatest works of art innovation, lofty creation and inspired genius or produced by men merely seeking to make a buck, required much sturdier deeper foundations that could only be provided by higher culture?

What if these new powerbrokers have us on the cusp of losing for eternity not only our traditions, customs and culture but our very people?

There is still time to ride this ship, in a world indoctrinated to scapegoat and despise us it would be foolish to claim that we don’t have a very difficult path ahead, yet we also have an unparalleled history of rising to seemingly possible challenges.

We need only the will and courage to navigate our way back to sanity.

So as to whether this is a last message to the west or a first to the west we need only answer this simple question.

Is there something here worth saving?

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6192fb  No.125372


Required reading for all /pol/acks also I'll seriously pay someone to make an audiobook out of this (unless they have a pajeet voice or something horrible to listen to) like I'll give you an amazon giftcard code or something. Just download OBS and get a microphone and start some test narrations to see your voice isn't horrible and then start doing it chapter by chapter. Maybe someone has already narrated it?

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6192fb  No.125373


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6192fb  No.125374


Required reading for all /pol/acks also I'll seriously pay someone to make an audiobook out of this (unless they have a pajeet voice or something horrible to listen to) like I'll give you an amazon giftcard code or something. Just download OBS and get a microphone and start some test narrations to see your voice isn't horrible and then start doing it chapter by chapter. Maybe someone has already narrated it?

(couldn't post the link properly without my post randomly saying "flood detected" even though I haven't been rapid posting anything at all and this is my first post for today)

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239dcd  No.125412

Christianity and it's infinite pity for the downtrodden is the cause of the fall of the west (again). Pity is a ticket to hell always.

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4f71f3  No.125419


Empathy is a pathology.

Feeling sorry for those who are bellow you is the cause of all suffering.

The White Race must unite to first and foremost, genocide all other races.

When (not if) that is accomplished, the parasites on those races, the cheap labor on those races, and the opportunistic, greedy and corrupt individuals on those races will be all eliminated.

Kill the ones providing cheap labor first. This will weaken the perceived (never real) power of the wealthy (especially the kikes), making it easier to kill them next.


>Pity is a ticket to hell always.


Altruism is a cancer that makes a individual destroy himself in order to help another one.

It is literally insanity.

Living beings exist solely to compete with each other. Not to sacrifice themselves for their competitors.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

239dcd  No.125422

File: 0087317d3931a96⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 600x400, 3:2, viridiana_600.jpg)

File: 435e47677a9626c⋯.png (847.03 KB, 1600x1001, 1600:1001, VIRIDIANA_03.png)


Thank you. If you haven't seen it I strongly recommend that you download and watch Luis Bunuel's Viridiana. No other piece of cinema has so brilliantly confronted the great social evil that is Christianity and it's insane pity for the despicable dregs of society, and proposed it's antidote, which is the fascistic and brutal renunciation of Christian principles and the crushing of the scum that it has assisted to rise up against all order and decency, by a strong, intelligent white male. His triumph is displayed at the end by taking in the foolish and naive Christian woman and placing her in his harem, alongside his servant woman.

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