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File: 96f6220d3963b87⋯.jpg (134.07 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 455bv6.jpg)

1e6457  No.125160

Lack of cops causes devastating Minneapolis crime spree

Old article from last year for context. I can't wait til Minneapolis is police free.

>Gunmen, robbers and sexual deviants are running amok in Minneapolis — and there aren’t enough cops to stop them.

>Amid a severe personnel crunch, the Minnesota metropolis is desperately trying to keep pace with criminals.

>A staggering total of more than 6,000 emergency calls involving robberies, shootings and sexual assaults were made in the yearlong period for which police were unable to immediately respond, claimed Minneapolis Police spokesman John Elder.

>“Those calls did not get immediately dispatch police resources because we did not have staff available to respond,” Elder told CNN.

>Robbery rates are up a whopping 54% in downtown Minneapolis from 2018, cops said.


Minneapolis officers quit in wake of George Floyd protests

> At least seven Minneapolis police officers have quit and another seven are in the process of resigning, citing a lack of support from department and city leaders as protests over George Floyd's death escalated.

>Current and former officers told The Minneapolis Star Tribune that officers are upset with Mayor Jacob Frey’s decision to abandon the Third Precinct station during the protests. Demonstrators set the building on fire after officers left.

>Protesters also hurled bricks and insults at officers. Numerous officers and protesters have been injured.


Imagine the nogs crying for the po-po to come back.

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eb1b0c  No.125182


Niggers are violent murderous pieces of shit. They will never want police to come back and we would never put police in the line of fire just for worthless niggers. We really need them to exterminate each other so it is about time we let the law of the jungle overtake them.

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87b819  No.125309

File: e49a61b34c7c4d3⋯.jpg (104.54 KB, 728x1280, 91:160, IMG_20200303_192633_900.jpg)

And thus another permanent city-state established for the likes, fully funded by the white taxpayer and completely unassailable.

Keep slaving away at the corporate cotton fields while the likes conquer your nation piece by piece and populate it with nothing but niggers. I'm certain the next round of voting will fix everything.

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079f49  No.125332


The kikes want their fiat money central bank loans paid back with interest. When the white man quits to the country side and stop using kike bucks what will the kikes do? Force the the white goyim to work as slaves?

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95b099  No.125333


Guys you know that people complain that feds like to false-flag as us. Why don't false flag as fed and turn the tables?

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d4355b  No.125336

They made the bed and now they get to lay on it.


Increase property tax in rural areas.

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7ae995  No.125361


Regular joggers and other people are suffering greatly because of (((antifa))) and the other shitheads of the deep state.

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6c0cc0  No.125509

File: 91252d7236a8fa6⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 640x564, 160:141, CIA_dieselboarding.jpg)


Because they'd track every single one of us down and murder us?

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794048  No.125540


>Old article from last year for context.

Ha, so 3rd Pct. burning down has made no difference. Bootlicker.

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187e8b  No.125544


Shouldn't bother them too much. Antifa actually started in Minneapolis in the late 1980s. They should be used to lawlessness by now.

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fe5c0e  No.125560


>Force the the white goyim to work as slaves?


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d7b259  No.125565


We could always kill them…






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de4d6d  No.125609


Why would they pay taxes if they quit using jew bucks?

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d7b259  No.125623


Is that what you, personally, think anon? That I am a fed for saying we should kill the kikes and take back our nation?

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d7b259  No.125625


I am beginning to think tax revolt and the end of subsidizing the parasites is the way to begin. No one could even come close to arguing with a straight face that our (((government))) represents us anymore, so why should we pay to keep the charade going?

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d4355b  No.125909


>Why would they pay taxes if they quit using jew bucks?

Good luck not using jew bucks when you need to pay taxes just for owning a house.

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b32794  No.140905

File: d5c1b4b7947ac28⋯.png (621.13 KB, 828x763, 828:763, defund.png)


No police means no gun control. There will be a bit of an adjustment phase where retards are killed off. After that crime would be virtually non-existent.

This is why I am sure that there will be no permanent defunding of the police.

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f8a3e8  No.140920

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84ee9e  No.140922


the overstuffed ballot boxes from the overcrowded, corrupt cities will enable to state to make rural folks pay in blood if it comes down to that. its not like vote counts are real anyway, they're contrived figures calculated to justify further false pretense these days.

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ab0c36  No.140924


>>tax revolt

You're assuming that taxes pay for more than 10% of the money they're blowing. They're not even pretending anymore. They just make some little pixels appear on a monitor at the "discount window" and presto a trillion dollars appears out of the blue and straight into whatever jew bank account it's destined for.

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9b65e3  No.140926


The sheer level of boner I get from the idea of no cops, I really hope they are able to get somewhere with it, they are shooting themselves in the foot without realizing their mistake.

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8790df  No.141045

File: 9854251a86f51a8⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 543x451, 543:451, facebook.jpg)


>We could always kill them…

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b32794  No.141355


The plan though is start crying about the increase in crime rates after they are defunded. They plan on causing so much chaos that people beg for their return.

It is a long running scheme to centralize power, but in a way that is meant to be sustained for centuries to come. The elites know that it is not enough to achieve global governance by force alone; such an attempt would only lead to resistance and eternal rebellion. No, what the elites want is for the public to ASK, even beg for global governance. If the public is tricked into demanding it as a way to save them from the horrors of global chaos, then they are far less likely to rebel against it later. Problem – reaction – solution.

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69659f  No.141396

File: 94a385e99543d02⋯.png (249.07 KB, 701x1024, 701:1024, 1593308959673.png)

File: 9201656eb7f6a96⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1593307946091.jpg)

File: 53dfa8eb0865311⋯.png (19.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, z4zht.png)

File: 907fda970d98c55⋯.jpg (81.1 KB, 517x669, 517:669, 907fda970d98c55264d216855b….jpg)

lol niggers

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a701c9  No.141425


"Burn Loot Murder"

Are you talking about your people?

Native Americans/Canadians, such as I, didn't appreciate it.

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511ac5  No.141560


This anon knows. Order from chaos has been the way of things for a long time now. Safety has been made into the ultimate need and requirement, above all else in today's world. At the cost of freedom, privacy, convenience, pricing, community, relationships. No police means a load more crime and safety out the window, it means chaos and instability. Then comes the fear mongering of civil war, of foreign intervention and then martial law is implemented. People are safe, order has returned. More freedoms, privacy and conveniences are killed in order to make people "safe".

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f159b9  No.141609


Yes, but would you die for freedom, anon?

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86e8de  No.141665


>I don't have a boogeyman because I'm not part of the schizophrenic demographic thats typically attracted to /pol/ boards like this

Nigger, you literally copypasted the same sentaince in at least two other threads. Reportewd for ban evasion.

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86e8de  No.141672




^These. Don't fall for zogbots' tweets; not that we have any influence on the subject though, normalcattle fall for typical tricks like this every single time and then they will be back to spouting #NotAllTerrorists and "IT WAS THE NEONAZIS" at no time; hell, for the last two weeks at least they are already trying to accuse "alt-right provocateurs" for the outbreak of violence.

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86e8de  No.141681


Who stpped you from skulping each other, featherhead?

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f159b9  No.141886


Oh god…have you ever seen that movie Black Robe…christ that is a horrible movie but it shows native americans at their 'best' they are basically a slightly off brand MS-13.

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c99911  No.141900


Fuck the Police

Fuck niggers

and most importantly

Fuck jews

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