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File: 005176301242a17⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 480x567, 160:189, Bolshevikterror.jpg)

06aa8b  No.125024[Last 50 Posts]

This thread is to look at what's being done in our name and on our dime.

Syrian begs for help as Bolsheviks elite initiate another Holodomor.

Pinned on r/conspiracy w proof


>'m a Syrian, and I want you to know that your govt is effectively starving the Syrian people right now.

>They have tightened the sanctions on Syria leading to the SYP losing its value fast, not only that they've burned our wheat fields in the north so their will we will RELY on import WHICH WILL BE PAID BY DOLLARS THAT WE DON'T HAVE BECAUSE THE SYRIAN POUND IS WORTH DHIT NOW DUE TO THE SANCTIONS.

>it's a systematic starvation campaign against innocent people to force a political change, THAT WE DON'T WANT.

>You CAN call your senators and tell them to cancel the Ceaser bill that is STARVING Syrian people. Not the government, THE PEOPLE. people who have families and trying to live life, people who for example watched Game of thrones and got as disappointed as you did the last season, people who like watching football, going to the cinema, dancing, and watching Rick and fucking morty. They are as human as you are and are being starved to death by the US sanctions.

Wtg Trump, create a bunch of refugees. He's so owned Israel it's absurd.

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06aa8b  No.125028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are starving people in Venez. Iran Yemen and Syria for sure. The theory is the people will rise up and overthrow their govt, but it never works and they know it.

They like to starve their enemies. would we even know about this (vid) if it wasn't for the news lady's white guilt.

Fuck greater Israel, they need to learn to be multicultural.

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3b0cf7  No.125188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The International Coalition having abandoned all hope of destroying the Syrian Arab Republic by force, the United States and the European Union are now seeking to achieve the same result by making people hungry.

>The siege of Syria has begun. Economic sanctions have been severely tightened and will be further squeezed in mid-June. Any person or entity that trades with Syria will be harshly penalized by the United States and the European Union (Caesar Law).

>Such “sanctions” are illegal under international law. Those preventing the supply of medical equipment are guilty of crimes under the Geneva Conventions.

>Jihadists in the north and US troops in the south have started setting fire to fields in a coordinated fashion. Syria has filed a complaint with the United Nations Security Council.

>Within a few days, imported food became impossible to find and the price of local food soared. The Syrian pound collapsed on the foreign exchange market and is currently trading on the black market at a quarter of its official value.

>Meanwhile, President Bashar al-Assad prepared a plan for food self-sufficiency, which will require several years of agricultural implementation. Russia will save the population in the short term, but time is of the essence if starvation in the medium term is to be avoided.

This is the Cebrowski Rumsfeld Plan AKA The Pentagon's New Map by Admiral Cebrowski's protoge, Thomas Barnett.


>>As from 9/11, Admiral Cebrowski’s assistant, Thomas P. M. Barnett, has given numerous conferences at the Pentagon and in military academies in order to announce the shape of the new map of the world according to the Pentagon [5]. This project was made possible by the structural reforms of US armies – these reforms are the source of this new vision of the world. At first, it seemed so crazy that foreign observers too quickly considered it as one more piece of rhetoric aimed at striking fear into the people they wanted to dominate.

>>Barnett declared that in order to maintain their hegemony over the world, the United States would have to « settle for less », in other words, to divide the world in two. On one side, the stable states (the members of the G8 and their allies), on the other, the rest of the world, considered only as a simple reservoir of natural resources. Contrary to his predecessors, Barnett no longer considered access to these resources as vital for Washington, but claimed that they would only be accessible to the stable states by transit via the services of the US army. From now on, it was necessary to systematically destroy all state structures in the reservoir of resources, so that one day, no-one would be able to oppose the will of Washington, nor deal directly with the stable states.

The Pentagon's New Map PDF download from Libgen

Note the crescent of wars to come reaching across northern S. America and down its west coast.

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3b0cf7  No.125189

File: d47b92717fd7ad8⋯.jpg (253.2 KB, 1707x1414, 1707:1414, pentagon_s_new_map.JPG)

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3b0cf7  No.125197

File: 396094834b7ba62⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 338x320, 169:160, 36688740.jpg)

And when Thomas Barnet speaks of destroying all state structures he means bridges, schools, hospitals, post offices, electric transmission sites, food logistics, water purification plants and so on. The mission is to reduce them to the stone age and keep them there. If they have resources we need then send in the military, engineer what is needed for extraction and leave the inhabitants to perish or survive as they may.

I'm looking at another of Theirry Meissan's articles from 2017 (he's really the first western journalist to report on the outbreak of the Syrian War, in fact he immediately moved there to report on it first hand as it was key to proving his thesis on the NATO Cebrowski plan) and in this article he's saying a war in Burma is coming and the US is going to use the Iranian regime to fight it for them. This may seem counter intuitive but if you look past all the noisy war with Iran rhetoric basically everything the US has done for Iran has been in its favor ever since the fall of the Shah. It was Carter that flew the Ayatollah Khomeni back to Tehran, it was Cheney that basically handed eastern Iraq over to the Iranians and now will the US and NATO and British military intelligence bait them into a proxy war to destroy Burma and provoke China?


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a4dc82  No.125199


It is hard to believe that 2003 was 13 years ago back when things were still the twilight zone but relatively 'normal'.

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3b0cf7  No.125203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It is hard to believe that 2003 was 13 years ago back when things were still the twilight zone but relatively 'normal'.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing has been normal since they blew Kennedy's head off then doubled down and assassinated his assassin live on Saturday morning TV. Even Frankenheimer's more paranoid cinema verite style movies couldn't approach that shit. It's been a long ugly slide downhill ever since.

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a4dc82  No.125205


How far (# of years) do you think they can go with the 'entertainment' until the whole system fails?

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3b0cf7  No.125207


>How far (# of years) do you think they can go with the 'entertainment' until the whole system fails?

I think it depends where you are on that map and who you are. Most Ukranians for example are fucked beyond all recall. They get to have their beautiful children sent off as sex slaves to Israel till it's time to use their valuable organs for transplants to old vampire jews with lots of money. A pair of lungs is $250k USD you know. Yet I know a young Ukranian C++ math genius that flies into Shanghai for 3 months of intense work for an investment bank and then flies out with $600,000.00. Some will live in the space age, some will live in the stone age. If you want to even have a chance to some how survive, I suggest you abandon all vices absolutely and immerse yourself in hard work frugality and intense study. And keep your hopes up.

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a4dc82  No.125210


Why would anyone want to survive in the world you describe?

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7cf465  No.125211

File: a74dd0638594e8a⋯.jpeg (479.94 KB, 3235x2163, 3235:2163, Trump_with_monstrous_boy_….jpeg)


I appreciate the plight of the Syrians, but lets be honest, ZOG is a hair's breadth away from holodomoring regular Americans, and we probably wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

>He's so owned Israel it's absurd.

The latest episode of FTN basically outlines how the kikes have almost every goy in the government and military blackmailed by kike child-sex slavery rings. It is far worse than you can ever imagine. https://therightstuff.biz/2020/06/13/ftn-320-qualified-blackmail/

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3b0cf7  No.125223

File: 95ff86093f30e00⋯.jpg (321.74 KB, 1291x600, 1291:600, DO10_1963_11_S.jpg)


>Why would anyone want to survive in the world you describe?

Nobody knows the future and as bad as that world might seem, it's still better than the past. Imagine living through the 30 years war when half the population of Germany perished. Life is full of horrors, and yet, we persist.

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3b0cf7  No.125227


>I appreciate the plight of the Syrians, but lets be honest, ZOG is a hair's breadth away from holodomoring regular Americans, and we probably wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

The Venezuelans have been subjected to an artificial shortage of food for some months now, as their foreign reserves from oil sales were illegally impounded by the British, and their multinational food conglomerates have conspired to create a panic against the Maduro government buy cutting off the food supplies. It is in effect siege against civilians which is a war crime. So siege against Venezuela siege against Syria. I fully expect after

1. a fake plague and suspension of civil rights

2. nationwide riots with paid agent provocateurs and incendiaries

that the next step will be a similar artificially induced famine against the American people for daring to resist the globalist agenda.

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a4dc82  No.125236


I don't think that you are appropriately reconciling that the lifestyles of the two groups of Ukrainian people are exactly the same. You are promoting the world of (((vampirism))) and saying, "see anon, this one is different. It is 'better'." But anon, I have eyes to see and I can see that both groups are being taken as slaves and destroyed." So I ask you again since hope is a toxin that prolongs suffering and not any sort of real answer, "Who would want to live in the world you describe?"

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3b0cf7  No.125257


When has the world every been just, or a desirable place to live in? I'm not trying to reconcile anything. I'm just telling you what is. Some will live in relative comfort and get to reproduce and some will fail and die prematurely. All will die and turn to dust and be forgotten almost immediately. You choose to live or to die. How do you think WWI soldiers felt marching into a storm of machine gun bullets and a curtain of exploding artillery shells? It's all awful and if you really stop and think about the fates of the 8 billion or so on this planet you will go mad. Suit yourself; commit suicide or man up, find discipline and march forward to find your fate. Don't blame me. Blame God for creating this irremediable mess.

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42924e  No.125267


This map is super dumb at some parts, how's French guyana, and Puerto Rico not "integrated" ?

It's like those fantasy maps for alternative futures with silly names, but this has instead a non-integrated gap. Also, they totally failed at putting South Africa in the integrated prediction.

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3b0cf7  No.125290

File: bd5ecce631872f5⋯.jpg (121.61 KB, 512x640, 4:5, rdml_arthur_k_cebrowski_us….jpg)

File: 6db2e5093649090⋯.jpg (10.03 KB, 250x341, 250:341, Thomas_Barnett.jpg)


That map is cut and paste from Thomas Barnett's Pentagon's New Map. I posted a link there to his entire book in PDF form you can download to verify it and I posted his entire presentation which can be found in multiple venues including the US military war college

>Barnett was born in Chilton, Wisconsin and grew up in Boscobel, Wisconsin. After graduation from Boscobel High School, Barnett received a B.A. (Honors) from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in Russian language and literature, and international relations with an emphasis in U.S. foreign policy. He received his MA in regional studies: Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and his Ph.D in political science from Harvard University.

>From 1998 through 2004, Barnett was a senior strategic researcher and professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies,[3] U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island.

>At the Naval War College, Barnett served as director of the New Rule Sets Project an effort designed to explore how the spread of globalization alters the basic "rules of the road" in the international security environment, with special reference to how these changes redefine the U.S. military's historic role as "security enabler" of America's commercial network ties with the world.[4] The project was hosted by Cantor Fitzgerald and took place near the top of One World Trade Center. After the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald and its carbon credit brokerage subsidiary CantorCO2e were destroyed at One World Trade Center on 9/11/2001, Barnett described the event as the "first live-broadcast, mass snuff film in human history."[5]

>Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, from October 2001 to June 2003, Barnett worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense under the direction of the late Vice Admiral (ret). Arthur K. Cebrowski, during which time he created a Powerpoint brief that developed into his book The Pentagon's New Map.[6]

>In 2003, he wrote an article titled "The Pentagon's New Map" for Esquire magazine that outlined many of these ideas. He developed the article into a book The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century, published in 2004.

>A sequel Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating was published in 2005. He presented his ideas for changing America's military structure in February 2005 in Monterey, California, for a TED talk titled "Rethinking America's military strategy".

>In 2010, he became chief analyst for the Israeli start-up Wikistrat. [7]

>Barnett is currently the senior managing director of Enterra Solutions, a contributing editor for Esquire magazine, and a distinguished scholar and author at the Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee.[8] He writes the New Rules [1] column at World Politics

He is the protoge and acolyte of Admiral Cebrowski.

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64561e  No.125468

I'm sorry Syria. We Americans are utterly helpless to stop our government from committing these evil crimes. Jews run this place. We The People can't help ourselves, let alone your people.

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780259  No.125476


This infuriates me. I love the Syrian people and Assad. I wish we could help them but our country is under enemy occupation.

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06aa8b  No.125481

File: e2ff5e076725586⋯.jpg (88.31 KB, 640x625, 128:125, ghadaf.jpg)


I agree, Ghadafi called it as well. The Jews framed him real good. It's truly hard to imagine what the world would look like if there wasn't all these Jewish schemes.

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a4dc82  No.125492

File: 48cf6c53545d9c4⋯.png (166.04 KB, 500x535, 100:107, qaddafi_youre_bombing_a_wa….png)


Yep they gave him a real 'Rothschild' send off for attempting to free his nation from their deadly tentacles.

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a4dc82  No.125530


>Blame God for creating this irremediable mess.

But it is YOU who is promoting the mess, not God.

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3b0cf7  No.125575


>But it is YOU who is promoting the mess, not God.

I created tapeworms, fleas, lice, blowflies, niggers and jews?

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18476b  No.125580


>>Such “sanctions” are illegal under international law

nobody gives a shit about those international laws, never have

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780259  No.125581


Fuck you and your god. I have done nothing to create this shithole of a world we live in.

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5e7cb4  No.125586


2003 was ~17 years ago, not 13.

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18476b  No.125587



same guy was saying that muslims would invade europe with their women's wombs

was he calling for it, for europe to be invaded?

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07cd53  No.125589


source please

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07cd53  No.125591




Bring out the kikes.

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3b0cf7  No.125607


>nobody gives a shit about those international laws, never have

Perhaps but they are treaties ratified by Congress and signed into law by the Executive so in effect they are American law as well.

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03715d  No.125987

File: 84ff39255d3f552⋯.png (85.08 KB, 557x839, 557:839, trumpheeb.png)

If there is one thing that the Trump administration has been consistent with, it's their unswerving loyalty to Israel. Trump will never help Syria so long as Israel wants to destroy the Syrian government and steal Syrian land.

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2b5bc3  No.126000


Well, Syria, you sowed millions of young dicks all over the white world to inseminate white women.

You know, those young men you sent anywhere that was white to spray sperm around like a sprinkler?

Tell THEM to come and save you.

Until they are ALL repatriated, shut up.

What you sow is what you reap. You spray all your young men all over the world, you reap not being able to win in your own country.

As everyone has noticed, the rapefugees were what, 98 percent military-aged men?

How is your country doing with only old men, old women, and young ladies to defend it? HOW'S IT GOING?

No, Syria. Sorry. You made your bed in all the white countries in the world.

Now you can lie in your bed that you left behind back in Syria.

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ac82c4  No.126005


lol…they really need to have their 'fighting base' repatriated so that they can defend their people and their homeland.

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780259  No.126082


Refugees are not Syrians because they abandoned their homeland and Assad. They are now nothing but scum.

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23aaaf  No.126088


K time to take your scum back now.

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780259  No.126092


I'm American, retard. They are not my scum.

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fa1588  No.126134


America has open borders. You take all kinds of scum in and defend their right to your nation. We don’t want these worthless traitor cowards. You take them now. They will be good for your economy. You are ‘the melting pot’ one more parasitic brown person won’t make any difference to you.

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780259  No.126244


The "melting pot" is not American. America was always intended to be a white/European country.

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76d421  No.126347


To be honest, I don’t really give a shit about you people. Too much suffering by White People has gone unnoticed because the attention was on international turmoil in sandnigger countries like yours.

Deal with your own shit, while I concentrate on helping homeless in my neighborhood off the street!

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23aaaf  No.126364


>America was always intended to be

You have guns. You don't defend yourselves or your nation. I hope all the Syrian trash gets sent to you.

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3b0cf7  No.126383


Remember friend as you walk by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now you will surely be

Prepare thyself to follow me.

Syria was the victim of the international jew's scheming, and it's left them shattered.

America is now in the process of becoming the international jew's scheming and as you can see, it's being shattered.

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23aaaf  No.126412


Did Syria care anything about anyone else while it was 'being shattered'? No they sent out millions of young men to rape our daughters, mothers, sisters and wives. They can rot in HELL.

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d2eb04  No.126582


islamineurope .blogspot.com/2006/05/al-qaddafi-there-are-signs-that-allah.html

>MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) has published a video and transcript of Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi as shown on Al-Jazeera. He does not represent European Muslims but he's recently been considered more moderate and responsible leader in the Arab world (see Wikipedia on the "new Gaddafi") as well as an uprising African leader and so it is important to note what he's saying.

>The speech was given in Timbukto and is a bit cut up, apparently to take out the line by line translation (Transcript from MEMRI).

>>"Today, we are correcting human history from here, in Timbuktu."


>>"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

>>"Allah mobilizes the Muslim nation of Turkey, and adds it to the European Union."


>>"That's another 50 million Muslims. There will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U."


>>"Bosnia, which is a Muslim country, has already entered the E.U. Fifty percent of its citizens are Muslims."


>>"Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims."

www. memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1121#

Contextually and based on other quotes, it seems he saw Europe (and the United States) as wicked and perhaps honestly thought only Islam could save it. Nevertheless, he thought the continent would be overrun by Muslims, with the implication of the mast majority of them non white, all within a few decades.

The quotation that references Arabic wombs is from another man:

www. lifesitenews.com/opinion/how-islam-plans-to-conquer-the-west-without-using-weapons

>Chilling words, but this had been foreseen already by Algerian then-president Houari Boumendienne. In an address to the United Nations, he stated:

>> One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.

>Perhaps this is why President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an told his fellow Muslim Turks who are already living in Europe: "Have not just three, but five children." Apart from the observance of polygamous marriages, the fact that Muslims for the most part do not practice abortion or artificial contraception and the increase of the child rate per family in comparison to the low birth rate in the West mean that Muslims are geared to take over. At this rate, unless Western society finally wakes up, it may be just a matter of a few generations before this happens.

Nevertheless, Ghadafi rejoiced with the idea of Europe being converted and logically swarmed with migrants.

I appreciate what he tried to do for Libya and Africa but this above makes me feel better that he's gone and I even manage to find a bit of satisfaction knowing how he was taken care of, even if we know that was the result the Zionist French dogs destroying African countries deemed too strong and moderate to be allowed to stay. Jews want an escalation and Muslims killing Whites.

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76d421  No.126584


Exactly. Sending all their filthiest sandniggers to Europe is not considered good crisis management. Now I am supposed to solve their problems? No.

How about this: Every nation had to purge their oppressors to achieve freedom. Now it’s your turn, Abdul. Identify your enemies and kill them as well as their families. If you are not willing to invest the bare minimum to buy freedom, then fucking starve to death, you goat fucker.

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23aaaf  No.126586

File: 3b42b00faeeda0a⋯.jpg (13.56 KB, 260x262, 130:131, nigger_kills_dog_because_i….jpg)


I grow very very very tired of 'White Man's Burden'…seems like you are tired of it as well.

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23aaaf  No.126587


I guess this means 'allah' their 'god' is actually the jews. That is a pretty fucked up god to have for yourselves. The jews will never be my God.

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76d421  No.126636


That’s right. My ancestors have bled out on the streets while fighting monarchs and communists. We have earned our wealth and freedom. I don’t owe anything to anybody. The only thing niggers can get for free from me are 9mm of lead in their fucking skulls.

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e54047  No.127139

File: 9431ead0bb15c5a⋯.pdf (4.06 MB, Jody_Butterfield_Sam_Bingh….pdf)



We need to get agricultural knowledge and quick high production high nutritional value crops into the area. Keeping hoofed animals in an area for a week or until the area is plenty rich with shit and piss makes even desert fertile land. Thus between crops or before planting this should be done. Potatoes are good, high value squashes are good, and whatever else I'm not thinking of is all good.

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3b0cf7  No.127518


> Keeping hoofed animals in an area


This video is both entertaining and informative.. goats are the best animals for prepping an area; they eat EVERYTHING. The coarsest thorns that are unpalatable to cows or horses are nothing to goats. They love to eat all that stuff. They wipe out all the most harmful plants and make them perfect for pasturage or farming. The goat herdsmen in the video are extremely intelligent and articulate about what they're doing. It's awesome stuff, the ancient art of the bucolic life.

They also get into the different dogs they use for herding the goats and the roles they play. Even if you don't like goats but love dogs this is a fantastic look into working dogs.


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4f6d3c  No.127758

File: df2c5c305cc0536⋯.mp4 (7.71 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ninjabomb.mp4)

Secretive CIA Blade-Wielding 'Ninja Bomb' Used In Another Syria Targeted Killing


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4f6d3c  No.127759

Previous use of this particular weapon system in Syria back in December 2019.


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c30348  No.127763


Where is the device in all that wreckage. I wish someone would have translated that last part.

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70aaa7  No.127772


>I appreciate the plight of the Syrians, but lets be honest, ZOG is a hair's breadth away from holodomoring regular Americans, and we probably wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

This is my concern as well. It's where we are at, right now. And yet we are (rightfully) blamed for the evil that the Jews do with our resources, in our names. America is so fucked over by the Jew, I no longer think it can be saved. When the civil war begins, the Nation ends.

But that, too, is what the Jews want.

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c30348  No.127774


>America is so fucked over by the Jew, I no longer think it can be saved.

They are not simply gunning for america but rather for the entire world. However their plans never work, precisely because they are jews…so if you are going along with their plans in any way, you will die.

I call it 'the dissolution of all things' and it is OUR JOB to navigate this or die. Do not aid the subhumans unless you want to wash, rinse, repeat of what we are enduring now. Noah saved a nigger and it raped him in the ass the first chance it got. There is nothing we can do EXCEPT SURVIVE THE JEW.

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70aaa7  No.127776


It's what there is to do.

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b6eb08  No.141174


>contingent positioning on kosovo


Don't mind me pentagon, just don''t do shit here where I live ( assuming you know my location).

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0dbd67  No.149398

Those who are trying to starve Syria and have been starving Yemen for years are the very same ones that spread the hollowdontmore lie to begin with.

The hollowdontmore should have been started in Poland, which had actual intelligence in the Soviet-Union before the purges. Not Brit and Murican journalists & media, many which would support US intervention 5-7 years later.

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