>>124995 (OP)
>jewish political spectrum bullshit, too
If this wasn't clear enough before, eat shit.
>At this rate, how long until we'll
You're not we.
>in person
If you haven't been doing this for the last decade, you've already lost.
>Personally, I'm a moderate natsoc
No such thing. You don't know what national socialism is.
> and obviously Trump would be on the left.
Yes, Trump is an overt, publicly stated communist. You fundamentally don't fucking get it.
>There is a side to National Socialism that isnt extreme right "kill all Jews".
No national socialist killed any jews. You're a spambot.
>The right of the party likes to think they can rule over the rest of us; and you're a real embarrassment sometimes
Oh look, the little shill is outgrouping himself and still thinks we'll listen!
>hard line "kill all the jews" policy would be our downfall, and it has been.
A genocide of jews has never been tried.
>Personally I believe
You believe in nothing, paid shill. You copy and paste what your instruction manual tells you to copy and paste.
>And maybe Trump is a little further left than that, but there's still a good chance he's one of us
Yes, the ZOG emperor is one of you. That is to say, he's a shabbos goy, like you, and does everything the jews say without question. You know absolutely nothing about national socialism and aren't even PRETENDING to try to fit in.
>But we'll get nowhere if right leaning NatSocs want to cut the party in half by not having anything to do with left leaning NatSocs like Trump.
>Can't wait to see you guys on the debate stage in my shiny new SS uniform.
Can't wait to kill you on the day of the rope. Hopefully we get to do it before one of the niggers you love so much gets to you.
>Hail Hitler.
Roast in hell, yid.