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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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70bb3a  No.124894

I am looking for a certain borg individual who i believe has wandered here from a nearby fish croissant factory. You here, buddy? We're worried about you and want to be sure you're ok.

This thread is about how "The Borg" are a misrepresentation of space fascism. The Borg are unified and forcefully merge everyone into a single all-conquering war machine. The uniforms are grey. I believe this is a hateful misrepresentation of what space fascism would look like, just as much as Wesley Crusher is a misrepresentation of Space Communism. In reality there's no way that space communism would work, all it takes is one guy deciding to use the replicator to replicate himself more replicators and suddenly there's a new faction that's out of control.

The Seattle commune rioters, many of whom grew up watching Star Trek, have an unrealistic vision of communism in which food sprouts on its own from replicating machinery maintained by a slave caste of technicians who are hidden from view. As such, watching "Star Trek" (which focused only on the bridge crew) is why the antifa garden failed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4b8ef2  No.124986

File: 639662f65f2d1a7⋯.jpg (153.02 KB, 1600x787, 1600:787, fish_head_sardine_factory.jpg)

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