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925fda  No.124879

I'm interested in medieval history, but one thing I have found lurking here and 4Chan is that the Teutonic Knights, the Templars, Knights of Malta, and other military and Catholic orders were, essentially, a bunch of crypto-kikes. What are some medieval military orders that fought in the Crusades or in other great battles that weren't (((subverted)))? The military/religious orders can Range from the 1st century to the 18th century, or present day. It would also be cool to have a list just as a reference guide for any anons who are interested in this type of stuff too.

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a3d73e  No.124886


>Teutonic Knights

By the end of their reign they weren't even a religious organisation, they were excommunicated and became a "secular" institution.

Really these guys were little more than a bunch of german warlords who came to dominate the peasants in the Baltics. They built a few castles and extracted tithes - they came to loot not to spread the gospel. People here regard them as a foreign occupation force.

Better than the russians though. Hans was extracting a tithe, Ivan instituted surfdom barely any better than chattel slavery.

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3219a5  No.125479


Knight's Templar were homosexual Baphomet worshippers deeply involved in secret rites of child rape and murder, orgies and sodomy.

Were the richest people in the world though.

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