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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: adc35f7f046d206⋯.jpeg (305.9 KB, 1160x1474, 580:737, 3B5854CA_4471_4282_8F75_8….jpeg)

67752d  No.124584

White people of European decent are, and have been a hated people. We will soon become a hated minority in this empire of lies, that we still call the USA. Political sympathy, and open borders was perhaps the biggest downfall of western civilization as we know it. Our ancestors are turning in their graves as these rats roam our streets, and destroy our history. I have no hope nor belief we will ever be as great as we could’ve been. Jewish influence as sucked European culture dry. We are living in a postmodern era. All the important wars have been fought. The white man is now looked at as a vile, subhuman, mass. We are what built this world. It was taken from us. A society that mocks European people, culture, history, and standard of beauty and living. A world which is watered down, dumbed down into braindead people who radically defend the establishment in which stopped us in our tracks from becoming truly great. A world in Which forces us to not to speak truth to power. A world in which we have lost control of this monster we have made, and become prey. Philosophy, truth, and freedom has essentially been thrown out the window. Now the only thing that matters is obedience of the corrupt system, hating ourselves because we are beautiful, because we have the potential for true greatness. A world in which the only way to speak truth is to remain anonymous, or be blacklisted. Our ancestors lived in a much better, more authentic world than this. They imagined we would have it better than them.

To my white brothers and sisters, you are powerful. We have been and will continue to be raped by the established authorities, and of the system perhaps until we are extinct. Let us stand up to this Tyranny, to this sinister power. For blood and honor.

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ce58da  No.124621


>Hated minority

>87% of the population


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67752d  No.124637

Whites are actually about 11% of the global population

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ce58da  No.124638

File: 0a0c01adaf0b58b⋯.png (85.91 KB, 237x361, 237:361, 0a0c01adaf0b58b65e6bac0dbf….png)


How much of the other 89% is starving in Africa?

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439764  No.124641


Hence why he said soon, doesn't take long for a society choosing fuck buddies and pornography over having a family before theres nobody left.

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