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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: c0bcc89946a2a7e⋯.jpg (43.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, DA_REAL_JEWZ.jpg)

0b7656  No.124514


>The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a Jewish supremacist advocacy group, announced the formation of a new commission to investigate and abolish racism among the ranks of the elite white-looking Jews in the U.K. toward Jews of color, specifically Black Jews:

>In the wake of the demonstrations against police brutality and racism in the US, the Board of Deputies said, “Over the last week, we have heard from a range of Black British Jews that our own communal spaces are not always welcoming.”

>“We have heard complaints about being stared at in synagogues, being asked probing questions, being given a hard time by security at communal buildings, facing racism in Jewish schools, a lack of racial diversity in Jewish leadership positions, and even heartbreaking prejudice in the context of seeking another Jewish partner,” it noted.

>In a statement published on Monday, the Board of Deputies announced it was establishing a Commission on Racial Inclusivity in the Jewish Community in order to “banish prejudice and promote inclusion.”

>The new commission will take testimony from Jews of color on their experiences, discuss steps to be taken with community institutions, issue a report and recommendations and then review compliance with the recommendations.

>Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl said, “We have all been sickened by the killing of George Floyd and the sheer scale of violence and prejudice that Black people face on both sides of the Atlantic. While we as a community must show solidarity and seek to change our whole society, there are things we still need to fix in our own community.”

All Jews are Black, but some Jews are just blacker than others.

–Old African Proverb

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68f052  No.124543

File: 9869a92f43f8988⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2508x1504, 627:376, 76574567.jpg)


Israel is going into multicultural mode, its a hard transformation for it to make but its one that will have to happen in order for it to survive.

I welcome the new african face of judaism and i encourage you all to support our black brothers in taking the reins from the racist white jews.

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56891a  No.124906

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5ed9d2  No.124962

File: e5225966829a88d⋯.mp4 (980.17 KB, 360x360, 1:1, nigger_jews_in_israel_riot….mp4)


Are you kidding? That shithole can't get much lower IQ through breeding with subhumans. It is a disgusting mongrel nation that will be worthless in 20 years when the first crop of niggers is raised to adulthood. The only reason it exists now is because they have pillaged the USA to keep their mongrel bastards alive

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