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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f68f006fb19504e⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 488x320, 61:40, received_966961650419168.mp4)

84560c  No.123514

Share this everywhere

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f27427  No.124224

File: 564275fdae85f2a⋯.jpg (400.39 KB, 1350x2000, 27:40, NPG_NPG_81_M2648_1.jpg)

This is sort of a morally ambiguous position for this board as after all the Confederacy was nothing more or less than a Rothschild/Bank of England/CROWN attempt to break up the United States and impose free trade, mercantilism , and deindustrialisation upon the north, basically turning the USA into just another set of Canadian provinces that is resource providers. It's main organizer and motivator was an obvious jew banker agent Judah P. Benjamin. The assassin who murdered Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth was also a jew. It's fine to celebrate the Confederacy was an example of white supremacy only the oligarchs that incited it were also the sole cause of the ultimately disastrous influx of non whites into North America. It seems to me that their true heirs are the oligarchs of today that insist on free trade and open borders so they can bring in Mexican labor, who are essentially at the same social scale as negro slaves for all intents and purposes. Who then is the real enemy here? The South fought valiantly for a cause no doubt, but was it a good cause?

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e3ac4e  No.124263

File: 55acdb1f805213b⋯.jpg (97.2 KB, 600x446, 300:223, Lincoln.jpg)


Killing tyrants is always a good cause.

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8426cf  No.124270


Did this really need its own thread?

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f27427  No.124275


>a good cause.

Highly unlikely when a jew is the perp.

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