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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 02d3e5503ea6e91⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 1600x847, 1600:847, malicious_doc.jpg)

32da38  No.123052

Based hackers (probably from russia) have already started to exploit the lunacy to spread banking trojans. This is an excellent opportunity to target antifa and BLM because those who are the most passionate about blm will be the most likely to fall for this silly scam. Universities are excellent targets and often have thousands of emails on their website, which can be scraped.



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b37c0c  No.124182

There is a BLM movement taking over North Georgia. They refer to themselves as "Black Lives Matter - North Georgia" on their FB group.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blmng/

They are now holding a riot today at the red light in front of Young Harris College from 4-6 PM EST. Their leader, Mary Slavkin is an associate professor there. They need to be checked.

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e826fa  No.124719

File: 42e5359d8db5557⋯.jpg (66.72 KB, 640x762, 320:381, photo_2020_06_06_07_18_01.jpg)

>encouraging people to commit a felony

You know how I know you're a fednigger?

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