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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: b5e7116b3cc03f2⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 636x349, 636:349, rap.jpg)

449bfb  No.122868

Are you considered a Geek, Nerd simply because you’re White? Have you been in a situation where your libshit parents call something “White” for the hell of it? Has mainstream media obscured GREATLY the difference between (((Soyboys))) and real European Whites?

Right now, there is a judeomarxist narrative that Whites are simply “cultureless” people. Our media constantly shills “We ought to Act Black” or Black Lives Matter. Zoomers now a days are just reciting word for word the Talmudic phrases in rap music. In order to truly act Black, it means to go and endorse a completely artificial world with strip club mood lighting and expensive jewelry. The weirdest thing is that niggers don’t see White history past slave owners whipping people on a plantation. Slavery is certainly a part of American history but the existence of Whites spans far beyond the South.

Pretending to be Black can get you lots of connections with big league people – employers. Panther Den uses rap music simply because Rap controls THAT much of our America today. I cannot even go to the gym without hearing some Chad boomer yelping, screaming at niggers. Nowadays a lot of major cities have Black city councils, bald Black female mayors, etc. If you cannot get into a real good college then go work on some Rap album and make a Doctors salary in a week. What I am saying is, Whites are being forced to simp Black/New American culture.

So go play medieval-themed games, go read large books, and don’t mind whatever Judeomarxist values MTV is pushing out.

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30ca07  No.122870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5fb6c2  No.122873


>uses buzzwords instead of actual ideas

>cries about things that don't actually happen in the real world

>goes to the gym

You're not a nerd, anon. You're a gigantic faggot.

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f7031e  No.122905


>your libshit parents

Well, now I'm the parent, and I'm not a libshit

Son, who is 5, has been well trained not to even talk to browns of any kind (helps that there are not many here). To him a brown person is the same as a hobo - someone dangerous to avoid.

Once he said to me about a black woman passing in the street "she's not pretty because she's too dark".

Once he saw a video of two men dancing together and couldn't stop laughing at it "Two men are dancing!"

My #1 advice is to move out of a big city - big cities are all globohomo hellscapes. You really only need to have a couple of hundred like minded people in your community.

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19610f  No.123073


>Whites are nerds he said

>While the current boxing and UFC and bellator heavyweight champions are white

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