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File: 99f8dbe93269afb⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 596x822, 298:411, 785678.jpg)

6aa63b  No.121727

Possible Antifa leader being spirited away by Feds.

>If you follow us, you will get shot. You understand?


The alphabets are hopefully finally getting a dose of screeching feral niggers in their face rather than having an easy life of just arresting docile whites. Now they are in the shoes of the city cops they police and arrest.

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b9098e  No.121742

>follow us and you will get shot do you understand me?

Literal Gestapo tactics. I'm McLovin it.

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e268d0  No.121747

They'll be out in a day or two.

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c22133  No.121777


holy shit that's fucking scary, handful of masked armed big guys come out of nowhere, snatch your friend up and leave and tell you if you follow them you get shot, I absofuckinglutely love it, throw those pieces of shit into jail already

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97e0cd  No.121782




lol you fell for the meme

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e1c70f  No.121784

File: f938d7ce3bbfecf⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB, 320x568, 40:71, V2WGe_Sf6GMS2mFV.mp4)


Who says its the feds :^)


Ill do your job for you.

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e1c70f  No.121799


They cut something of from the beginning.

>no she did not, no she did not

<we WATCHED her (we watched it)

>she put her hand up

Im very curious how this will unfold.

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b97408  No.121801

File: 822bd280815dc25⋯.png (47.46 KB, 381x543, 127:181, WTFUK.png)


Hahahaha that's great, antifa gets to deal with the glowniggers once in their life. Imagine if good ol 8ch got media support, justice system support and corporate support to meet up, organize and enact their goals around the globe for multiple years lmao.


Thanks for webm, when I visited on my UK proxy I got this garbage propaganda in the side bar meant for UK normies.

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7c272a  No.121802


Throw em into jail? Just fucking shoot them on the spot already.

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7c272a  No.121804


I don't think anyone could ever argue that Twitter is unbiased at this point. It's ludicrous how information gets twisted and the average NPC just takes it as gospel.

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e1c70f  No.121805


Its happening on all platforms. My people needs 24/7 propaganda to keep them docile. If there is a power outage for longer than 20 hours there will be full out war.

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c22133  No.121851


nah, televise their trials and put them in gitmo, send a message to these commies that we will not be fucked with

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6aa63b  No.121854

File: acf02b305386ce2⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 312x250, 156:125, 978967.gif)

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261447  No.123525


according to one source I tripped over, they already are out. Sounds like it was just another staged (photo) op.

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93f3db  No.123613

thats an idiot protestor that swung her cardboard sign at a cop passing by on a motorcyle. there are consequences to that behavior and she's being a bitch about it. don't promote that cunt or this topic. its more likely going to help her. she doesn't deserve it.

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