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File: c447d5211be98ba⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, revisoinsit_history.jpg)

5f4881  No.121585

>has a video on Japanese Internment camps

>no mention of the Niihau Incident

>no videos on the TedEd Channel about the Rape of Nanjing or Unit 731


really makes you think

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208881  No.121590

The Rape of Nanjing is propaganda. Chiang Kai-shek never acknowledged such an event.

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5f4881  No.121611


and you make this claim because

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208881  No.121629


claim? fuck off back to reddit. the war crimes of the axis are over exaggerated.

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464a31  No.121634


Any mention of German Americans or Italian Americans imprisoned? I doubt it.

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0753e4  No.121639


USA had camps for germans and italians too?

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1cded3  No.121640

File: 197bdd309884e47⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 860x442, 430:221, Deutsche_Gefangene_nach_de….jpg)

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9e94b2  No.122013

File: 8b1fe49ac2e550b⋯.jpeg (263.6 KB, 700x700, 1:1, MTYxMjExMDE0OTUwNDk1NzMz.jpeg)


Did they mention the internment of German

and Italian Americans?

>pic very related

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6f7730  No.122511

File: f69995636494b23⋯.png (459.96 KB, 817x903, 19:21, Japanese_Spies_WW2.PNG)

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387011  No.123178



They were not interns.

They were interred.

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