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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 487d1d55b7614a0⋯.png (446.33 KB, 1067x695, 1067:695, 16515615661.png)

cc90dc  No.121249

I understand that Jewish people are not the most liked people on this board, but it's hard to ignore the fact that they've been around for a very long time.

Jewish people lost their country a long time ago, in around 70 BC, but even after they lost and were displaced they were able to keep their ethnicity, religion and customs alive for over 2000 years. I think it's important that we look at how they were able to do this, as I believe we're currently in a similar situation.

>but our countries still exist!!

I disagree, it's rather obvious that they're ours in name only, different forces rule them.

So, which aspects of the Jewish ethnicity and religion make them different and stand out?

>They have an incredible amount of tribal love, they would always pick one of their own above a goy

>They do not care about country, they care about ethnicity and tribe

>They allow for very limited immigration, but only if the immigrant is willing to give up literally everything about his own culture and ethnicity. Their "soul" becomes Jewish

>They place great importance on learning, especially those matters that are linked; their history, culture and the means of influencing nations (think economics)

>They place great importance on the family unit, often have very strict rules about who can do what. More than 4 children is also common

>They make sure to keep a low profile when possible

>>>>(MOST IMPORTANT, IMO)They have a strict code (torah, talmud) in which they tell their members how to act. This code shows their people as the master race, and destined for greatness. It also helps the retards stay in line.

To be honest, I think liberalism is one of the main reasons whites are currently so retarded. Our parents gave us no heritage, so we got to pick and chose for ourselves. So people picked pleasure, which is very easy to get a culture that rewards hedonism. Enter homosexuality, gaming, etc.

I am not saying that you should drop whatever you find pleasurable, but moderate it instead of letting it rule your life.

I'd like to know what you guys think about this.

Do you have things to add?

Do you agree? Do you disagree?

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62bcdb  No.121257

Taking a society whose backbone is based in religion and removing that backbone and replacing it with something totally experimental that has never been tried is whats destroying western culture. Your points could just as easily apply to muslims as well because they too run their societies based on religious doctrine but their societies are also extremely archaic in comparison to the west as a result.

But being advanced means nothing if you haven't instilled any values in your populace so they don't even feel the need to breed since their natural urge to can be overridden by contraceptives and so they have to take in immigrants to even keep things afloat and before you know it muslims are now in control of your advanced society because they breed like rabbits thanks to the values instilled into them via religion.

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90fa9d  No.121325


You are high as fuck if you think that any Whites ever voted or wanted non-White immigration. This was all done without our permission by jews.

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62bcdb  No.121329


The people in positions of power that need to balance the amount of working citizens to old retired citizens on benefits are in a better position to make that decision than a peon like you. If it was up to you your society would collapse as all the working age people get old enough to retire to be replaced by noone because their birth rate wasn't even at the point of replacement. But hey at least you wouldn't have to see a nigger, worth it.

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90fa9d  No.121334


Ok you are high. The pensions of the elderly were stolen and raided BY JEWS.

We never needed subhuman trash in our nation to ‘make things work’.


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6be96a  No.121335

File: 3f08a1b15f418ff⋯.jpg (112.38 KB, 586x678, 293:339, TKquote2.jpg)

File: 6d1113a551485c2⋯.jpg (144.89 KB, 866x520, 433:260, TKquote7.jpg)

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File: eab19317552887d⋯.jpg (153.64 KB, 575x735, 115:147, TKquote6.jpg)


>But being advanced means nothing if you haven't instilled any values in your populace

This is true, but technology destroys values. It produces grossly unnatural levels of comfort which counteract the religious imparative, but what's more it introduces mass media indoctrination tools the likes of which were inconceivable in the past. Globalism would be impossible without mass media. Whites have been mentally conditioned to accept their own marginalization long before the radical demographic changes took place.

People are sheep. This has been known for 1000s of years (one of the many insights of various religions). It is inevitable. No matter how smart humans are, technology will always strive for greater intelligence. This can work for good or bad, depending on who is the shephard, and for the past century that has been tantamount to who controls mass media. There will always be some top percentile of the population who transcend the mind control methods (by a combination of talent and luck). If they aren't in a position to lead the sheep, then they will watch in horror at the inevitable subjugation and death of the human spirit. These are the so-called "prophets".

The internet is an interesting exception to this, being a new technology that seems to lead to mass awakening rather than the contributing to the hypnotic power of Babylon. Although, maybe all other mass media tech started off in the same way before being eventually co-opted by Babylon.

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068b1c  No.121340


Yes we should give the jew his due for a few reasons. But civilization is first forged by sociopathic types. Conquerors, thieves, brutes, etc. Accoutrements like religious values come later. It's why I have no faith in ideas like starting a White Man's religion. I'd rather see a bunch of white racists start a criminal sindicate. Con & fleece minorities, use low-level harassment to drive them out of white neighborhoods, or just fuck with them for shits & giggles and post the videos on the Internet.

We look down our noses on people who chimp out but chimping out is only bad when it's all you do, and it's still a step up from not having any chimp balls in the first place. If you're not doing some juvenile or criminal shit then you're not really serious.

>NB4 good morning FBI

If you can't opsec you shouldn't even be here

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62bcdb  No.121341


No they weren't and even if they were you do realize retired people no longer contribute to society and if all you have are retired people then your society will collapse as it needs a greater or at the very least equal amount of young people to support the old?

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d1a95d  No.121370


I somewhat disagree.

Again, Judaism started as a small tribal cult, and only later on decided that God gave them Israel.

Having good values and religious dogma is needed for the building of empires.

Another good example is obviously Islam, in which Muhammad first convinced people of a higher principles and a fate worse than death if they refused to follow him, after doing so he started conquering the Middle East.

I mean, even the USA had the manifest destiny bullshit.


Tbh, it's rather weird that they actually lurk boards such as these. It makes you think twice about everything you post, haha.

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e18629  No.121467


Jews won't allow goyim to practice what they practice. They see it as a threat to their control over governments.

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026661  No.121492

All these posts are really just part of the Jewish victory lap. This is what we did and this is how we did it. You don’t like the ZOG system then go form a religious/ethnic enclave of your own based on agriculture . So long as you’re not accumulating weapons or marrying off 12 year olds no one will bother you.

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d1a95d  No.121550


I think you overestimate the power Jewish people have. The power of a minority is always based on the consent of the majority.

Also, Jews were kicked out of a shitton of countries, too. So I never said it would be easy to practice what they preach.


Nah, to me it's just obvious that the main reason of the decline in western societies have to do with the decline of the western male.

What this is is trying to figure out how to reverse this decline without a change in power structure.

Jewish people have lived under oppressive governments for a very long time, are still around and are still very successful. Only a fool would ignore how they did it.

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a340c3  No.121552

File: 8e8a770ce4b290e⋯.jpg (229.33 KB, 729x528, 243:176, Ashkenazi_gentleman_preach….jpg)


>but even after they lost and were displaced they were able to keep their ethnicity, religion and customs alive for over 2000 years.

Not even true. Modern Jews have almost nothing in common with ancient Judeans in terms of genetics, culture or religion. Judaism is a Satanic genocidal meme ideology followed by ethnically incongruous mystery meats all LARPing as bronze age Semitic tribesmen, while simultaneously genociding the actual descendants of said Semitic tribe, i.e. Palestinians.

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a340c3  No.121579

File: 9ea4037aa2d3e88⋯.jpg (375.1 KB, 977x1280, 977:1280, 1578977459226.jpg)


>The people in positions of power that need to balance the amount of working citizens to old retired citizens on benefits are in a better position to make that decision than a peon like you.

Japan, China and South Korea seem to manage alright without genociding themselves through third world immigration. The real reason for mass third world immigration is that our parasitic Jewish elite seeks to genocide the Aryan race, which is the only race on the planet which can challenge their rule.

What economic benefits there are to third world immigration naturally accrue only to the parasitic kike elites. These include; higher rents due to the ballooning population, higher stock prices due to greater consumption, more dependence on usury due to lower average IQ's of the new helots and lower wages. None of these things are economically beneficial to the volk.

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2facde  No.121651

File: b3509a8722797aa⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 690x713, 30:31, 103705077_2518501248460002….jpg)

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e18629  No.121663


>This just in! Anon is a straight white supremacist male racist homophobe and an antisemite for threatening Jewish hegemony!

You're so full of shit you're Jewish.

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026661  No.121668


Just about every post on /pol/ is about how they did it. Like I said it’s a victory lap. All Conservatism is or even White Nationalism (the bogeymen with Guns) is one group of Jews trying to keep the other group of Jews from destroying the Civilization they co-opted because all they know how to do is climb socially and when you’ve already reached the top ….. Where do you go?

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ddf4a0  No.121686


>I think you overestimate the power Jewish people have

You know nothing about jews or the current state of the world.

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068b1c  No.121795

If you're all so sick of the victory laps then let's talk about what we can do instead.

There's the solution proposed by OP that we embrace strong religious values centered around family and folk. But since family & folk are under active assault you're fighting an uphill battle to instill values into your children in a world that wants your daughter to be a mudshark and your son to cut his dick off and dress like a girl. This approach all by itself is just bailing water when you should be plugging the hole.

Then there's the 1488 Boots On The Ground approach. Race war. Go all Turner Diaries on these fuckers. That would involve a level of martial discipline and personal valor that are rare in the best of circumstances. You most likely need to REALLY believe in some reward in the afterlife like ISIS does. Plus they have an extremely sophisticated recruitment system in place for getting Westerners to join them. White nationalists only have the occasional mass shooter. We are nowhere near the likes of ISIS. Even if we were, that level of open and organized violence would bring down the hammer of the gods upon our heads just like it has for ISIS.

The third option is organized crime. Blue Collar, White Collar, whatever. Organized crime can be consistent with strong family values. Just ask the Mafia. You might be turning your nose up at this one as degenerate cowardly behavior but even white nationalist fiction includes using criminal activity, like robbing money from porn shops or collecting protection money from casinos as a way of funding themselves. But I'm referring here to a strict focus only on crime. A trustless and decentralized network with racist leanings, funded by criminal activity designed to leach off the very system that leaches off us.

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b6a802  No.121803

File: 73db95ca8274f33⋯.jpg (119.64 KB, 508x678, 254:339, Boogaloo_boys.jpg)


[fedposting intensifies]

Posts like these are clear evidence that the last thing that kikes want is whites acting like them. /pnd/ is a law abiding board, you better share your "real talks" with Antifa, officer.

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92070c  No.122118


>Posts like these are clear evidence that the last thing that kikes want is whites acting like them

Did I say not to have strong religious values? I said it wasn't enough all by itself. And kikes DO consider crime acceptable so long as it's practiced against the goys. It wouldn't hurt for us to copy this too.

Don't say any incriminating shit, just think about it. Don't you have a strong instinct telling you these two things are mutually exclusive? Kikes don't.

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b3a235  No.122431


Hi new here, nice thread. What you suggest already exists, not by us but by the real scary guys, they are bad and there exists no law, judge or organisation that can save you. If they wanted, they could take a random Jew and make them disappear, not even caring that it was a jew. A jduge, a politician, anyone anywhere. 2nd This one is not going to end well, stay back and let the guys with the badges and guns handle it, or the jews will get sick and tired and send in the death squads. 1st Yes first is important, also teaching your kids values and history. Who are they? Are they apart of a 300 year old clan, did they fight for freedom, did they help build todays world? Is there some uncle that was a great scientist or a long time ago one of the great discoverers ? The grounding element is history, personal and national, and religion but mostly religious values, honor and how it ties into todays society.

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22faab  No.122779


>You are high as fuck if you think that any Whites ever voted or wanted non-White immigration.

except for the fact that women always vote lefty & pro-immigration, while men and soy boys are divided => they literally vote for it

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a43464  No.122794

most jews nowadays don't think that way. maybe the ultra orthodox ones.

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a43464  No.122795


not all women vote that shit. not voluntarily at least

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