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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: e64a226aabf7030⋯.jpg (129.75 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Swedish_policewoman_kneels….jpg)

4ec02f  No.120695

As this anti-white hysteria sweeps across the globe guess it was only a matter of time before Sweden joined in.

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e27e93  No.120699


Nice nigger in the background. What, pray tell, are niggers doing in Sweden again?

Oh that is right…stealing looting and raping the natives.

Please remember this 'Swedish face' when the time comes.

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6ff2d1  No.120712


Fear was probably a pretty big component of this, but I doubt this woman would ever admit that. Some immediate fear of the crowd, and some fear of blowback if she doesn't do something to appease the crowd.

I think many "liberal" white people think that all this anti-white virtue signalling has no cost. They're wrong. They're really just tacitly approving of people to hate their guts and thinking it's just some throwaway action that has no lasting consequences. They are going to transport us all to hell on their road of good intentions.

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ad75e5  No.120715


We have a thread for this, you fucking idiot.

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c78cdc  No.120877

File: d8de70a94d8a837⋯.jpg (74.2 KB, 792x594, 4:3, 201809221435153566.jpg)

imagine hearing someone break into your home and when you call the cops this fucking slut shows up

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7ebd5c  No.120904

Prove thats a cop and not an actor in uniform. She's way too photogenic for a random femcop.

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90355e  No.120948


Alexander Gustafsson is the manliest man in Sweden and his three arch enemies are black.

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2cb9fb  No.121189


You must be british or american, women in other Western countries are just better looking.

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5ac134  No.121642

File: 2280380408e3cf8⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 747x1328, 9:16, reet.jpg)

File: 627c8c49f806409⋯.png (574.45 KB, 600x596, 150:149, standard.png)


Shes the standard generic female cop.

>t. dutchfag

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