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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: bb11761bbf69a06⋯.jpg (117.61 KB, 1024x457, 1024:457, 1591461771449.jpg)

File: 4961270e796335a⋯.png (238.46 KB, 684x873, 76:97, 1591461339067.png)

File: 845f6a4e55a3628⋯.png (266.95 KB, 664x923, 664:923, 1591461375612.png)

File: 191fb2577aef4e3⋯.png (381.84 KB, 662x913, 662:913, 1591461240885.png)

40be7a  No.119264

Posting this before the planned 4pm antifa DC riots because the media has already painted a target on 8kun and 4chan by linking us to "boogaloo boys" which they insinuate to be an organized group. This would heavily imply that they're setting up for something and has been doing so for about a month. A million people are supposedly going to gather in Washington DC today which would make it a perfect false flag site for anyone and I'm here to make sure we won't be on the receiving end.

This post is here to distance ourselves from any violence made (included, but not limited to) the 6th of June 2020 tied to this fictive "boogaloo boys" group. We do not condone any of it. We do not support it. This is entirely a creation of a media conglomerate who seek to divide us. This is a board of peace.

Below is the definition of the meme "boogaloo" below in case they try to change it in the future, showing that it did not originate here or 4chan, but that it is a relatively old meme.


"Boogaloo or Boog is a slang term often used by libertarians and anarcho-capitalists to describe an uprising against the government or left-wing political opponents, referred to as “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.” Online, memes using the phrase are typically circulated among gun enthusiast groups and forums.

Prior the use usage of "boogaloo" as a reference to a second civil war in the United States, the phrase "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo" was widely used in a variety of contexts, including jokes about a sequel to the 2016 superhero film Captain America: Civil War.[3] On April 7th, 2018, the phrase was used as a title in the firearm enthusiast subreddit /r/progun.[4]

On June 23rd, 2018, the "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo" Facebook[5] page was created.

On March 12th, 2019, Urban Dictionary user iRunFromTheTaxman submitted an entry for the term, defining it as "a common libertarian meme to reference the overthrowing of a government or authoritarian force by a(n) (armed) revolution" (shown below)."

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40be7a  No.119266

File: 080c3b50e5854ff⋯.png (250.19 KB, 672x911, 672:911, 1591461649737.png)

File: 9b966c97e5c62b0⋯.png (227.62 KB, 654x884, 327:442, 1591461617312.png)

File: a6dcb086c2eab22⋯.png (256.99 KB, 662x878, 331:439, 1591461578293.png)

File: 40cf2c69eae8d00⋯.png (238.13 KB, 669x875, 669:875, 1591461427791.png)

More evidence of the mass media prepping up for something.

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40be7a  No.119267

File: d57f4932d58155c⋯.png (206.47 KB, 657x860, 657:860, 1591461714531.png)

File: 7820cc67ccb0a30⋯.png (254.61 KB, 650x871, 50:67, 1591461682175.png)


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d48505  No.119268


>Overthrowing a authoritarian force by armed revolution

That is enshrined in the constitution faggot. You can’t have it both ways all the time. You are going to have to take a stand FOR SOMETHING AT SOMETIME.

Technically antifa is more correct than YOU and for that, they will ‘end up in power’ and end up making the new rules and laws that we will all be expected to live by.

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40be7a  No.119269

File: a2e6f18acb6dfd3⋯.png (315.91 KB, 600x800, 3:4, shill_temp.png)


I'm honored to have a baiting shill post within 4 minutes.

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d48505  No.119270


Not interested in your opinion. Just Truth. I have not stated anything that is not true. They are organized, you are not. They have money and military power behind them, you do not. They have the will to conquer and destroy. You do not.

If you cannot acknowledge the Truth, you cannot recover and survive. You can never know your enemy. You can never be in control or lead? Who will you lead? What is your platform?

You cannot answer nothing or deny reality and expect that people will take you seriously.

I know my platform.

I have an agenda.

I have a plan.

I have a belief.

You are not even willing to acknowledge the rules of engagement.

You think that someone who disagrees with you is not ‘on your side’ because they disagree and can clearly see where your logic has fallen short.

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40be7a  No.119271

File: 36a9e73b860feb8⋯.png (218.49 KB, 800x575, 32:23, glowbait.png)

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d48505  No.119274


About what I expected.

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941210  No.119772


Hard to hear what you're saying when you speak such perfectly-accented Shlomonics.

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c6b50f  No.119910

The Jew hates the Boogaloo Pill. They want you to stay home, unorganized, doing nothing.

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5b66a1  No.119927


lol. instead we stay at home, organized, getting on with life and enjoying the show.

burn, liberal cities, burn! we salute you.

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c6b50f  No.119937


The Jewish media has been attacking this for months because they are afraid of white people using edgy humor with symbolism. It's D&C. No one should go to these rallies and if someone is telling you to and to do illegal things, that's an obvious FED.

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9d1cd8  No.119989


>you’re a shill because you said to actually support whites instead of doing nothing

Okay, yep, you’re paid to post here. Thread’s shilling.

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f646e0  No.120174

File: c1d51ed4b71887f⋯.png (519.53 KB, 598x861, 598:861, 1591505155870.png)

The only way to win is to out jew the jews.

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a93571  No.120180

File: c1418d5deeaedff⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 688x387, 16:9, melinda_gates_cross_satani….jpg)


do you really want to live in the world in which you have won, but that in turn, made you a new jew,

Im not sure that i want to live in the world where i take the place of the jew, id better be servant in heaven than lord in hell

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bad693  No.120199


Victory is victory anon.

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fbf24c  No.120220


Sure thing, cuck.

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04977c  No.120224


This. It's time to invert the roles. Also, that guy is a black person since race is only skin deep, those protesters are just being racists.


>Oy vey, don't act like us!

>Implying a world ruled by whites would be hell

>Implying retards like Bill and Melinda Gates know anything about religious symbolism and are not just mundies who wear things which Jews tell them are fashionable


This. It's time to completely shed all the false morality and false idols which were inhibiting our power for centuries.

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fbf24c  No.120229


You glowniggers are so boring. Antifa have no power and no direction. They couldn't even get that worthless jewish commie to run for president. The jewish left would rather put a senile, incoherent child sniffer in his place. I bet that's actually what these riots are all about. Remember that guy on project veritas making threats? Spoiled liberal children throwing a tantrum and burning liberal cities where they know there'll be no consequences because daddy mayor will look the other way. This is not power. This is frustration and desperation, and it's been hilarious to watch it unfold.

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9a80d2  No.120239


No one has to be the jew dipshit.

BTW, I wouldn't wear one (or a cross for that matter) but if you didn't know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Saint_Peter

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9d1cd8  No.120255




>totally organic "just turn into jews, goyim" posting

Uh huh. Pathetic.

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a93571  No.120272


haha that be a good one mate, cross of peter lol, fuck off you satanic mongrel

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df300d  No.121146

File: 8de93c490e6e80b⋯.jpg (109.84 KB, 900x672, 75:56, Dear_feds_and_leftists_15c….jpg)

This image is already doing the major rounds. So others WILL know.

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5f7b76  No.121355


>cares about control

>wants to lead

>projects his insecurity

>believes in "rules of engagement" that he expects everyone to follow

and above all

>thinks there's an enemy

ladies and gentlemen, last war's general

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c7ec9e  No.121368

File: 55f92f26a6e6ff7⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 488x278, 244:139, just_wait_things_will_get_….jpg)

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c7ec9e  No.121369

File: 51f681cca92b6af⋯.jpg (113.82 KB, 500x619, 500:619, brenton_tarrant_did_nothin….jpg)


>thinks there's an enemy

This indicates that you don't think there is an enemy?

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5f7b76  No.121372


correct. just people who are afraid, who's fear has been co-opted and directed to harm their fellow souls. even the people doing the co-opting and directing are just being carried along by the fear of their fathers and mothers. Sometimes death needs to be the answer to violence, but that does not mean the violent man is your enemy.

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83e670  No.121386


>it's totally not us!

>we're the only place on the internet that has thread after thread about it and won't stop talking about it

>b-b-but it's totally not us!!!

Uh huh …

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5f7b76  No.121387


lol at this man

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83e670  No.121388


>that guy is a black person since race is only skin deep

<paint = skin

Wow, you're retarded.

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83e670  No.121392


>That is enshrined in the constitution

Armed revolution isn't in the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence is not the Constitution, nor is it Law. Unless you're thinking about the French Constitution, in whiich case, yes it is enshrined in there.

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c7ec9e  No.121393


I think what we are seeing here is the kike understanding that the board is totally compromised and that they can say anything they want here and no one will defend the board.

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83e670  No.121399


Is the board worth defending?

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c7ec9e  No.121401


Do you really think you need a jewish piece of paper to tell you what you can and can't do?

Holy fuck! People be crazy.

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5f7b76  No.121402


>defend the board

>by replying to jews

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c7ec9e  No.121403


Is anything worth defending?

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83e670  No.121405


I merely pointed out that the claim:

>That (meaning: overthrowing the government by armed revolution) is enshrined in the constitution

is a false claim.


Yes, there are things worth defending.

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c7ec9e  No.121414


What is 'worth defending then'?

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83e670  No.121419


You mean in general or what I personally would defend?

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9ed7aa  No.121428


>wah wah muh jesus

is there anything more cucky than a cunt praising a semitic religion that was forced upon his ancestors through duplicity, torture and war?

ps, yes, the antifa practice violent revolution and that is what only works but it would be foolish to forget they're backed by the system

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e07215  No.121474

File: a5a8ef3cbb8ffe6⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1447x955, 1447:955, boogaloo.PNG)

Look who got the scoop. I read on Wonkette of all places that these guys used to be 'the Base' iirc


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c7ec9e  No.121515


I have my answer anon.

I know the score now.

We only win when we don't kill our enemies.

















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83e670  No.121517


>I have my answer anon

>I know the score now.

No, you really don't. You just got your shit kicked in because you were suddenly made to realize that this board isn't worth defending. It's just a board on the internet and it means nothing. You won't defend your home or your wife or your ideals, but you want a fucking image board defended? That's why you will always lose, now and forever.

>We only win when we don't kill our enemies.

If you say so …

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c7ec9e  No.121570


>No, you really don't. You just got your shit kicked in because you were suddenly made to realize that this board isn't worth defending

I have known from the beginning who was here with me anon.

Don't be angry at me. I am just like you.

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