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da272a  No.119177

CNN Proposes to Criminalize All White Children: "They Deserve to Feel Like They Will Be Killed."

WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1AhqigstUo

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da272a  No.119178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da272a  No.119179

File: a4ae08316568be5⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 217x232, 217:232, timmy.jpg)

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acfe11  No.119184


In a way I back this. No more White children with ANY DELUSION that niggers and subhumans are their friends. This is actually a good thing in disguise. Ethnic European children have spent too long thinking that their mortal enemies are their 'friends'. It is time to change this and show them from the youngest age possible that all other races are a fucking menace and are nothing but trash.

European adults are getting their 'wake up call' right now. It is time for our children to be raised from the cradle to KNOW THEIR MORTAL ENEMIES.

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94474f  No.119189

File: 42e5359d8db5557⋯.jpg (66.72 KB, 640x762, 320:381, photo_2020_06_06_07_18_01.jpg)


>the left is still working as hard as it can to push moderates away and towards us

Spread it. Spread it far and wide. Bundle with images of south african and rhodesian farm murders. Make sure they know what comes next.

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054a99  No.119196

File: 8bda2a6a452a2b8⋯.jpg (250.08 KB, 672x382, 336:191, Eduard_Gans_Baptisim_nor_e….jpg)

File: 32a360fde372fe8⋯.png (411.67 KB, 3190x2278, 1595:1139, one_drop.png)

Reminder that Tim Wise is only has a single paternal jewish grandfather, yet he behaves as though he's 250% jewish. Nuremberg cuckholdry has to end.

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acfe11  No.119201


Yep DNA testing and mass graves for anyone with even ONE DROP of kike DNA in them. The sickness has to be stopped and it must be stopped by a complete purge of the problem on this planet.

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c1c17f  No.119240

Those CNN morons are just sitting there nodding their heads in agreement.

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