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00b46c  No.118284

We are trained from birth to expect, almost embrace prison culture. We are trained to consider spending part of our life in jail or prison inevitable, almost as a rite of passage.

This is an unacceptable status quo.

While the Joe Bidens of this world boast of introducing bills that turn everyone into a criminal worthy of jail time, I challenge that idea.

I say, let's make the United States the LEAST incarcerated place on Earth.


How can we accomplish this? Watch for a shillstorm in wake of this, disguised as rebellion against religion, etc. etc. etc. Same thing, different day.

A) Christianity returned to the forefront of public life.

B) the Bible taught in schools

C) Laws, rewards, and punishments brought into line with God's Word, especially the New Testament

D) Judges who are long-time spirit-filled Christians, married, heterosexuals with children who can mete out TRUE justice, not six months for a child rapist and two hundred consecutive life sentences for filing a tax return an hour late

E) Eradicating every law in the entire land, right down to the most remote hollow or bayou, that does not line up directly with God's Word, common law, common sense, and the constitution of the United States of America

F) Quickly trying and sentencing to death any who have been found to be in violation of these laws, retroactively. They know what they have been doing. They know what they have been getting away with.

G) Elimination of foreign-language cults and entities in the United states that have proven to have a track record of poisoning everything they touch for their own enrichment. If a society is a closed, elitist club of racial supremacists, they have no place in this or any other country but their own.

H) Returning to the death penalty for any who hold any additional citizenhip other than that of an American National.

I) Repatriating people to their traditional homelands and forcibly removing those who will not do so, if they got into the USA under the auspices of said traitors.

Guidance and reform for errant individuals:

No prisons. No jail terms longer than 24 hours while awaiting the assemblage of people to render good judgment based on God's Word, of what is to be done to a person who steals, deceives, or harms others.

Biblical remuneration or corporal punishment for Biblically-defined tresspasses.

Death penalty for Biblically-mandated crimes:


Human trafficking

Sexual penetration of a minor

Pornography of ANY sort



Prisons, per se, will not exist. Instead, programs of work and productivity will be emplaced. If people can't be convinced to be something useful, but habitually steal and can't be brought into the fold with corporal punishment and restitution, they can be exiled from the USA. There are other countries where such activities are more welcome.

If a man will not work, neither should he eat. If your abilities or handicaps reduce you to doing boring, repetitive, or otherwise undesirable work, you will have a choice of working or starving. The choice, of course, will remain yours, and individual charity can be exercised by each person, at their own choice.

Let's let water find its own level, and pump the saltwater out of our lakes, so to speak, and back into its customary seas.

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a69fa1  No.118330


or just like kill all jews and nigger you stupid faggot boomer scum OP.

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