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File: deb21d2759d20e6⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1868x1520, 467:380, Screen_Shot_2020_06_05_at_….png)

7d5250  No.118274

Did Antifa/BLM conduct an assassination of a military family near San Antonio, TX?


>family of 6 dead including 2 cats

>husband member of military

>noxious chemicals detected upon entry

>explosives found

>cryptic note using military jargon discovered, translated by other military member

>100 block of Red Willow, San Antonio TX

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ffe001  No.118286


Why should I suspect Antifa, unless Antifa is way more competent and organized than I have come to understand? Very sketchy situation regardless.

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b64ac9  No.118294

So, the FBI/CIA/Mossad have targeted another bunch of Americans for a mass murder.


I am not.

Who are they false flagging the blame on? Donald Trump and Ivanka sneaking in and shooting them with High Capacity AR-1500 Assault Machine Fully Automatic Rifles of Assaultness and Death? That are mean and black?

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b64ac9  No.118296


PS thanks for the 27-recaptcha-in-a-row honeypot designed to monitor your mousing patterns.

Just put the information here, nerd.

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b64ac9  No.118298

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b64ac9  No.118299

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4adc9e  No.118304

So, to be clear, they took an extra three hours to clear out the spooky explosives that didn't exist, and evacuate everyone in a twenty-mile radius, plus called the coast guard and held a seance to talk to Joan Rivers' ghost, THEN went in to check on the family.

Gotcha. Does not seem legit.

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4adc9e  No.118305

"No such explosives were found when police eventually entered and found the bodies, McManus said. He added it wasn't clear which military branch the father was with."

Roger. Maybe it was 20 hours. I guess they wanted to make sure there was no way to ascertain the exact time of death.

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070e54  No.118340

>Kill upstanding american family

>Blame it on antifa

>The anger rises

>More fuel to the commie-induced fire of civil tensions

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851445  No.118365


>PS thanks for the 27-recaptcha-in-a-row honeypot designed to monitor your mousing patterns.

Are you using SJWfox or a fork by any chance? They're hard throttling archive.is and its sister domains via their DNS-over-HTTPS "feautre".

I almost never get a captcha with Vivaldi.

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811c76  No.118392


>including 2 cats

edgy soyfaggots confirmed, definitely antifa

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811c76  No.118395


stop using shitty free VPN plugins that leak your DNS. They have onion links as well if you're that paranoid:



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dd5aba  No.118517


Trumpniggers have a super conspiratorial view of antifa, similar to how the left believes in some kind of monolithic Klan conspiracy,

Probably just a green nigger with PTSD from serving ZOG.

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bf0e14  No.118550


Trumpfags and /pol/tards have assured me that if any member of Antifa were to pull a trigger, then their soy-soaked finger bones would break. So, no, not Antifa.

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811c76  No.118636


never heard of someone targeting cats due to PTSD. that sounds a lot like some emo edglord shit with black fingernails

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dd5aba  No.118714


People will often take their pets out with them when they kill themselves.

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f75975  No.118807



No, it was cartel or cia, maybe they had incriminating evidence on hillary clinton, take your pick.

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d09676  No.118816

Oh shit. What the fuck is going on? Is this just nigger actions?

7 people were found dead in Valhermoso Springs, Alabama.

This happened today too. They killed 7 people and the dog then started a fire which was put out by county police.

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68e281  No.118825


why would panty-fa goto a house of noone to do this?

show what the parents where apart of , im thinking SSRI scripts or beaner mafia

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d09676  No.118826



heres the archive link

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d09676  No.118830

Ok here's my tinfoil hat theory Im gonna make because im a faggot.

Glowniggers are merking military families and witnesses that happen to be in the house at the time because they are taking out military leadership that will actually fire on the chimpouts. They will be replaced with niggers or commies that will kneel to the terrorists in order to completely destabilize the US. The black terrorists will have a fake "coup" of our government then along with our gay military to issue a bunch of globohomo demands.

All these mass murders are too professional.

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6c8d03  No.118903


hope your bs with 27 captcha i do 2 and say fuck it ,that is if i wanna help jewgle out

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69e743  No.118960


San Antonio though, lot of military end up abusing drugs. If he got tied into drugs, he might have become a drug smuggler or some such and stole some or some shit like that, good chance cartel threatened him to get the money or they would kill his family, so they committed group suicide so they didn't get fucking skinned.

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4d5b0d  No.118961


<skinned together as a family

<these people belong in our civilization

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69e743  No.118967


They are pretty fucking serious when you see shit they do, it's fucking awful.

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4d5b0d  No.118968


<upping the ante

<belong on this planet

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dd5aba  No.119033


They're natural conservatives who will vote Republican if Trump gives them amnesty.

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efce76  No.119120


>designed to monitor your mousing patterns

this guy knows what's up

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85e071  No.119250


Surprised no one other than you two saw that.

IN other news, a plane with a family including 2 children just suddenly fell out of the sky on its way to what turned out to be their own funeral.

Seems like the suspicious whole-family deaths are mounting up.

Definitely sounds like the you-know-whos deathing entire families to send a message.

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3b6fd5  No.119252


Link please. Where? Who? When?

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152c33  No.119255

File: 91fefa199dd48dc⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1296x1987, 1296:1987, CCB1BCB8_DD32_45C3_9D22_6….jpeg)


It seems really odd to me that the New York Times would carry this article.

This seems more like a ‘local news’ event.

Does anyone know who these people are or if they are political in any way?

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0409a8  No.136801


I also get a (((recaptcha))) request when accessing through onion.

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6b138d  No.136808


That is totally untrue. They always vote democrat. For generations and generations. They are subhuman parasites and that is their nature. Democrats are parasitic as well.

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dcee93  No.136964


The military are all zogbots anyway. Nothing of value was lost.

Those military men who aren't explicitly killing jews are the enemies of the white race.

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6b138d  No.136974


Everyday this is looking more and more true as we can clearly see that BLM and the outside military insurrection we are undergoing in the USA is OPENLY ENCOURAGED by our own government.

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41bb67  No.137070


The ol' sarcasm detector not working as well as it used to, eh?

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41bb67  No.137072


Apologies for the double post, but holy fuck they're obviously lying.

McManus claimed that the odour the officers detected was carbon monoxide. However, carbon monoxide is odourless and undetectable to the human sensory system, hence why it is such a dangerous toxin. So they couldn't have "smelled" carbon monoxide, it would have to have been something else.

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c84043  No.137076


Like chasing a samurai who smells of sunflowers

Classic sign

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b0b8b8  No.137122

You've any proof that antifa killed that people?


Antifa are only a few of mad negros that wants to burn some cities and stole electronic stores.

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