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File: 248fb23a1b854fb⋯.jpg (3.79 MB, 3900x5008, 975:1252, c49cek2eah0y_1_.jpg)

ab67b9  No.117615[Last 50 Posts]

If you're not already armed in CY+5, you are a retarded faggot and you deserve whatever Tyrone does to your female family members while you watch.

But God loves you even if I don't, and chances are the merciful lord Jesus his son will protect you many, many times before you finally meet the death that comes for us all in the end. You can even thank him for this thread, if you so choose.

This is quite simply, a thread for the discussion of self defense and how to do it, what to use, et cetera. Fitness advice/discussion will also be allowed.

Luke 22:36

"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

Proverbs 6:6-8

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest."

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6b505e  No.117634

File: 3cc2353ca4cc770⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1497x2126, 1497:2126, TNEGTHPDOABv2_2019_.png)


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b8dad7  No.117694

Longtime /k/ommando here. Just buy a used striker fired handgun in 9mm, .40 S&W or .45 auto. Buy a good holster for CC, you'll regret a cheap holster quickly. Shotguns, go Mossberg 500 or Maverick 88. Remington 870s are ok but the QC isn't great sometimes. For an AR, PSAs aren't bad, but not amazing. Aero precision is my go to. Anyone who says LMT or KAC is significantly better than Aero is just a snob.

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eae79a  No.117721


What's a 'good' holster? Brand, format, etc. And what's your take on bullpup rifles?

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a7409e  No.117788

What if anon can't/won't get a gun license. What are the options in the US while avoiding alphabet soup lists?

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041fb0  No.117793

Anybody have one of these charts for hand-to-hand combat equipment? Batons, blades, etc.

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17a57d  No.117799

A good defense never is static.


Without actual practice it will be no use.

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85eaf4  No.117821

File: 54a6709fbdd6bcc⋯.jpg (97.33 KB, 720x500, 36:25, police_training_field_inte….jpg)

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8d5623  No.117869


the moss 500 has aluminum reciever where the rem 870 has a steel one, the rem also has a thicker barrel than the moss

a more equal comparison of the brands is a moss 590 vs rem 870

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6b8995  No.117876


I once asked a /k/ fag I know IRL, he said they're clunky and unwieldy as fuck compared to other rifles. He also specifically mentioned that the bullpup variations have more kick than other rifles of similar caliber, for guns like Tavors this leads to noticeably less accuracy versus their equivilents. RIP if there is a misfire or if you're left handed.

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b8dad7  No.117928


I've never shot a bulpup actually so no comment. Holster brands I own and like are Neptune concealment, Osborn holsters, and TR holsters for CCW. Outbags USA makes one I'm a fan of as well, but they also make shit all nylon ones that are shit.


>muh steel reciever

That can and will rust. Not because of steel, but Remington has piss poor metallurgy after 2007. ARs receivers are aluminum and there's no issues with durability there. 870 ejectors are riveted in meaning you need a gunsmith or the right tools to replace it. Not practical. Mossberg is a simple drop in for a replacement. Maybe buy a used, pre 2007 870 as a truck gun. Sure. But only retards buy new Remington firearms now.

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dd8b2f  No.117959


No license required to get a shotgun and keep it in your home or UNLOADED in the trunk of your car

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bb604f  No.117981

File: 28d79cdc3436e68⋯.jpg (53.67 KB, 679x623, 97:89, Focus_in_Aiming.jpg)

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eb4b4f  No.117991

eurocuck here. what kind of non-lethal gun do you recommend that can shoot pepper bullets? we can't legally have anything more serious…

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712585  No.118015


Can you say what country?

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eb4b4f  No.118056


I don't wanna reveal that. Getting a permit for a lethal gun is near impossible without "a good reason" and I don't want to buy illegally either. I want something for home defense as I'm pretty sure the antifa chimpout will reach us too sooner or later.

I know I want something that can shoot 9mm PA PV bullets, cheap and easy to use for newfags. It'd be even better if I didn't have to reload after each shot, so a revolver or something with a magazine. As for firing mechanism, air/gas/mechanical is permitted.

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b8f6c7  No.118126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Find all the posture videos, especially one aimed at correcting issues from too much sitting, and follow every single exercise you can find in each video and do them all multiple times a day. Make these your top priority, if you're tired from just doing these alone and don't feel well for other exercises after, keep to them alone.

I've been doing this and I automatically become super strong just by fixing posture. I hit some weird plateau with my left arm where it couldn't raise a 40 lb weight overhead no matter how many times I tried and there was always pain doing it. For several months I tried all kinds of things while my right arm got stronger and stronger and left arm couldn't budge it.

Then I gave up on those weight exercises and did posture exercises multiple times a day, every day. In about a week I tried picking up the 40lb weight with left arm and was easily able to lift it up over head multiple times before when previously I couldn't even do ONE. I had to literally use my other arm to hold onto my left arm and assist it to do one or two reps before and then couldn't do more. I didn't understand.

Once I fixed my posture suddenly I'm just automatically stronger without doing any weight exercises. It is really important and fundamental. I highly encourage all anons to regain the full range of motion in their hips and shoulders and to identify any other parts of the body that need working on and just do everything you can find. In the past I had done a few specific exercises recommended to me which didn't help but once I just started doing every single exercise I could find that targets the shoulders, it all worked out, and I stand straighter now and have my strength restored.

I put together a few of the posture exercise vids that I've been following every day into this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo6FrOGjYRkb2X-tkn8MlCtBsF02bX7hu

Not much and I want to add more but there's quite a few variations showed in these vids also I do them in the order shown which I think is important since one of the guys in the vid said they have to be done in order. It really works and helps relieve the tension and me to sleep better. I should add before that I was constantly waking up with arms numb, not even being able to fully clench fingers together for a couple seconds, and taking about a minute to be fully normal. However I'm starting to have less of the weird numbness and limpness stuff happening to me.

The most important one for me has been those wall slides where you clench the shoulder blades together as hard as you can. I also stop at certain points in the slide and just hold it there really clenching the shoulder blades together as hard as I can for as long as I can (about 30 seconds) and at first there was a lot of pain and some popping noises but now there is much less tension and not really any real pain just a stretched out feeling that is much more pleasant than when I started.

Good posture is automatic strength, easier sleep, and you feel less worn out just going through the day.

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e2707e  No.118133


thanks bro

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a21902  No.118166


Good tips. I've had back and hip pain and noticed it was from sitting too often, slumped over. So I eventually stopped sitting so much. I would stretch and exercise more often, try to keep my back straight and over the last year it did help me a lot. I also took more walks too. My back pain has gone away, my hips still ache once in a while but not as bad as they used to be.

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b2b77d  No.118169


I would also throw in that pic some Flitz anti-rust solvent, as it protects guns from rust if kept in a humid environment.

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b2b77d  No.118172


>That can and will rust. Not because of steel, but Remington has piss poor metallurgy after 2007.

Just get some kind of anti-rust removal solvent and anti-rust polish. There are kits out there with both and they work great for removing rust and keeping the guns from rusting although you do have to re-apply it every once or twice a year.

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f32012  No.118175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is this what we're up against?

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f32012  No.118177

File: cfa433a4e86e269⋯.jpeg (15.59 KB, 300x168, 25:14, EZXBQ_gX0AICBC3.jpeg)

File: 98768c9c1a9dd95⋯.jpeg (22.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, EZXBQ_fXYAAiHZk.jpeg)

File: 98a9d1e3c64bae5⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Secret_History_Of_ANTIFA_B….jpg)

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2484f3  No.118199

chemical agents are your friend

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49d0a9  No.118342


I'm not going to buy from a shit company with a history of poor QC to begin with.

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061487  No.118351


While on paper they may seem ideal, you have fundamental issues using them on a unit level.

A. they fail to immediately incapacitate. Look at the Japanese subway sarrin attacks, while on a large scale they provide effective area denial on a small scale they allow infantry to get within shooting range even if they die afterwards.

Not only do they take considerable time to deploy, they also take some time to incapacitate an individual.

B. They force you to use protective equipment, which is cumbersome.

C.Difficult to deploy, in a range of situations chemical agents won't work well. If defending attackers will simply flank if able to do so, effectiveness in open areas and at range is very limited- if you deny enemy movement they are likely to just light you up from a few hundred yards, you may also find that they interfere with your own defensive positions; having denied an adjacent area you may be unable to pursue fleeing enemies through the area yourself

On a unit level mines are more effective, on a unit/individual level grenades work better

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21bcbb  No.118366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you want to watch gun channels on jewtube, there's none better than his.

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73aa89  No.118373


It's a shame people who are right don't make engaging videos, after watching five minutes of that I almost died.

I've found when giving instruction to n00bs in a range of contexts you have to provide physical training material, you have to build confident before providing information because normies work backwards like that and that regular recapping/reinforcement is required.

It's basic sales/training skills, it's not educating- you're selling.

Establish need, Provide solution, demonstrate merit, demand action, close deal.

These guys are too used to teaching intelligent rational people.

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327c04  No.118448

Low point seems interesting.

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21bcbb  No.118529


>It's a shame people who are right don't make engaging videos, after watching five minutes of that I almost died.

Do you have an attention span of a goldfish? He's an excellent speaker and tells great stories.

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b722b9  No.118549

Ahhhhh I can't get a FOID card right now. Might have to go across state lines or something because if that.

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b33a59  No.118625

Okay. So seven years ago I was involuntarily committed to a drug and alcohol center. What are my options for firearm ownership in the USA?

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8415cb  No.118631


Is this a meme? Can't you just, like, stand up straight?

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e97f6c  No.118774


Just did the first video. Had trouble and confusion with the exercises, not sure if I was doing them correctly. I'll do it again tomorrow.

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22b615  No.118808

Useful book on urban and suburban defense written by a former Green Beret:


>So lets say the Orcs are streaming out of Morder, and you only friends are Becky and Bob that were focused on brunch until nine seconds ago. What are you going to do? Step one, is go find out who is willing to help you defend the neighborhood. You aren’t going to stop a wave of locusts alone. Go door to door, and get a crew together. Bring everyone to a central meeting spot, and figure out what you have for weapons.

>Unlike a lot of what I have preached, this defensive plan is very weapons centric. If you don’t have firearms, I absolutely do not recommend a defense in the streets. Melee weapons, in this context, are absolutely no substitute. Riot cops can and do push around a much larger force, using only clubs and shields. But only because they have trained to act as a single organism, like a phalanx of old. And they are still backed up by guns, something worth noting. If as a smaller and untrained force you attempt the same, you are likely to get routed. If you have introduced weapons to the fight, and your side breaks and runs, you are very likely to die. The howling mob will tear you limb from limb, blood lust fueled by the sight of your retreat.

>So guns are important. If you have none of them, you are in deep shit. In this case, I highly recommend that you and your team collapse to one house or apartment. You could also conceivably hold the entrance to your building, if construction favors the defender. In certain cases, melee weapons could actually carry the day. How?

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2a0506  No.118850


>Do you have an attention span of a goldfish?


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89dd50  No.118911

Get a flashlight of 2000+ lumens and blind the fuck out of anyone who threatens you

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f97e5c  No.118920


I guess it's too bad you didn't actually handle them yourself. The correct answer is that they are not ideal for beginners. If you have nothing else, then work with and get used to it, but a bullpup is not the first choice.

It's the same with any specialized, niche type of weapon as opposed to a mainline, common style. For those who haven't been around a long time when it comes to combatives in general, know that is a good general rule. Go with the more common version of something if you're inexperienced. The reason is that it is common precisely because it's easier to use/maintain, etc.


Good tip.


Prior injuries, long periods of inactivity, and lack of training in formative years all contribute to bad posture. You're lucky if you never had any of those problems. Also, fuck this website.

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ec8b81  No.119084


Not a poor fag by any means. Need to procure some more firearms off the grid though. Suggestions?

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ec8b81  No.119086


If you have a record then you cannot. Off the radar buying is necessary especially now with all the levels of uncertainty.

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4325c2  No.119136


nobody ever told me this Had to learn by myself

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ec60b0  No.119150


Black powder firearms aren't "legally" considered guns. You can have them delivered right to your door. As an added bonus they double as a smoke screen so you can easily escape after murkin' a dude.

Gun show loophole. I don't know where you are but Face to Face transfers of rifles and shotguns don't require an FFL transfer in my state as long as you have the same state ID/DL.

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cb6cbb  No.119156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Machete of decent length for the noguns. If you're aggressive enough it's over in mere seconds. Grab some OC spray for non-lethal/force escalation options.

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cb6cbb  No.119157


certain states criminalize carry/possession of BP arms by felons. It was in response to biker gangs exploiting their classification.

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2e4563  No.119272



gay; hail odin

but regardless, can anyone suggest a darknet market that would sell firearms? an onion link would be helpful.>>117615

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13e88c  No.119287



>too hard to use in home defense

>compact polymer nightstand gun with flashlight and burris sight

>as compared to a bulky ass 16"+ barreled 8lb. monstrosity you have to specially move around all corners with to not expose barrel end for being grabbed, snagged, etc.

I mostly agree with this chart but rifles for home defense is a HUGE meme. Good luck with all that excellent mobility and portability during an adrenaline-fueled 3am split second home invasion scenario, you're gonna need it

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454861  No.119305


I am living in cucked Q*ebec as a recent immigrant from US, and PAL for firearm acquisition have essentially been indefinitely outlawed. Canucks, how the FUCK can I get a gun without setting myself up for a triple felony? To make matters worse, Cuckdeau drafted and ordered a (((panic bill))) which ordered the state enforceable dispossession of an entire slew of rifles from the citizenry. Is Canada fucked?

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6a339a  No.119332


From what I read, the gov is currently being sued by the Canadian equivalent of the NRA. YMMV though because Canada, being a cuck British province that cares not for the 1689 Bill of Rights (like its overlord) likely has no protections and thus no legal argument in favor of civilian ownership.

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f9346e  No.119385

I just bought a Sig Sauer P229 Compact M11-A1

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55e35b  No.119386



good luck with those 6 shots against a pack of nigs

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f3cf4b  No.119449

thnaks for the info here.

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aff076  No.119480


Hey, it's something, hopefully he has a lot of ammo and if you start shooting directly at the thugs, watch many start to flee. Even total niggers fear guns, when they actually have someone start to shoot at them. It's no fun getting hit with bullets, it hurts and it disables you pretty fast, and if hit in a critical area can kill you fast too.

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40036e  No.119554

This is the most retarded gun guide I've ever seen. Doesn't even have a Glock listed under the handguns. Get yourself a cheap AR-15 and a Glock 19. For the love of God don't get a shotgun. Use the rest of your money to stock up on ammo and get some training.

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40036e  No.119555


Just get regular pepper spray/bear spray, make sure you don't get mace/CS. Pepper spray works instantly while mace takes time to have an effect. Definitely don't use wasp/bug spray.

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89dd50  No.119724

You can buy some high caliber high powered air guns that are lethal if you can’t get a gun permit in your state.

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89dd50  No.119728

No need to buy guns off the dark web. Just hook up with a private seller in Wyoming and make the transaction there.

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49d0a9  No.119739

File: a6dbeba3b3547de⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 5b99d358.jpg)


Hail Odin

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5e9e72  No.119758

File: b793a7206bb8fe4⋯.jpg (89.95 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, praise_odin.jpg)


>gay; hail odin

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ec8b81  No.119785


Which ones, and which FPS is needed?

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8b3179  No.119804

Guns are not sold on the dark web. Anyone claiming to sell guns on there is either a fed or a scammer. You cannot buy guns on the dark web. Look into a polymer80 pistol build kit.

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2e4563  No.120018

File: 0899565c549e2f4⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 920x614, 460:307, degenerates.jpg)



alright, thanks for the tips.


>christcuck fabricating stuff to make pagans look bad

can't say i'm surprised. it's best this stops here though, this thread isn't about paganism vs christianity.

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936572  No.120030

Hey lads, I agree this visual guide needs severe updating. I think (?) there may have been a slightly updated version back on 8ch /k/.

#1: remember firearms safety over all. You’re protecting your family/property, not making yourself another issue.

Like others have said, if you are a complete noguns, don’t fret your little head. Do a little research on purchase laws for your state. If it’s not too hard to own a handgun, purchase any of the several striker fired (Glock and m&p being the most popular, look for used or police trade in if tight budget), some magazines, some ammo, and you are set up for home defense. If you would prefer a long gun or laws are too restrictive, a cheap 12g PUMP shotgun is effective and increases hit probability (chink maverick 88’s etc are in ~$200 range, rem 870/moss 500 if you can afford), with buckshot. The 9mm carbines such as keltec or hipoint are laughable, but they are simple and they work. You’re not looking for style points, you want home defense for cheap.

Understand that the most popular firearms such as Glock 17 or Glock 19 and 5.56 AR15’s are popular for a reason. They are generally good all around, with no particularly strong or weak points. And, they are modular if you decide to upgrade at some point.

Do not get worked up about calibers. Do you have gf/wife who is not comfortable with firing a 12g shotgun? Buy a 20g, it will still stop a home invader. Don’t go nuts over fmj vs jhp and all that jazz. The audience this thread is meant for is the unfamiliar who just need something that is capable of defending them.

Lastly, I’ve tried to keep personal bias out of this post, but I don’t trust steel plate body armor. I humbly recommend ceramic or basic bitch Kevlar. Do your research and come to your own conclusion you’re comfortable with, obviously.

Lastly lastly, if you’re dedicated enough to properly arming and preparing yourself for whatever happening or incident you may encounter (which you should be at this point), you shouldn’t be using this pdf. You should get the proper education prior to making purchases, the proper equipment, and the proper training. It CAN be done on a budget. There are enough milsurp and cheap brands out there to work for your particular lifestyle.

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35d273  No.120056

Paul Harrel should be on list of youtuber to watch/follow.

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936572  No.120077

File: 9f7f2538407c223⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1497x2126, 1497:2126, C6C434F3_8552_455E_B127_53….png)


Here’s one of the updates. I slightly disagree with no handguns for home defense, as they’re easy to maneuver and you’re not looking to participate in a sustained battle condition, but a nog breaking into your front door. There are good points to concede with both approaches, however.

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66a153  No.120115


Thats the 2017


Here is the 2019

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c00bc8  No.120207


You also have to account for overpenetration when using bigger cartridges.


Most of modern handguns have double-stack magazines. Also with proper training you can swap magazines very quickly, especially if you do a tactical reload.


>muh glawk

Stop watching James Yeager.

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3b1c9c  No.120225



after watching shit pop off on the news my dad went out and bought his first gun. glock 19. he just randomly bought it and doesn't know shit. good buy?

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246b1c  No.120235

File: 430c9c4810b083a⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_20200301_074135_042.jpg)


>Hail Odin

Oh boy, the retarded summer kids are finally here.

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f2c5ea  No.120248


I can suggest a federal agency that tries to sell us



Haven't they made the FBI handbook more sophisticated than "murder a bunch of goyim children and blame the evil goyim guns, preferably in a school, but also wherever any evil goyim may meet" yet?

The day of the rope can't come fast enough. Have you heard from Bill Clinton lately? By the way, he's not your boss, anymore.

How about John Podesta? Taking any orders directly from him in the last few weeks?

The problem with you traitors to the constitution is that you are outnumbered, and we are getting more and more of you to wake up to the fact that a career that is being the Temple Guard for the (((white slavers))) is no longer a viable expectation.

You need Jesus as your savior. The problem is, any time you get near a church, you get an irresistible urge to rape all the little girls, then burn it down, and claim Muh Weapons Infractions, right?

Take careful note of this day. All your communications are being recorded, and you will be held accountable.

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c00bc8  No.120252


Glocks are expensive, but generally reliable and high-quality. But, for the sake of god, make your old man learn trigger discipline; it's especially important since glocks have safety on the triggers. Remember, finger off the trigger until the sights are on the target, and always be sure of your target and what's beyond it. Knee-jerk reaction with a gun can give you years in prison.

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3e72dd  No.120257


If you have the space, do drills. Get or print your own targets.

A large format printer can save you money in the long run, and enable you to choose a target that looks like your typical assailant.

BTW, during the reign of the Shrieking Kenyan Faggot, the targets supplied to the FBI were photographs of the following, holding a firearm:

A pregnant blonde woman

An old white lady

An old white man

A white child

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986d0d  No.120262

>(1) and done


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e0c170  No.120281



>christcucks and coping

Like poetry

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47fa9a  No.120291


>I am paid by jews to post here

Neck yourself.


>self defense is bad, goyim


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40036e  No.120306


>You also have to account for overpenetration when using bigger cartridges.

Any caliber that is effective in self defense is going to over-penetrate. Plan and know what lies beyond your target… and train not to miss.

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d2278a  No.120457

We don't all live in countries where we can have or get firearms. How bout something where we turn modern everyday items into functional, useable weapons.

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0b7c41  No.120525


They have had that for over 80 years. They're called molotov cocktails

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34af6d  No.120665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is my favorite knife wielding training. Lajolo knife wielding is inspired by the proved techniques of old italian cities (where swords were banned but knifes were allowed and plenty of rivalries occured)

reminder that at 8 paces a knife is deadlier than a firearm


just gonna say, clawhammers will never be illegal. keep one

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34af6d  No.120668

File: aa954518abe0950⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1588400185115.jpg)



show the other cheek, christcuck. bend over and spread it too!

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ec8b81  No.121051

So no one on this board can direct anons where to purchase firearms off the grid, for those of us that need to? Jesus Christ this board is useless and cucked.

>inb4 glownigger

Huhr duhr trust duh plan

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47fa9a  No.121076


>help me do illegal things

lol piss off

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b704e4  No.121081


No one is going to give you this info on the clearnet nigger

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34af6d  No.121113


jewgle "silk road + guns" and get free guns

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df47fc  No.121115

Calibers tend to fluctuate in popularity. Currently the 9 mm is very popular with the police. You can buy used police 40 caliber Glocks at very good prices. The 40 caliber Glock that you want for concealed carry is the Glock 23. It comes with a 13-round magazine and a 4 inch barrel. You can buy police trade-in Glock 23s at the price you would pay for a low quality cheap pistol. I bought off the internet a used 4th generation Glock 23 with high quality tritium night sights and four magazines at an exceptionally good price. It was quite obvious it had never been fired with the exception of the two rounds that go through every Glock pistol at the factory.

The Glock 23/19 size of pistol is probably the largest pistol you can conveniently carry concealed. You have to wear a shirt untucked that is at least one size too big for you. I use a simple in waistband tyvex holster that sells on eBay for around $22 to $24. I carry two spare magazines in simple clip on magazine holders.

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ec8b81  No.121133


Huhhh duhhh trust the plan goyim lets not help whites defend themselves. Wake up cuck, do you see what they want to do to whites now?

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396812  No.121134


Christ if you can't find it in this thread then we don't want to be liable for when your lazy, useless ass kills your kid or put a bullet in your own brainpan for your low nigger iq.

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e0c170  No.121204


Christianity was created by Jews to keep non-jews in line retard.

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c07f72  No.121338


Does anyone know of a quick and dirty source to learn about comms, radio, jamming, etc?

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06dfe6  No.121847

File: 373cebfab05a072⋯.jpg (105.04 KB, 540x649, 540:649, 1590498059_0.jpg)



Can't legally buy one, on disabity-bux due to my autism but have a case bowie knife as protection on my night stand. I live in a wealthy neighborhood with my parents but I almost had the window broken into years ago. Some nigger tried to smash it but ran away.


>Black powder firearms aren't "legally" considered guns.

I don't know where to purchase that, plus I heard you can't shoot in most public gun ranges. I need to practice, I live in a liberal suburban neighborhood I practice could anywhere.

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246b1c  No.121855

File: b7b55b7ab143b94⋯.jpg (73.66 KB, 450x684, 25:38, IMG_20200125_133812_784.jpg)


<jews created a religion that calls themselves the children of the devil and the synagogue of satan. The kikes created a religion they hate with a frothing rage and seek to replace with faggotry and atheism at every opportunity. The hooknose sand niggers invented a religion to control goys, that's why it was fully embraced by the German National Socialists as they purged the filthy satanic weimar jews from their nation

This is why white people invented guns; to kill retards and niggers like you.

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994577  No.121882


How the hell is the kel tec 9mm handgun on the list despite having several revisions that never really rendered it reliable? Failure to extract all day long.

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994577  No.121887


You can buy blackpowder online anywhere, and all you need to look up are parks or nature reserves nearest you that allow shooting sports. Or just build a poly 80 glock cuz the police.

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754a46  No.121901

gunboker sucks balls

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754a46  No.121903


yeah, hipoint>keltec

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754a46  No.121929

tldr brands edition

these brands are safe:

buy glock, ruger, hi-point, savage, remington, you are safe. (could s&w be added to this list of safe brands?)

other brands are either for richfags or are minefields. eg mossberg, gr8 shotguns, shit/crapshoot cheap rifles, (the expensive ones are ok?) so check with /k/ or op’s infographic b4 buying!

also, the shopping list is:

all males of the household must own:

1 handgun with 2 mags

1 shotgun

1 very small pistol, for when you can’t adjust your clothing for carry

2 ak or ar rifles (“two guns is one gun, one gun is none at all”)

1 semi-auto 22, such as the ruger 10-22

1 deer rifle

also own a pellet “gun” (doesn’t count as a gun, though)

also a carry knife. watch the gun channels listed to learn the zillions of whys

the females are required to master and carry a small handgun, are encouraged to expand. it is to be carried on their person (not in the purse, or otherwise offbody) all boys are to be given bolt action 22 rifles, are to recite gun safety rules on command, and to exemplify good behavior.

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b8f6c7  No.121979

I need a gun, any gun but preferably something that isn't just single-shot as I want to be able to defend myself from multiple attackers, and a good amount of ammo to go with it, and some basic instruction in how to use it, and the means to bury it in such a way that snow and water won't destroy it. I'm thinking about just going to the police station and asking them if I can legally get one just to be sure because who knows, maybe I can, but I doubt it. Sigh.

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b8f6c7  No.121981


Good. Just rewatch again each day and pay attention to things they say like where you should feel it and make sure you do feel the stretch or burn in the right area. Some stuff has to be spoken about in the video because it's not obvious from looking.

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02ed93  No.122193

Some poorfag recommendations:

Walther Creed 9mm: It's Walther's "budget" handgun model, every bit as good as their more expensive models, just a couple less features. Can be acquired for less than 300 dollars.

Star BM 9mm. Spanish military surplus. Basically a shitty 1911 chambered in 9mm. Not optimal, but it works. All steel construction, reliable if you only fire ball ammo through it. (Won't cycle hollow points reliably) can be acquired for about 150$

You can build an AR-15 for very little money if you scrounge up used parts and keep an eye out for deals. Savage makes cheap lower receivers now that I think are better than Anderson lowers.

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8b4ff6  No.122206

File: 40a243b4138619c⋯.png (151.46 KB, 787x507, 787:507, download.png)

The commentary on the black powder rifle in a situ/k/tion is garbage.

You can usually get black powder arms mailed directly to your house without a background check in most countries. Which also means if you're a drugfag or crimefag, that's a pretty good bet for a self defense gun. They also aren't limited to flintlock actions, cap and ball revolvers will give you six shots before you need to reload them. The caps and modern powder are quite reliable and not subject to moisture problems like before. The "ammo" is cheap at fuddstores like Cabelas. The revolvers can be found for $100USD used from fudds who have passed to pick brass in the great range beyond.

You're not going to get one with a 30 round clipazine but you will get something that works reliably and is cheap enough you can buy two.

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7807cf  No.122232

Anyone have a PDF of the Anarchist's Cookbook they can upload, or other related literature?

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55e35b  No.122369


Don't fall for that dis-info book. check /k/ or /pdfs/

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8c2870  No.122374

Some poorfag recommendations:

Walther Creed 9mm: It's Walther's "budget" handgun model, every bit as good as their more expensive models, just a couple less features. Can be acquired for less than 300 dollars.

Star BM 9mm. Spanish military surplus. Basically a shitty 1911 chambered in 9mm. Not optimal, but it works. All steel construction, reliable if you only fire ball ammo through it. (Won't cycle hollow points reliably) can be acquired for about 150$

You can build an AR-15 for very little money if you scrounge up used parts and keep an eye out for deals. Savage makes cheap lower receivers now that I think are better than Anderson lowers.


I used to have an original print copy. Even as an edgy teenager, I could tell pretty much everything in there is bullshit. Seriously, it's fucking retarded. Like, 90% of the recipes make zero fucking sense and would most likely just injure the person attempting them.

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8c2870  No.122377


Don't know how double-posted just then. The other 10% of info that was actually useful was just shit copy-pasted from military manuals that you could get easily online or at a used book store.

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1f9f82  No.122618

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1f9f82  No.122619

I find basically all the weapons info I can find online is utterly useless, incomplete, and a waste of my time after pouring through so much of it. Nothing that really shows me properly how to make bullets worth a damn or a gun.

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d8a8e7  No.122813


OK, kid.

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a42ffe  No.122832


How much are you getting paid for shilling here? Nice spacing btw, you blend in so seamlessly

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8db70f  No.122833


>99.9% are peaceful anti-fascist protestors.

>99.9% are peaceful protestors


>For the record: Hitler was a fascist

No, he wasn't.

>The US is worse for having so many guns.

Switzerland has similar amount of guns per capita and has close to 0 crime.

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16822c  No.122835


No it isn't.

Reminder that a knife wielder can be snap side kicked and drawn on then shot six times without a nick on you

Reminder that anyone you have the quick on can be over-powered or assassinated

Reminder that the silent knife will always be useful

Reminder to train quick draw and aim in several scenarios, and get a buddy to jump you at a random point in an hour long manhunt game to shore up your blindspots


He's not trying to blend in so meaningless jab.

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1848bd  No.123083


>not liking the dry humor and sick anecdotes of Paul "lets crunch the numbers" Harrell

Caleb pls go

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294b3e  No.123392

File: 55f7dab2f2b3fa0⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1497x2126, 1497:2126, TNEGTHPDOABv2_1_2020_.png)


KelTec 9mm, removed.


3 in One oil (cheap, ubiquitous, works) and EEZOX (use ventilation or OV/AG filters) provide more durable corrosion resistance and abrasion performance, particularly EEZOX.

FrogLube is also a non-toxic, such as Flitz, but the non-toxics have low performance characteristics all around. If used, they must be used often because of evaporation.

For storage, there are light wet films such as StaBil or WD40 Specialist, and heavy wax films such as CRC SP-400 (also NSF category H2 approved), Blaster Corrosion Stop, and CorrosionX.

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78087c  No.123430


>Hitler wasn't a fascist.

But National Socialism is really just a German take on fascism. Don't fall for the kike lie that fascism = bad.

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73aa89  No.123474


…and there is so much Diversity in the loads you can put in a shotgun. If you are (God forbid) stuck with a double-barrel, then the ONE advantage of it is that the load you use can be an even wider variety of things of widely varied lengths, such as those flamethrower-like rounds that pack a bunch of pyrotechnic stuff, etc.

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73aa89  No.123496


A cane is legal anywhere, anytime. Materials and length are not regulated.

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47fa9a  No.123623


>*tips fedora*


Piss off, yid. You’ve nothing to add here.

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e2d4e4  No.124579

File: ac577f69700f336⋯.jpeg (216.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, A43CCCBF_1E21_4E75_A8C4_F….jpeg)

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e2d4e4  No.124588


the total absence of the 10-22 is weird. against unarmored opponents who are also either poorly armed or poorly trained, it’s perfect. also useful for shoot and scoot (with a presently illegal, don’t make one or collect the pieces to make one, or make such plans, soda bottle suppressor, i formation only) operations, should the government collapse.

the complete absence of info on how to train, detect faults, sight picture, strata, it’s weird.

it’s all a good start, but not a one stop shop “you’re ready to survive” infographic.

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5a8c35  No.124617


based as fuck, Paul is great. by far the best gun channel on jewtube.

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db8f8e  No.124747


> FrogLube is also a non-toxic, such as Flitz, but the non-toxics have low performance characteristics all around. If used, they must be used often because of evaporation.

Froglube is also water based and as with any water based lubricant, it cannot be mixed with dry lube like CLP or oil based lubes. You best pick one and stick with it and not mix them.

Froglube does have the advantage that it doesn't smell like gun lube, it smells like mint mouthwash, so there's some element of misdirection there.

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c8337b  No.124832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8337b  No.124881

File: f85bd3035f31c1e⋯.jpg (158.94 KB, 615x621, 205:207, The_Reason.JPG)





-Imagine my shock-

@ ==> @

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3d3466  No.125353

File: 0774b28f3c96726⋯.png (545.4 KB, 756x851, 756:851, 1592088560235.png)


Why does the Zastava M70 description joke about prostituting yourself to blacks? What is this pathetic mentality amongst modern White men these days, they act like women, subservient, docile. I wasn't raised like that or amongst people like that and quite frankly it makes me sick. Grow a pair of fucking balls or it doesn't matter what gun you've got. Toughen up because you won't breeze through fucked up shit like you think.

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754a46  No.125639


good point. but the thread IS a “self defense” thread, not just a what to buy thread. it’s highly misleading that you can just be handed a weapon and instantly be competent in every area, handling, cleaning, strategy, legal rules

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754a46  No.125640

that said, better to fucking have a gun than no gun+ gun skills, uselessly

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45a462  No.125835

File: b931f9cba20100f⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, homedefense.mp4)


I feel this is related and I remember I have this webm saved. I don't know the actual source but the information is good.

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45a462  No.125836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In addition. This is worth viewing as well.

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4e4d4d  No.125923


>I highly encourage all anons to regain the full range of motion in their hips

tips for this?

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b692af  No.126568



> Secret History of ANTIFA British Intelligence

Surely I'm not the only one who wants to know more, right?

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c03352  No.126626


Because if you joke about a nigger raping a retard who didn't buy a gun then hopefully the retard is more inclined to buy a gun. Not really a fullproof strategy since while insulting and demeaning chantards is an age old tradition with some decent results, this chart hitting on black rape in the beginning of a anon and his family and again later on with anon's 'virgin boyhole' points to the makers likely closeted homosexuality. Sounds like there's a /k/ommando out there who might only like black rounds.

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de7e37  No.126717

Hello, mostly lurker here. Does anon have any preferred arms vendors? I usually purchse in person, but shortages are mounting.

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77fdf6  No.126811

What is the best way to obtain a weapon without a background check? I have never been arrested but I don't want the government to know that I have a gun, just in case they pull a hurricane Katrina on us and go house to house confiscating them.

Also, if I buy an 80% lower, where can I go to get it machined?


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b54fde  No.126812


How can I get some weapons from ukraine into baltics, any tips?

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b54fde  No.126813


Also best weapons to buy and from where to buy

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45a462  No.126817


Check your local laws. You might just be able to do a cash transaction with a private seller. No transfer required and completely legal. If you buy an 80% lower you need to do the 20% remaining yourself. This really does not require much effort. Honestly the background check list is way over hyped anyway. You are already on a list for even posting here and probably other activities. Shit, if you are white male that has voted slightly republican you are already on a list.



Duct-tape an AK to the bottom of your yugo and go through the border checkpoint at least half sober.

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45a462  No.126821


Also a background check does not prove ownership. So the state may know you did a background check but you may no longer be in possession due to a boating accident. Additionally if you go the private seller route, I would normally suggest you do a bill-of-sale. However since you are paranoid about being on a list you probably won't do this. Why do a bill-of-sale? Well in case you unknowingly buy a gun that was used in a crime you have evidence that you weren't the one using it during the crime. Same if it was stolen. If you are worried about being put on a government list. I can tell you that the list for being in possession of a stolen firearm that was used for a crime is not a list you want to be on.

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d9438e  No.128168

>bought fun

>just as sheriff offices all shut down indefinitely and i cant apply for concealed carry loicense

very much impeding.

half the posts in this thread are asking how to do illegal things. are you all bored feds? fuck off. there's no reason to be autistic and try to make your own fuckign gun when you can buy one for less than 2 days of pay at even a mediocre job. you're all retarded and overpaid. what kind of cave dwelling niggermonkey would even WANT to use a firearm some retarded autist threw together in his fucking garage? great way to lose a hand when it inevitably explodes. stop ordering ubereats for every fucking meal for a few weeks and there ya fucking go, enough money to buy a proper gun and not send yourself to the ER. god damned fucking retard autist newfaggotty shit for brain NEETs and low IQ sloppy job glownigger fucktards, I'm dicking your wife while you're at work.


just ask your local gyppo or akhmed, eurofag.


>I mostly agree with this chart but rifles for home defense is a HUGE meme.

generally agree. if you're a suburb/ruralfag a raifu might be alright. but in a home invasion what you're firing at will be like 6 feet away from you, wtf do you need a rifle for? it's a bitch to maneuver with, and they have a chance to grab it from you like the pantyfa faggot in seattle who got his shit refused. so it depends: realistically is what you're gonna be shooting more than 20 yards from you and/or is it a literal bear? really? rifle. closer, like 99% of urban crime and home invasions? handgun. people with rifles are all obese larpers.

>hurr so why the military use raiiifulls

because they're shooting at shit more than 20 yards away.

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414e04  No.128336


This is much better than the OP. Avoid Freedom Group/Remington guns like the plague.

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66725a  No.128337


>Avoid Freedom Group/Remington guns like the plague.


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414e04  No.128355


Trash guns. Freedom Group churns out low quality China tier junk.

They acquired all of these brands and ruined them.


Dakota Arms

DPMS Panther Arms

H&R Firearms

Marlin Firearms

Remington Arms

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327da1  No.128377

how can i arm myself in the uk with something effective?

chimp riots still happening

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4ad152  No.128378


oi m8 ave ya gotta loicense for that butter knoife

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327da1  No.128381

File: 1891d4a3922c022⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 640x432, 40:27, jkasdbkihbwd.jpg)

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b389d4  No.128584

File: bcc1c0c85d5ad07⋯.png (524.07 KB, 1919x1164, 1919:1164, The_only_fully_legal_self_….png)


pic related.

You're hosed, m8.


that pic bothered me even when it was back on /k/. Too many garbage tier options.

If you're strapped for cash, you should treat the gun market like the used car market: get an older but solid design.

Something that has stood the test of time and isn't in high demand.

Example for pistols: get hammer-fired pistols as striker-fired ones are all the rage like it was 1904 and the Luger just came out.

There is no inherent drawback to a hammer-fired pistol. Additionally, if you can do without 25 picatinny rails and autistic customization options, get pistol witohut rails. Yes, you won't be able to mount a laser sight or flash light, or waifu pillow, but if you just need a gun, you should just a gun and git gud with it. Spend the money you would on mall ninja gear on ammo first. There is always time to gucci up your gun later.

The SCCY in that pic really bothers me. It might not turn into a glocknade, but it's just terrible all around. Nobody should buy one.

If you manage to find up a german-made SIG, btw, you should definitely splurge on it. With SIG closing its last German factory, these will appreciate in value immensely.

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169b68  No.129077


The best defence is to avoid anyone who isn't white and change whatever part of your life forces you to come into contact with shitskins. Being in a chimp riot or anywhere shitskins congregate in groups of 2 or 3 or more is basically giving up your life. Literally nobody will help you if you're attacked including the police and if you defend yourself you'll find yourself defenceless in prison surrounded by more shitskins.

I have a machete, an axe, a baseball bat and a bowie at home in case someone breaks in. Not good tools for fighting off intruders but I'm working on getting a firearm. If anyone broke into my house I would make sure the police would never be involved. I live rurally though so the chance of nigger home invasions here is miniscule. I'm also over 30 and I can count on one hand the amount of non whites I've ever had more than passing contact with in my whole life, which goes back to what I was saying at the beginning.

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600452  No.129133

File: 13f81bc9b373bbe⋯.jpg (5.1 MB, 4792x5952, 599:744, chart.jpg)

While not strictly all that informative, here's an essential /k/-approved chart of common guns and their owners.

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5305fc  No.129141


Buy a boat first.

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452a91  No.129334

Okay retards, NYC fag here. Nignogs have been going insane over the past couple of weeks and I need help. What would you recommend to get?

(P.S. I cant get out of state, max travel distance manhattan, queens and Brooklyn.)

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53c60e  No.129409


>I cant get out of state

Why not? Are you a quadriplegic?

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026b7c  No.129507


NYC Fag so my guess is no car.

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4a8db6  No.129575


Uh huh. Continue wasting our time. PLEASE.

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1848bd  No.129579

File: dc8b1c114f29f2d⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 800x537, 800:537, Help_the_fucking_children.jpg)


What are you looking for exactly? What situations do you expect to get into if SHTF? A Ruger 10/22 wilI do just fine for defending yourself against the mongrel hoard. It's reliable, budget rifle and 22lr ammo is stupid cheap to buy in bulk a bit more expensive now with everyone and their grandma buying up all the fucking ammo smdh tbh fam. I also believe you can buy an SKS without catching too much flak. An unmodified SKS will have no removable magazine, pistol grip, or threaded barrel, so you should be okay under NYC commie laws. You'll most likely pay yearly taxes just to keep your firearm though. If you can, grab the Yugo variant with the sword bayonet and grenade launcher it looks Boba Fett as fuck.

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55a3dd  No.129675


Hey thanks for posting that, 23yr old (taught to shoot bolt action and semi-auto action rifles at a young age). I recently received a Glock 19C as a gift and will promptly be signing up for a CC course to better my understanding of this beautiful piece of Austrian machining.

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8243a5  No.129946

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006a30  No.130564

File: f9f8c29fa5bea4b⋯.jpg (205.4 KB, 1611x791, 1611:791, FS57_pr0n.jpg)


>beautiful piece of Austrian machining

Anon, I…

Glocknades are a brilliant example of value engineering, nothing more.

It's the Ford Mustang of the gun world. Perfectly mediocre unless you start upgrading every single part.

I've never understood that type of crooked reasoning; buying something because it's cheap and then sinking as much if not more money into it to turn it into something good.

Why not get something good from the start?

Don't expect anything amazing. Neither the sights nor trigger nor barrel are anything to write home about.

Just git gud with it and maybe consider dropping a nicer trigger and maybe an optic into it. But still, training is absolutely paramount, and if it's gonna be an upgrade or ammo, get the ammo.

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43d410  No.130571


Don't know about the other brands but can confirm Remington are chink tier quality now. Pump action shotguns in general these days are just cheap as fuck and just overall more rickety and not as good as the ones made 30-40 years ago.


For some reason Glock got put up on a pedestal as if they are the golden standard. Really if anything Glock is the baseline noob gun. You can go one better for the same price or less by getting a S&W M&P. If you go buy Glock though just be prepared to buy and install some upgrade parts unless you want to trust your life to a meh tier handgun.

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257b14  No.130736

File: 0956a65eb6db450⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 960x523, 960:523, _r7a6BZ_0_aOXDakLY6vpqv117….jpg)

autist kfag dropping by because pol is usually semi retarded about guns in my experience

MOST states don't have any laws regarding long guns, which usually include ARs- go for these for general purpose use including home defense but be aware that poorfag fmj ball ammo WILL overpenetrate drywall and easily kill someone on the other side of a wall or floor, even if you hit a stud- limited penetration ammo exists but generally be judacious about your shooting.

Just get a PSA kit, an M&P Sport II, or nowadays any parts you can get- go for a 12.5 pistol if you go the building route and want a home defense/general purpose gun

If ARs are restricted, get a Maverick 88 or Mossberg 500- shotguns are almost never restricted.

If new to shooting, don't get a handgun first. They're by far the hardest weapon "platform"/style to become adept with and the easiest to make a potentially fatal mistake with. Save it for CC, and train regularly

ALWAYS leave ear protection next to your home defense weapon, preferably electronic, as they're incredibly cheap nowadays and don't hinder your normal hearing- an AR or handgun >>122835

going off in a hallway will cause permanent hearing damage, not to mention massively disorient you and make it incredibly difficult to focus.


Get a crossbow or something at minimum, a few bongs I've seen have boar spears or something else with significant reach to hold back someone with a knife, but if they have a gun you're pretty much fucked unless you have range as well and don't miss

if you can't even do that, move to the countryside and get a strong front door and high, small windows


as >>128355 says, they're all owned by some jew organization called the Freedom Group that cut all corners possible and are running solely off of brand recognition to still churn out profits, there are far cheaper and better alternatives now for everything they produce


private sales in most states do not require background checks, but get an 80% lower for a Glock, 1911, or AR and build a rifle- only the lower receiver is registered/serialed and spooky ghost guns dodge that system entirely. Additionally, Glock frames can be readily 3d printed, AR lowers are nearly there iirc


LGS>whoever has the best deal and isn't infamous for some shipping bullshit>brand loyalty


froglube is colored coconut oil, just use CLP


only if the firearm is still holstered


hi john wick

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0e761d  No.130804


>That fucking pic

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2d768e  No.130880


"Oh look, that verse says I should get a weapon!"

Stop quoting the bible, since you obviously can't read a whole chapter, and are incapable of understanding the underlying message.

Luke 22:49-51

When they which were about him saw what would follow, they said unto him, Lord, shall we smite with the sword?

And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.

Matthew 26:51-52

With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Revelation 13:10

If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed

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47fa9a  No.130919


Jesus beat the jews with a whip and smashed their storefronts. You don’t have an argument.

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5cc586  No.130927


You can't cherry-pick the scripture of the bible and tell "oh, Jesus was pro-gun", retard.

Please quote the verses where it says Jesus beat people with that whip. Oh no, you can't, because he only hit the animals!

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47fa9a  No.130936


>you can’t do what I’m doing, goy, that’s cheating

Pathetic. Do they even pay you anymore?


Paid shill confirmed. Commit suicide, you fucking yid. Everyone here already knows you’re a liar. You’re an embarrassment to the rest of your cubicle block.


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d70eae  No.130950


I said "quote", not "link". But you illiterate poof don't know the difference it seems.

Of and you probably don't know the meanings of "goy" and "yid" either, since they mean opposite things.

Nowhere in the book of John will you find acknowledgement for your poor reasoning that he "beat" them.

If you actually read it, you'll see Jesus simply "drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle".

You're trying to paraphrase the son of God, whose sole intention was to SAVE humanity, and whose CLEAR message was "turn the other cheek".

Fucking hypocrite.

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47fa9a  No.130951





<more things only jews say

<more purposeful lies, long disproven

Okay, bye. You’re done. Go back to reddit. You’ve failed. No one will ever believe you or do anything you say, ever.

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ef96b7  No.130952

new to this shit can someone help me out. no I'm not tech savvy at all. just using a vpn. I'm trying to find sources for whats going on that are not on the surface.

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cb0ce3  No.130954


Only those who have a real faith will believe me. I didn't think you would.

I'm pretty sure you're the kind of man who could quote the bible to justify pedophilia. You need help.

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47fa9a  No.130955


>filthy jew tries to "moralize" and claim that his cherrypicking is "the only possible way to read the bible"

Disgusting. I'd ask how it feels to be so degenerate, but your race genetically bred out the shame response millennia ago.

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278407  No.130961


>has never read the bible once

>still trying to provoke

what a strange hill to die on. get a grip, you can advocate for gun rights all you want, but keep the Lord out of it. He is disgusted of your kind.

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47fa9a  No.130969


>just keeps going

Okay, bye. You’re done. Go back to reddit. You’ve failed. No one will ever believe you or do anything you say, ever.

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2fd29f  No.130984

File: 4e39e76bb647a36⋯.png (97.32 KB, 745x250, 149:50, janny_janny_janny_can_t_yo….png)


You think that's bad?

t. joked abotu commiting "vehicular jihad"

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6f996d  No.131014

File: b48de85504158e6⋯.png (124.98 KB, 935x356, 935:356, Permaban_1.png)

File: f84ce4114a375b8⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 750x226, 375:113, Permaban_2.jpg)

File: 09f3f236f93ffd8⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 756x252, 3:1, Permaban_3.jpg)



I win.

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43ba02  No.131021

>>122232 newfag doesn't know it's or glownigger trying to cause problems?

Don't care. You can't even find Jolly Roger's much better piece of shit .TXT if you wanted to, so you're useless either way.

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1b273c  No.131189


>to not expose barrel end for being grabbed, snagged, etc.

If they grab it just fall back and pull the trigger. They'll instantly align it with their body.

Also, if you change your stance to holding it under the armpit or over the shoulder, even a long gun can be maneuvered through tight spaces. Best for low recoil funs, that'd be stupid with a shotgun.

A long gun is a club made of hardened steel. A bad guy with a knife can charge and carve up a pistol wielder, but a single punch to the sternum with the muzzle will drop them before they're within stabbing range, and you can parry more effectively. Rifle rounds are also much more effective. >>120665

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c63da7  No.131240

File: d27da028732d2fd⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 800x800, 1:1, diablo_blue_rosewood_107.jpg)


12 gauge pistol muzzle loader

Ships to your door even in Californiastan

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2fd29f  No.131400



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55e35b  No.131479


>this reddit spacing

>the misunderstanding of the way this >>130936 anon used both goy and yid

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11ca49  No.131506


>comparing rightful self-defense to pedophilia


Matthew 10:34

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

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2aab48  No.131591


>things only jews say

Okay, bye.

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50cdbd  No.131615


Only jews speak the truth?

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8ef16d  No.131697

Super poorfag here, can't you make them by hand? I remember that one spergy faggot who tried to shoot up a synogauge a while back did such. Could use a guide.

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257b14  No.131784


Improvised guns are gonna be pretty shit unless you have access to a fair bit of tooling and experience, I wouldn't rely on it by any means unless you're a e*ro or some other poor soul

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26d3d5  No.131856


Excellent buy. Only mistake you can make with Glocks is buying aftermarket mags, and the stock plastic sights aren't the best but are perfectly functional.

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26d3d5  No.131859


If you're super poor look into used shotguns, you can find them at or around $100 if you look hard. And I have no idea how you would be able to make a gun from scratch with less than $100 in tools and materials, so it's definitely the cheapest option.

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f6fcd5  No.131863

File: 4db1eb92f36facb⋯.png (170.65 KB, 737x250, 737:250, Pipe_shotgun.png)

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2fd29f  No.131892


come again?

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9be2b6  No.131901


If you can't figure out how to build a functional shotgun based on that schematic you're a nigger.

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6cc045  No.132039


the perfidious jews also worship nephilim, milk-drinker.

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7c7532  No.132223

I have a glock 40 and a Mauser rife. Luckily I live on the outskirts of a very white town with low crime.

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3b670b  No.132232


>post asks for illegal guns

<oy vey the mods are defending our enemies!

Funny how that was your response, isn't it.

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8d9d6f  No.132513

File: 30df3753d3cba45⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Cheap_Megaphone.jpg)


>cowitnessing sights

>flashlight attachment

>maybe even a can on it

A megaphone is basic gear for dealing with the BLM kike communist mob. You can hear from the St. Louis video of the realtors who defended their home, by brandishing firearms, that they had difficulty responding over the shouting, nigger drumming and BLM kike megaphonists.

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17d824  No.132546

Completely related unrelated question about how to deal with adrenaline? Limbs shaking, heart racing, and jaw shivering, I believe my body is genetically geared toward a flight response. But even when I get into an argument and it begins to escalate my adrenaline will go and I cant even speak clearly. In the back of my mind I feel like Im actually geared toward preemptively just striking because the only reason I'm getting any adrenaline at all is because my body or mind must instinctively know when conflict will arise and when Im truly in danger. Or at least thats what Im telling myself to cover up what I perceive as lack of confidence or courage or both. Typically, Im assuming that if my body reacts this way then it means I should take action? So if I decide to fight Im likely to break a few eggs, I feel like not fighting is always the best option unless you have to- meaning defending myself is what I should do but Im certain I have aspergers by modern psychology because when am I supposed to know its socially acceptable to rock someone Im spatting with. Because in my mind I feel like I see a few steps ahead and my best option is to strike first, waiting for someone to attack and respond seems like a dumb strategy- and if you want to fight me why the hell am I not going total war on your ass and just striking as soon as I believe negotiations break down? Am I going to be called the aggressor because Im saying my end of the story was an act of justice? Its such a confusing nutcase to deal with Id rather just not have to deal with it but because I must and will have to Im coming here to ask people likely smarter and more disciplined than myself to please enlighten me to what I should do when my body activates its adrenaline, is it an instinctual green light to fight-or-flight and if its not a situation exactly where just striking first will justify or that I couldnt justify, then are there ways to keep my limbs from shaking so i can continue to talk my point? Because i swear by the time my adrenalines going we should be playing a game of tag or wrestling about our differences. Didnt plato flex when he wanted to win some arguments? Sorry for the dumb rant to anyone who reads and replies thanks. Ive posted here before and this thread is useful, but Im not the type to add much. Even what I take from here and try to apply IRL Im met with so much resistance from people who dont frequent the internet and consider everything on it to be a conspiracy theory or something you cant trust. But its so regularly used in different ways by everyone.

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00ec8d  No.132571


>if my body reacts this way tne it means I should take action?

no. Change the adrenaline you're releasing. Instead of being taken over by adrenaline, take it as 'nerve force' and just strengthen yourself with it and possibly use it to strengthen your mind for the argument. Instead of weak fear adrenaline, have strong fight adrenaline, then have iron side strength. Your rib area, neck and head should all strengthen. In general shit should strengthen. Take the shaking and crush your ribs, core, arms and lats, up to the neck and head, until the force suffuses (diffuses) into the body and you're just amped and taut.

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3102af  No.133432


Nobody is going to sell to you from another state as soon as they see your Indiana ID. Any gun shop is going to ask to see your FOID card and even if you have one will only ship the gun you bought to an Illinois FFL dealer who will run your background check, wait period, etc. Private sales across state lines are illegal unless they go from an FFL dealer in the first state to an FFL in the second state.

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652e59  No.133839


Depends what state you live in, almost any leftist-run state is going to make it a lot harder to purchase a firearm. Don't ask why, vote D and it becomes reality. If you want to defend against multiple attackers and have never purchased a gun I'd recommend buying a couple 16G shotguns, preferably buckshot shells to disable your attackers quicker. Only problem is buckshots are in real high demand these days so they are harder to find and when someone is selling them, the markup price is 3x what they normally would cost. Rifles and pistols are good but you need training. As for burying your guns, I would not recommend it because it would defeat the whole purpose. The point of owning a gun is to have it available to you at any given time for self-defense. Otherwise if you're being attacked don't expect criminals to allow you to dig up a gun from your back yard and clean it off before they engage you. I don't know about others here but I have a gun in just about every room of my home, with loaded mags and ammo stashed in strategic places: point being anyone who tries anything around here is assured dead.

It's not just weapons you need to worry about either, you also should have re-enforced entry points (secured doors). Standard doors with only one deadbolt are pretty easy to kick open. Your entry doors should be solid-wood doors with metal sheeting on both sides, equipped with at least two deadbolts and long strike plates installed with 3" stainless steel screws (which will secure the doorjamb). Having a katybar installed should not be considered paranoid these days either and helps. Whatever helps you avoid having to engage someone can also save your life and a whole lot of legal hassle!

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ccd315  No.133908

Thinking of getting a single action heritage rough rider for my first gun. Not the best but it's either that or a hi-point since I'm poor. Thoughts?

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f1bb8e  No.134087


If it's for self-defense, get the Hi Point. They come in all common calibers, are rether durable and reliable, and have a limitless lifetime warranty. Just don't expect the best ergonomics or highest capacity magazine.

If it's for a hobby, you can't go wrong with a Rough Rider. They aren't as well-made as a Tayolr & Co. or an Uberti, but they work well enough, especially for the price point. Wheelguns and other manually-actuated firearms are always fun. Remember to keep it hammer down on an empty chamber if you're keeping it loaded; it has a loading block as opposed to a transfer bar safety, and while the chances are slim that a hammer strike ND will happen, it's better to not take chances with that.

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e800e3  No.134147


Still shilling for jews, huh dipshit? Was your earlier humiliation not enough?

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a0bcfb  No.134159


I used to know someone who bought a lot of guns at garage sales. But he was literally the first person at a sale. If the sign said 7am he was there at 6 while you were putting stuff out.

One question:

>Do you have any guns or weapons for sale?


He was out of there so fast and on to the next garage sale. I think he had a route planner and would just go sale after sale.

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a0bcfb  No.134167




You have to learn from someone who already knows and has the equipment. My neighbor was going to teach me.

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6e0665  No.134180

Boy have you seen the prices on 9mm ammo? Even .40 S&W is selling out everywhere. Someone's making an ass ton of money on sales and I wish it were me.

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d38fab  No.134335


When I last checked, 22 is okay.

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d38fab  No.134337


DO NOT MODIFY YOUR GUN IN ANY WAY. A qualified and reputable gunsmith in your area can aid you. DO NOT USE AMMO NOT SPECIFIED IN THE MANUAL. They ass-cover because it can kill your ass.

If you are in California or New York, you have special rules you must follow.

Laws for carrying rifles and guns on your person in public, and having them in your vehicle, vary by state. The best source of this info is your state's conceal carry course. It should fill you in on all the main state rules.

In most places it's illegal to carry guns in a whole list of places, like bars, courthouses, airports (or parts of them), schools, and sometimes "school events", which can be tricky, because you need to have a plan for what to do with your gun if you find out the place you are going to is in a no guns zone (ie can you go home with your gun? leave it at a friend's house? Do you have a lock with you, or he a locked cabinet?)

Guns are like rattlesnakes, hickok45 rightly says. But also in terms of laws. The laws can fuck your ass fast as a bullet can.

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d38fab  No.134341


Ants do not have queens. The "queen" is a specialist insect which lays eggs. It isn't involved in any managerial capacity. The name is given because it is "pampered", if you imagine that ants have thoughs or feelings. They don't.

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5dbeab  No.134532

what defensive options do we have as civilians in terms of crowd control? bear mace seems like an obvious choice. anything that we can legally craft ourselves that doesn't require a chemistry degree? nonlethal preferred.


underrated post

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c8c701  No.134611

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


outdoor PA system could come in handy. Maybe even something like a propane "gun" to get them to clear out stampede

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3d40b0  No.134841


I too want to learn more of this.

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91af3b  No.134974


this Midsommar my grampa and dad talked about fending off gypsies with DIY salt buckshot

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5876c6  No.135021


Why is OP helping Tyrone? Non-Tyrones will already be armed.

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92fa54  No.135192

File: 8e72fd07ea3a34f⋯.jpg (161.63 KB, 707x616, 101:88, 68498757985.jpg)

File: 3b8da69de5461db⋯.jpg (213.48 KB, 681x737, 681:737, 1351855341146.jpg)

Rules of Force for certain bases in US Army.

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6c80f6  No.135211


Hail Tyrone!

He's brother as much as you are.

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6c80f6  No.135214


These antifags most likely anti ISIS or whatever Muslim supremacist organisation, Muslims don't seem to receive anymore love then Christians or conservatives, personally I prefer Muslims because white don't deserve anymore rights like any other women.

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6c80f6  No.135216


I'll rape a karan as much I would nigore, the both make great slaves(:

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9c1eab  No.135299


saved. much appreciated

wow this captcha system on here is fucking broken btw

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cf4f40  No.135352


>wow this captcha system on here is fucking broken btw

new here?

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642092  No.136594

Anyone know how to hide a pistol from an airport scanner?

Shipping sucks ass in California.

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f44554  No.136596


What about black powder cartridges like Henry Rifles and Martini-Henries?

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6e0665  No.136625


Unless you were a criminal, why would you get this over a real gun?

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09ac80  No.136680


haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hello FBI/ADL YOU COMMIES RAPE KIDS

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894ccc  No.136981


stick it up your asshole

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7615e4  No.137473


Computer case?

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caba77  No.137483

File: 5aae81bfa0d1233⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 500x210, 50:21, 6035198_2075895621_A_Fuc.gif)


Well… Hopefully no.

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055d7b  No.137668

Lucky to be Eurofag because in my country getting a legal gun is insane hassle and using it for self defense in almost any circumstances will get you in jail. Of course criminal niggergans get them illegally only god knows where.

I bought few Umarex co2 home-defence rubberball pistols for safety. Theyre somehow still legal here and might help in angry-niggermob-cases. Quite powerful as i installed high performance valves in those, hit from 20m afar is quite painful and leaves nasty bruice. Of course theyre not lethal, nor anything powerful compared even to 22lr etc. Well, best you can get after baseball bat in here.

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c0f844  No.137755


You are going to have to do what we are going to have to do. Kill the niggers and dump their bodies. Don't tell ANYONE. Your neighbors might be able to help you with this to keep from having insane niggers invade your neighborhood (a guarantee if you say anything about it to the authorities).

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4b4694  No.137781

Counter-surveillance and InfoSec


• When leaving the home or office see what and who is around you.

• Maintain a security parameter around yourself when walking down the street. Look for suspicious behavior that indicates a threat or surveillance.

• Change sides, direction, or route if you think you're being followed.

• Look behind you occasionally in a natural manner.

• Walk facing traffic so you can see cars approaching you.

• Window shopping allows you to use the window as a mirror.

• If you're being followed, go into a store and buy something. This gives you a chance to watch the follower.

• It's easier to spot tails when it's not so crowded.

• At home, place items in a special way to see if they've been moved.

• Change your appearance by changing your shirt or jacket.

• When leaving a public meeting, change directions often, checking for tails.


• Before getting on a bus, see if any suspicious people get on. If so take the next bus.

• Don't sit by the window: makes it harder to escape.


• Never allow someone else handle your phone.

• Use anonymous mobile phones and change them often.

• Remove the mobile battery when going to sensitive appointments. Don't turn it off, remove the battery. Turning it off sends a signal to the tower.

• Never use BlueTooth.

• Never use public wireless.

• Never discuss anything over the internet, phone, through the mail, or in your home or car that you don't want state security to know. Take a walk instead. NEVER discuss ops in a closed room: even a restaurant or pub can be easily monitored.


• Surveillance and Counter-surveillance For Human Rights Defenders

• An Activist's Guide to Information Security

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9632d3  No.137819

File: 6b22e05cb60662c⋯.jpg (169.24 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, bowie.jpg)

anons, dont forget based bowie knives.

these are legal everywhere

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6e0665  No.137846


They probably aren't because of blade length which is why you should get a gun.

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5fb6e8  No.137851

File: 21008c85e27d8f3⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 250x379, 250:379, Aorta_segments.jpg)

File: 02409d1f30ae67b⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1500x854, 750:427, Morakniv_Garberg_Full_Tang….jpg)


No, ding dong. Large blade knives are impractical and unwieldy. Bowie knives have general blade lengths between 12 and 15 inches, which is fucking absurd. That's literally a short machete and is generally used for the same thing, chopping and cutting large objects.

It only takes 2 inches of blade to kill a human being. The most effective stab is in the lower abdomen where your abdominal aorta is located. A puncture to this massive artery will render death in mere minutes if not treated immediately and will lead to massive internal hemorrhaging if punctured and you can do this with only 2 inches of blade and a good hard thrust.

A cheap and extremely durable knife can be had by a Swedish company called Morakniv.


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9632d3  No.137868

File: 179a71b6a2f6d18⋯.jpg (7.44 MB, 4592x2576, 41:23, basedbowie.jpg)

File: c58a89d21456474⋯.jpg (5.8 MB, 4854x2722, 2427:1361, mytestimg_1727.jpg)

File: e72db844ff43171⋯.png (1.48 MB, 702x1022, 351:511, confederateknife.PNG)


they are literally sold everywhere and you can have them at home. Its better than the kitchen knives you have now.


/r/ing more where-to-stab pix

The bowie knife is also a symbol of the confederates. Which makes it automatically based and a symbol of basedness.

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5fb6e8  No.137888


I don't want to argue, so I will simply disagree. Combat knives are useful and being able to literally slice a man in two is pretty impressive, albeit messy.

Just like with firearms, placement of the attacks, stabs, shots, slashes, jabs, and pokes of a knife are more essential than the size of the knife in question. Although you could totally impale someone to a tree, like Arnold in Predator, even that is not an instantly fatal blow, even if the knife were to pierce the heart and lungs. An adversary could still fight and engage for at least 30 seconds to a minute before succumbing to their wounds. The only sure way of taking someone out, instantly, is to shoot them or even stab them through their medulla oblongata and/or cerebellum which ceases all involuntary bodily function such as breathing and heart beat, which instantly shuts down the brain. Larger knives, just like larger firearms are harder to control, wield and use in close quarters combat which is why the majority of all hand to hand arms have been retired from military service, except for smaller, lighter and more functional stabbing and slashing weapons.

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71889a  No.137969


Large blade knifes over 4" may be illegal to have on you concealed or to carry as a felon. Check your local laws.

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0b8b57  No.138033

File: 07ca578b5435fde⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 470x250, 47:25, HandyAdoredArcherfish_size….gif)


>Just buy a used striker fired handgun in 9mm

Niggers have denser bones and thicker skulls, even a headshot would merely make them angrier.

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5fb6e8  No.138092


That's why God made 10mm.

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271825  No.138221


>keep the Lord out of it

>calls himself a Christian

EVERYTHING IS FOR GOD, AND GOD SHOULD NEVER BE OUT OF IT. The Law isn't abolished, therefore, following the mosaic law is to follow Christ. If you want quotes for the bible, I'll give them to you.

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349894  No.138549



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a4383e  No.138956

Home made guns?

I’d like to know about home blades.

A bicycle and a sabre could save your life!

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b64b86  No.139011

File: 4d7bdd49601478d⋯.png (818.73 KB, 1442x783, 1442:783, 2020_07_12_09_55.png)

Still on the fence over the need for self-defense?

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84ec7d  No.139013


What fence? You won't use it. Why bother even having it. You're too fucking afraid to say words. What exactly is incorrect about that image? Where's anyone doing anything to stop white genocide? For fuck's sake, guns don't matter. You're not going to use them.

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b45e13  No.139014


This world is funny. Those who do something in it do nothing, and those who do nothing win any conflict.


Saying things is a waste of breath. People either understand things or they don't. Majority won't hear anything no matter what is said. Easier to just let things run their course.

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84ec7d  No.139018


>Easier to just let things run their course.

Yeah, just let things happen without fighting back at all. Exactly what I said the problem is.

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b45e13  No.139020


And what happened? Covid spikes are all times high, BLM and antifa got the disease even if media blames the reopening instead, police done their work against anarchists, all is fine in the world and trump is going to win next election because people are scared.

Really, do nothing and do everything.

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47fa9a  No.139113


You’re seriously fucking brain damaged. The West is in shambles and you’re cheering for the people responsible.

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3fdb9b  No.139152


Buy a big knife and practice slicing and stabbing with it on the woods against a tree. Its great exercise.

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5fb6e8  No.139159


Also a great way to ruin a knife.

Here's a better idea, but a practice rubber knife or even just a piece of 1 inch flat stock steel and paint the edge red with lipstick or red paint and practice slicing on an old tire or stack of tires. Wasting money on a knife just to ruin it by stabbing a tree is stupid and it's offensive and rude to the tree. Trees aren't niggers. Trees are good and you shouldn't hurt trees just for shits and giggles unless the tree is already dead.

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5fb6e8  No.139161


You need hard steel to make good blades.

The best steels are spring steels so use old leaf springs from broken down cars. Structural steel like A36 will be your most common low carbon mild steel. It's strong but still formable. Higher carbon steels and stainless steels will also work but they will be more brittle and prone to cracking and breaking.

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ec8b81  No.139377

File: 1162643e674c434⋯.jpg (22.13 KB, 490x288, 245:144, luke22_36.jpg)

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9f6420  No.139892


>Also a great way to ruin a knife.

Yeah, its true. But knives dont have to be expensive, and you dont have to practice with your main knives. Its good thing to know how to deal with the resistence of a good slice and how to get that proper chop and grip strength. Getting the "knife muscles" can't be done with fake knives. Practicing against old tires is a good idea, but it wont give that proper piercing exercise unless you have several of them stacked in a certain way to maximise resistance. And by the way, a lot of people don't have the opportunity to find "choppable old tires". For them it is either "in da woods" or nothing.

>Trees are good and you shouldn't hurt trees just for shits and giggles unless the tree is already dead.

>The white race is dying but lets not exercise. Lets masturbate to trees like some pacified hippy cunts instead.


Some of us live in areas with big forests and stabbing a few trees wont make any bigger harm. Most definitely not as big harm as the mass migration is doing to replace us. Its not like people will start cutting down the trees just by practicing a knife and the fatsos need some exercise combined with combat training. And exercising on a tree is better than nothing. Finally most of us love the forest and whites probably have an instinctual desire to preserve it.

>and it's offensive and rude to the tree

Niggers raping and burning down white peoples families homes is also offensive and rude. Yet the government isn't doing anything to protect whites, are they?

How come that when whites find some way to practice resistance there is always some form of "resistance against the resistance"? It's like there is some innate brainwashing in whites to always find some reason to not get stronger and accumulate white power? If its not "social justice" then theres "abstract environment arguments", and if its not environment then theres some other far fetched shit. Priority should be to make whites get power and mobilize ASAP no matter what the cost is.

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c0f844  No.139945


you won't solve the nigger problem by stabbing trees tho. you need to stab some niggers to solve that problem.

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f1bb8e  No.140382

File: 43c2ab041532010⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 480x531, 160:177, smug1.jpg)

File: bdc2b02a677d740⋯.jpg (12.93 KB, 268x237, 268:237, smug2.jpg)

File: 894ef8b4e52ef54⋯.jpeg (57.98 KB, 602x339, 602:339, smug3.jpeg)

File: 756c4aea9933106⋯.png (9.67 KB, 300x276, 25:23, smug4.png)

File: 37ba761c53af6b2⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 203x248, 203:248, smug5.jpg)









Nice try. I think I'll post more.

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6ad06b  No.140394


>dont fight

>do fight

which one are you picking, or do you have an alternative in mind?

to bad anon will probaly be called a glowfag, need to say big bad words to be a big boy :^)

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fb198c  No.140615



p l s

no anime

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fb198c  No.140630


Hello anon.

I know a lot about fitness. I give a lot of advice in /sig/ and other threads.

I suggest digging with a pen or piece of metal similar to a pen, then something larger such as knife but don't ruin a good one I guess; then move up to a simple hand trowel. Strokes would be a forward stab then lever and pull up, downward stab then lever and pull towards the body, sideways variations. As well, the external and internal (thumb as reference) rotation. Shoulder, elbow and torso angle and position is also relevant here.

Practice the linear motions until they're in muscle memory [MM], then the rotations in combination with the linear motions until they're in MM, then go more non-linear and non-robotic changing the angle and position of the arm and torso whilst focusing on what you're doing and how it relates to the linear and rotation movements.

After that one should do stabbing and slicing moves that you would use in a fight with a knife against a tree as you suggest, and commit them to MM.

The reason I suggest digging first is that it provides resistance in each direction, which is of course great if you're trying to up your strength or feel out your own musculature. If you want Strength you should dig, but you need to learn what strength is relevant and more specifically than "forearm strength" when wielding a knife hence my advice as such.

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fb198c  No.140645

File: 1e31eaceeae9ef0⋯.jpg (4.99 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, six_news_corps_jew_executi….jpg)

File: 8cf00afb41f960e⋯.jpg (1018.59 KB, 2048x1462, 1024:731, american_media_trilateral_….jpg)

File: c3ce4c10c7196da⋯.jpg (702.6 KB, 500x4872, 125:1218, the_6_companies_that_own_a….jpg)


If only these people knew the truth, if they were red pilled. . . . then all would be clear.

The government is controlled by kikes and often has kikes and kike golems in office; the kikes wish to use this chaos as part of the bread and circus race conflict that keeps everyone's attention and efforts occupied so that people can't 'build' or 'restructure' the finance system, markets, criticize and go after corrupt politicians, investigate and prosecute big pedophile and cannibal rings that these kikes use as blackmail on their golems in office and business to keep control. It's a scale they are balancing to stay in control.

The police aren't allowed to fight back or harm ANYONE no matter what, thus they are afraid if they DO and afraid if they DON'T because we're talking about a serious chimpout where they might kill or disable them.

The media is possibly the most kike controlled thing we can see as common men and women. It's a brainwashing factory that sits in your living room and on your phones. Every top CEO in the top 6 media corporations, Fox, MSNBC or whatever, BBC, et cetera are often kikes. The top news corporations are pretty much all kikes at the head of each.

Here are some infographics detailing this informaiton.

Basically, the riots are state kike sanctioned and encouraged, media sanctioned and encouraged (often enough), protected from law enforcement.

And if anyone "right wing" tries to do something about it? They are utterly prosecuted, vilified, their reputation destroyed, no one will hire them and they will be fired from their job. You say something bad about these riots? Fired. No one will hire you. Vilified.

So these BLM rioters aren't fighting the system. They ARE the system. They are the new goons working in the best (or at least good) interests of millionaires, billionaires, and even the trillionaire rothchilds and others. They are working for the kikes, whether they know it or not.

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fb198c  No.140660


Yeah whites are in a trance. They do what they can just to get through the day.

It might seem out of touch, but I seriously believe ending porn viewing and going no fap has a HUGE impact in this regard. It's just degrading to everyone involved, and the affect on one is very negative. I am feeling much better after a month of nofap and avoiding any lust. Seriously.

That's just part of it but removing every burden from one's life is the solution. We have to go Dr. Manhattan mode (a la /fit/ meme). Buy a krill oil, glucosamine and chondroitin, msm combo supplement (generally krill oil is on its own though). Go vegetarian besides the krill oil. Get the 7 mushroom blend supplement. Get a fruit/vege liquid concentrate or buy a lot of different fruits and veges you eat or blend together. Don't take drugs, no alcohol except perhaps one with herbs in it that you take as a tonic in the morning or at night, coffee is alright in smaller doses, avoid all junk food and sugar in general.

Trying to get people to be rid of vice is also motivating to those that think the world is degenerating. "Oh man there are still people that are against this shit, and they're not keeping it to themselves." Who is going to try and stop you from being anti-vice, anti-hedonism? Anyone against you, you shout down and shit on.

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fb198c  No.140673

>>140630 (You)

And working with soil with your hands would certainly develop very strong and tough hands, which is of course useful.

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79e3ad  No.140770


if cops use 9mm, and 9mm cant kill niggers, then why the frick do i keep hearing about george floyd and rashard jackson or whoever

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f1bb8e  No.140957


Because the guy you're replying to is nogunz. Handguns in general are inferior ballistically to long guns. They're for carrying in places where you can't carry a rifle or shotgun, or getting to a rifle or shotgun you shouldn't have left in the first place. The notion that 9mm is any measure SUPER DUPER INFERIOR is forgetting this fact and ignoring the shortcomings of .45 ACP. Don't get me wrong, .45 is still one of the Big Three handgun cartridges for a reason. But to fall back on favoritism just because you like [thing] is a sure sign of lack of experience or supporting evidence.

>TL;DR just carry what you want, know it's not as good as an AR/AK/12ga, but still good enough

>also keep shooting until the threat stops or the gun is empty

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5fb6e8  No.140971



Really the caliber doesn't matter at all. A .22lr will fuck you up just as bad as a .500 Magnum. It just all depends on how well you can handle your pew and how well you can place a proper shot. Putting a .22lr through a nigger's heart or lung or artery or kill box will put them down just as fast as a 9mm or .45acp or .357sig or whatever caliber you're running with. In the hands of a trained killer, even the most unassuming weapon can turn into a proper killing machine.

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79e3ad  No.140988


>also keep shooting until the threat stops or the gun is empty

My plan is to mag dump, then flee the country before my passport's blocked. If I think I might be recognized at the border, I'll go off grid instead.Still not sure whether I'd rather be an illegal drifter in a foreign country or a wilderness hobo in USSA.

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5fb6e8  No.140997


Based dubs

Or, you could just live in a stage where it's perfectly legal to defend yourself with deadly force when monkeys attack.

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f1bb8e  No.141031


Precisely. Boolit is boolit, and boolit kills. The only determining factor when selecting a self-defense weapon should be "is this weapon reliable?" Can it shoot a good enough round countless times and operate under adverse enough conditions to where you won't have to worry about jams, breakage, loss of mechanical accuracy, etc.? Your living situation, environment, habits, rules of engagement, etc. determine what is right for YOU and YOUR environment. That could mean a Saturday Night Special and a single magazine gotten for $50 and a partial trade, or that could mean a new-in-box $2-3k tactical rifle with stacks of extended mags. The only person that can make that judgement call is you.


>Still not sure whether I'd rather be an illegal drifter in a foreign country or a wilderness hobo in USSA.

Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. The difference being, you know the land and its geopolitics, can speak the language, etc. You'll be able to operate much more easily here. It wouldn't be that hard to buy a tent and some camping supplies in the immediate aftermath, working small odd jobs for living money to get by, staying in missions for the cold or wet days, and so on. Try doing the same in a foreign land where the police AREN'T being cancelled. Try buying a gun or ammo there. Hell, try buying a TENT there. You'd be much better off staying on the outskirts of a smaller town or within the throngs of a city with a large vagrant population. Hopping the border is basically asking to get caught and extradited for a show trial. Of course, this is all supposing that the shooting wasn't legally justified, and that you were choosing to fill up that felon punch card with another charge for a free prize or something. Hey, who knows! Maybe if you wait a few years you could get out early on account of COVID and prisons being racist or some shit. But I digress. I trust that you wouldn't do anything illegal, anon. Stay safe out there.

Also checked.

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595f09  No.141345


cant you just try and get into hunting? You should be doing hunting as a hobby anyway and unless its certain cucked countries you can do that just fine Id imagine

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79e3ad  No.141508


> you could just live in a stage where it's perfectly legal to defend yourself with deadly force when monkeys attack.

Have you been paying attention? Your legal rights are null and void, if you make the black kids angry

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2fd015  No.141589

File: d89efad3aaf845d⋯.jpg (62.27 KB, 1131x781, 1131:781, EaBEgIiXYAAqWFA.jpg)


>A .22lr will fuck you up just as bad as a .500 Magnum.

Glad that some people are capable of comprehending it. The additional value of .22LR is how fucking cheap it is, and the low recoil enables you to place several shots on target accurately and very quickly. That's why nobody reasonable should underestimate blacks with .22 AR's; chances are, the said black is a better shot than you considering how much more training he can afford than a 5.56 AR queen.

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682c4e  No.141693


.22lr typically disables, which is fine for the purpose of self defense, whereas using .223 or 5.56 cal is meant to outright kill. At least that is the way I look at it.


Most won't survive in the wilderness without a whole lot of outdoor skill and practice. You'll end up with poison oak blisters and ticks crawling through your skin, starving to death in the middle of nowhere trying to find a clean source of water where other hunters may, or may not, find you half-alive at some point.

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682c4e  No.141703

What I would recommend is getting out of populated areas now and use your savings to invest in an RV. This way, you can live and travel where you desire from time to time, and pack up and flee to somewhere safer if need be. You are more likely to survive and remain free simply avoiding a fight at this point. Even if you defend yourself the odds are no longer in your favor because much of America is now under communist occupation and it is likely to get much worse. Isolation may really be the only saving grace outside being able to travel and live on the road. Unless we decide to give up all our comforts, unite and fight back (which seems more unlikely as time goes on) the only future we have is to get out-of-dodge as the whole country collapses into ruin. Luckily for most Americans there is a whole lot of land with a whole lot of roads and junctions to find temporary safe havens. Start collecting official state maps, you may need them someday ;)

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79e3ad  No.141792


>Most won't survive in the wilderness without a whole lot of outdoor skill and practice. You'll end up with poison oak blisters and ticks crawling through your skin, starving to death in the middle of nowhere trying to find a clean source of water where other hunters may, or may not, find you half-alive at some point.

I'd rather be killed by nature than by a pack of feral niggers

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79e3ad  No.141793


>the countryside will always remain safe.

Until the communists re-appropriate your land, with the full force of the state behind them. Tell me that's never happened before lol

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f17591  No.141951


stop winking

Instead of bringing all your valuables with you, we should be gaining physical strength and endurance to survive in the wilderness without dropping dead out of sheer weakness. Then, of course, one needs to know how to hunt, trap, fish, farm, filter water to make it clean (hint: use a tube with dry grass, sand and charcoal in that order; or just dig a hole 5 ft from the body of water and let it fill. Soak some piece of clothing then squeeze out the water to drink because it'll be muddy). The body will wind up adapting to whatever is floating in the water, just don't be weak. Learn how to make a fish spear. Learn how to make a bow and arrows. Learn how to throw a small rock to knock out birds, squirrels, rodents, rabbits with ease. Study up on local wildlife, plants, weather, patterns. Dig and store caches, including seeds, tools, storable food and water, containers, rope and twine.

That is just what someone should be capable of. We should be making money, buying land (general or specialty grant, not real estate), training hand to hand and melee, training marksmanship and gun fighting in general, securing resources in secret and storing them in secret, study to learn how to engineer fix and use communications technology [!!!], work our own psyops to shift public opinion and get people willing to fight and go against our enemies, motivate the natural leaders of the population, stop needless male vs female shit, fight degeneracy by making sure no one willingly chooses to be a degenerate and bring back our fucking values as the status quo,

Grab metals, I think copper is the best bet here as it's rather useful but any useful metal will do, steel of various grades clearly labeled with a good amount of Class 4 MIL-A 12560 ballistic steel but you should have steel for every purpose, and I think neodymium magnets would be a good grab. Arrange the N and S according to Earth magnetic field, might have an effect if in another direction and I haven't researched it so I'd play it safe.

Specialty tasks include getting our own into any small office, getting our own into paralegal and legal, into city halls, into sheriff positions, into chief of police positions, getting our own into schools, talking to your co-workers (and starting problems whilst possibly making allies), establish our own public libraries or getting chosen literature in public libraries especially in towns where we have guys in city hall and board of education so we can make it happen.

We need to make growing your own food half the norm. The best part is that those with a sense of the long-term and planning are becoming self-sufficient whilst those that depend on trade are at a clear disadvantage given shit hitting the fan such as transport being attacked or fields burned; gotta make shroom growing big so people can grow food indoors though, dorf style -> can't sneak into a home at night and steal 100 lbs of shrooms like you can sneak into a field or garden at night.

Need to write letters to those in office when we see an issue, with a proposed solution if we can think of one. If you want to send a letter about an issue, ask /pnd/ for advice to brainstorm a solution or critique your idea and make it better. Basically simple and easy to do. Letter writing hasn't been done much in recent generations but when you have a good mind (or minds) and good writing, you can make a serious impact. People sit down and read a letter. Email will never have the same impact, too much noise to notice the signal.

All in all if we had 30, 000 doing all this we'd be in a good spot.

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180e29  No.142175

>tfw self harmed as a child and will never be able to legally own a gun

No one will stop me tho

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aacad9  No.142740



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5fb6e8  No.142764


How is that "interesting"!? That's literally how you shoot a firearm! This also includes scopes and optics. You always focus on your reticle and NOT your target. You breathe in, not too deep but not too shallow. Then, you breathe out nice and slow and easy. That second you almost run out of breath is your natural pause moment. That's the moment your body is at its most restful state and your heart and lungs won't interfere with your shot. Once you reach your natural pause you slowly and steadily squeeze the trigger straight back with the very tip digit of your dominant index finger, right before the first bend between digits. You pull straight back and always let the shot startle you. Never tense up and expect the shot. Never anticipate the shot. Always let it startle you a little and you will always hit your mark.

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5fb6e8  No.142770


No, the .22lr was designed for small fur bearing game that wouldn't cause massive damage to the hide but still have enough power to incapacitate even moderate sized animals such as raccoons, opossum and skunks. It wasn't originally designed for humans. The 5.56x45mm (.223) WAS designed for humans by Eugene Stoner and company to effectively neutralize targets with a super sonic lightweight cartridge which was actually very unstable in flight at super sonic speeds. This instability causes the bullet to tumble and fragment inside the target. The theory is, an injured soldier requires 2 or 3 other men to carry him off the battle field, so in effect you've taken 3 or 4 enemy soldiers out of the fight with a single hit. The issue was, when this cartridge was introduced, very unconventional and guerrilla tactics were being quickly implemented on the modern battlefield and most enemy combatants were simply left for dead or their equipment was quickly scavenged by others to use.

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0b03b1  No.143123

I want a gun. I've never even held a gun. A pistol and and a shotgun

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5da287  No.143147


Brooooo lol have you ever heard of tor? find a chat room and figure your shit out from their. Make sure its a reputable source. stop posting dumb shit on the clearnet fag

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5da287  No.143149


HAHAAHA right?! Unpopular opinion, anime is for fucking faggot pussies. Hit the gym bitch

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396168  No.143152


Okay, I've seen some videos on it and I'm sold on getting a muzzleloader, at least compared to getting an air .22 Hatsan Sortie, I'm afraid of an airgun not being able to back up any circumstance I think I might be in when it comes to protecting resources on a trade.

My thinking is this. In a collapsing society scenario, I will need to trade, I will need to fortify my dwellings. But without a gun I'm not a merchant, I'm someone's first stop to clean out. So I need to have something. Something I can legally have on my property before I can move on to a different firearm and ammo I'll either trade for or have family keep for me when the rule of law absolutely collapses and my legal status doesn't matter any more.

So that 12 gauge Diablo looks like it'll do the trick, looking at the footage of it, it blasts right through ballistic gel mannequins, so that's the ticket.


I already know I'll need at least two, maybe more, then. Is there any place that sells them cheaper than ArmsList?


It doesn't matter if it doesn't look pretty.

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b5ef9a  No.143275


ARs are off the list unless you want to fork over a thousand dolands for one. might as well get a tavor or scar in 7.62

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47fa9a  No.143292


>may as well buy jewish

Are you sure you know where you are?

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5fb6e8  No.143465


Kike shit is kike shit and FNH SCAR17S' are 3500 dollars each.

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bfd9af  No.144536



throw brass they catch your ass

revolvers ftw

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5fb6e8  No.144537



You can't can a revolver. Single shot, break open pistol with an improvised suppressor would work better.

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405758  No.144788

what is a man from europe supposed to do when it is illegal to own guns and he has zero experience with them

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18c893  No.145051


Not shoot people.

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63f892  No.145170

Hello brothers

Given most in my country have no guns, I wish to make a bayonet for my homemade single shot rifle (if onlz I could make an automatic witj my tools). The main concern is if it would work screwed in wood or do I need a specialized lug.

A long enough bayonet will outclass nearly any and all melee weapons, even machetes.

Thank you

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369fea  No.145175

Fuck your fake-ass Jesus faggot, we’re coming for you and your racist kind to reclaim the real America, start getting used to a rope around your neck, traitor.

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296e66  No.145195

File: e4e598c390ca591⋯.jpeg (33.35 KB, 348x498, 58:83, viva_la_cia.jpeg)


You won't do shit, jew bitch.

The moment you step out of the liberal mayor's protection you'll be lying face down in a ditch with your mouth full of worms.

Keep killing eat other, though. It's very amusing.

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ca08fc  No.145214



Will the FBI EVER be for anything other than imprisoning whites, raping white children, and trafficking the ones that survive?

Flynn for FBI director.

Good-fucking-bye DS in the FBI.

They could set up a gallows right in the center of the Pentagon. broadcast it worldwide.

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ca08fc  No.145218


You can get catcher-bags for semiautos, or be a white man and just make one for yourself.

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ca08fc  No.145220


>Fuck your fake-ass Jesus faggot, we’re coming for you and your racist kind to reclaim the real America, start getting used to a rope around your neck, traitor.

Member of the Synagogue of Satan detected.

See demon squeal.

See SoS member use the word "racist" and think he will gain, literally, a measure of respect and traction that could possibly be large enough to be visible on an electron microscope.

Where do you think you are? Over the blood basin in the basement of your synagogue of sin?

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ca08fc  No.145224


Make your own aluminum bullets.

Hyper-velocity in extremely damaging in close quarters, (due to far-higher muzzle velocity) and diminished over-penetration. You will still want to jacket them in copper. If expansion is your goal, then drill the front of it with a drill bit around 0.5X the caliber. DO try to get it centered.

Shouldn't be too hard to get copper tube and aluminum rod close to the same size, and swage'em together as effectively as necessary to ensure your aluminum and copper do not separate in the barrel.

For super-duper-light bullets, try some thermoplastics or thermoset resins. Has to hold together for the lenght of the barrel and endure centrigugal forces.

In fact, with enough work, you could just 3D print an entire system, (except barrel and breech block) cartridges and all. Some highly heat-resistant plastic for the "brass" coated with metallic/ceramic coating could do you fine to make the "brass" live long enough to be ejected. Of course, it would be cheap enough to just dispose of in a fire. Use your imagination.

The right to self-defense is given by God, not some baby-raping politician.

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ed6c51  No.145313


like the rules seciont

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4ae719  No.145335


Or just buy spare firing pins and barrels and dispose of the used ones…in minecraft.

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0ac2f0  No.145342


I have shot many tyrones in Minecraft. It would be a lot better to shoot one while he is trying to pick up bread crumbs on the street

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ca5665  No.145593


>bayonets are better than machetes

Try that in a no-go zone

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ce0a78  No.145732

File: 61043f7a323d6e7⋯.jpg (4.05 MB, 3543x2199, 1181:733, g_vel_workers.jpg)


is serious, puncting weapons < slashing weapons. EVERYTIME.

even on 1800 the cavalry used their sabers on very specific ways.

they would turn around and slash at your neck or eye level, because slashing at running infantry wasn't usefull at all.

the skull, the back, the shoulders, you can take intire steaks and sulks of someone's back with 3 or 4 powerfull strikes, and the enemy will still survive

but one strong thrust + twist + pull, is something to worry about.


I wish I knew how to make a single shot, you are on the right track, share some info anon

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6b7c40  No.145791


I think he means to tell you to try your bayonet shenanigans when you're surround by 5 people with machetes, you autistic fuck.

Single shot pipe guns are very easy to make. See schematic at >>131863. You only need:

-a chamber to keep the shell stuck in place

-a way to hit the back of the shell with enough force to detonate it

-a way to keep the chamber closed on all sides during the explosion except the edge that points to the target so the gases will propel the bullet out of the gun, in the wanted direction.

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c3fbf3  No.145841


>Can you say what country?

Lithuania, Europe.

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e9c4b5  No.146967


shutup jew lithuanians look more aryan than fucking germans

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c7c526  No.147384


gtfo kike, go away and never return here

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f1bb8e  No.147710



>proprietary FN piece of shit that rekts optics and shears lugs

>over a $750 AR that will run for-fucking-ever

Strelok is disappoint.

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837c65  No.147945

Kinda sucks that all the new gun owners are fucking up the supply chain for everyone else, however given the number of niggers entering the market I'm glad they're priced out. With the current ammo prices and availability the average dindu isn't going to be able to train regularly or keep a decent ammo stash.

My biggest concern is that they're going to fuck up things like Constitutional-Open-Concealed Carry, Castle Doctrine, and usher in things like UBC and "Safe" storage laws because they're dumb niggers; They aren't going to bother learning the laws and etiquette involved with those practices.

They're going to draw down at the slightest hint of "disrespect", They're going to have ND's, They're not going to use sufficient berms as a backstop opting instead for a tiny stand of trees while they're mag dumping their $1.00/rd steel case garbage.

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c86e9a  No.148844


>they're going to fuck up things

It is happening already. Because of the new shooters being retarded ALL my local ranges now require ID to sign in and have 24/7 cameras covering all shooting areas. For years I was signing in with a bogus name and taking the non-member fees on the chin to avoid being in their records.

New Zealand sent cops to the ranges to gather info on shooters before the ban was even signed into law. I have worked to avoid that fate by keeping my gun-related footprint small

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57393d  No.149618

File: 5a6d9d841668d32⋯.gif (336.38 KB, 240x138, 40:23, 41da9e48c008fe2_240138.gif)


probably one of the dumbest questions ever. Have you ever heard of a criminal using a civil war era weapon to kill someone? If you're a criminal, you steal or buy a gun from someone else that stole it. Niggers would just injure themselves trying to use a cap and ball revolver. cap and ball revolvers are mostly for target shooting and hobbyists.

that being said, I do find it a little odd that libniggers never complain that you can buy 45 caliber revolvers and even a cylinder to make them shoot cartridges with zero background checks, you can mail all of this shit WITH ammo anywhere in most states. I assume it's because only older white men bother paying (very) high prices for these nice replicas just to shoot antiquated ammunition, so libniggers for the most part dont know to cry about this yet. Since only whites own these, eventually someone will actually use a 1851 Navy to defend himself, then by the next morning the jewish media will already have every white whore with a septum piercing screaming about how white civil war reenactors are holocausting niggers every day with ghost revolvers.

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8c3773  No.149652

File: ac0ed2ea2a5f9b1⋯.jpg (149.4 KB, 1200x605, 240:121, stopping_power_stats.jpg)


Here is the some of the most useful info I have seen to counter some of the bs in this thread. You will mostly likely only fire 2 shots in any encounter you walk away from regardless of the type of gun or bullet it fires. Otherwise if you are in a shoot out with someone high on PCP and you actually have to headshot him over waiting for a bleed out or surrender. More ammo is better.

AR/AK are effective home defense weapons but at the same range you would be firing them shotguns are better at the job.

You don't need to be able to lay down suppressive fire for self defense which the 556/223 was meant for, so consider getting a hunting round like 308 that is more accurate and hard hitting. It will give you a more effective long range weapon.

22lr can still kill someone but is the most likely to let you down. You can find anything from palm sized handguns to ar15 cambered for it for cheap. I'd honestly avoid it if possible unless you only want to buy one type of ammo for all your guns.

Hollow points are "safer" not only because they are more likely to stop an attacker but they slow down on impact faster. Regular ball ammo can keep going past your target at lethal speeds and more often causes unintended damage.


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9dd0d0  No.149943


>training ammo

>main defense round

I thought it was pretty universally agreed upon that you should train with the ammo you're going to use, right?

Makes sense to me at least.

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1fe43e  No.150150


Xtra Penetrator rounds will make up for poor ballistics generally speaking.

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1fe43e  No.150151


Propane .50 cal simulators are optimal for ANTIFA crowds.

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dba37e  No.150247


>Without actual practice it will be no use.

For the most part, yes, but practical advice will still help


Practical advice: If you're getting a rifle, consider a bayonet. You should try your damndest not to let anyone get close enough to you that you need it, but it turns your gun into what is essentially a spear and will give you better reach (and control at that reach) than a stabby nigger with a knife. This has the effect of decreasing the odds that you will get stabbed and increasing the odds that your attacker will get stabbed.

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dba37e  No.150263


>I don't know where to purchase that, plus I heard you can't shoot in most public gun ranges

Most indoor ranges and some outdoor ranges in dry areas don't allow black powder firearms, because of the potential for lit grains to spill from the flash pan, the still-burning wad of a muzzle-loaded cartridge, or lingering sparks from the discharge to cause fires.

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31f246  No.150286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Black powder firearms aren't "legally" considered guns.

>I don't know where to purchase that




Imbeded video is a good primer on using cap and ball for self defense.

Don't forget too that since black powder doesn't count as a firearm, you can have a (black powder) short barrel shotgun without having to deal with the whole NFA tax stamp bullshit.

Only one problem, even the cap and ball revolvers are now sold out in most places.

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2c22a5  No.150289


Each state differs. In Texas, while state law was written to protect cap & ball, the kike nigger faggot court decided the law was meant to permit carrying cap & ball only for reenactments. So, you can't open carry a cap & ball … unless you have your LTC (license to carry (or the still valid CHL), or a CHL of Virginia (and some others)). But then you should carry a modern handgun (black powder is NOT drop safe, unlike how it is in modern guns).

In Texas, you can get black powder weapons delivered to your door UPS/whatever. But of course getting powders is a bit more tricky, basically they can't go airmail iirc. Most people just buy them at gun shops.

>cap & ball sold out


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2c22a5  No.150292


I'm pretty sure they'r run away if they saw you with airsoft and you set off some firecrackers.

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6432c2  No.150467

If you really must know, since people ask where I get my ammo, Ammo squared.

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6432c2  No.150469


Excellent company. Owner is a nice guy.

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6432c2  No.150471


Nope, fuck off. Shot Blackpowder at the same age you were probably learning how to ride a bike.

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e6b999  No.151068

I'm worried that things are going to blow up soon. I live in Republic of Ireland and we have very strict laws on weapons. I seriously need some kind of equaliser, I have very bad genetics (my hands/wrists are literally the size of a 10 year old girl's). Is there anything I can prepare so I at least have a fighting chance if there's a collapse?

>just apply for firearms license

I imagine the process is very strict and I'm diagnosed with a mental disorder (OCD) so it's probably a bad idea to even apply. Sorry for the strict criteria, this is the situation I'm dealing with.

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9fd61c  No.151112


Look for legal alternatives and DIY weapons that can come of good use. Bear spray or pepper spray, clubs, bats, nail-driven bats or 2x4s, knives or make some DIY firearm that can be used to fire some form of metal shrapnel. Entry-point fortification is also good for home defense, whether it's installing more deadbolts with long strike plates w/ 3" steel screws and/or a katy bar to re-enforce the doorjambs. Window bars are also good deterrence.

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ff5250  No.151150


I read that as "just aply for forearms licence" lol.

Wrist exercises aren't difficult. gripboard.com

Wrist curl, wrist extensions, wrist rotations and wrist levers. Do those you're good. You have sets of 2 - 5 and sets of 20+, forearms and bones respond to volume so make sure you do some 50+ sets.

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47fa9a  No.151185

9th Circuit ends California ban on high-capacity magazines


>A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday threw out California’s ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s protection of the right to bear firearms. “Even well-intentioned laws must pass constitutional muster,” appellate Judge Kenneth Lee wrote for the panel’s majority. California’s ban on magazines holding more than 10 bullets “strikes at the core of the Second Amendment — the right to armed self-defense.” He noted that California passed the law “in the wake of heart-wrenching and highly publicized mass shootings,” but said that isn’t enough to justify a ban whose scope “is so sweeping that half of all magazines in America are now unlawful to own in California.”

>California Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office said it is reviewing the decision and he “remains committed to using every tool possible to defend California’s gun safety laws and keep our communities safe.” Gun owners cannot immediately rush to buy high-capacity magazines because a stay issued by the lower court judge remains in place. But Becerra did not say if the state would seek a further delay of Friday’s ruling to prevent an immediate buying spree if the lower court judge ends that restriction. Gun groups estimated that more than a million high-capacity ammunition magazines may have legally flooded into California during a one-week window before the judge stayed his ruling three years ago. Becerra also did not say if he would ask a larger 11-judge appellate panel to reconsider the ruling by the three judges, or if he would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

>Gov. Gavin Newsom, who championed the magazine ban when he was lieutenant governor, defended the law as a vital gun violence prevention measure. “I think it was sound, I think it was right, and … the overwhelming majority of Californians agreed when they supported a ballot initiative that we put forth,” he said Friday. California Rifle & Pistol Association attorney Chuck Michel called Friday’s decision “a huge victory” for gun owners “and the right to choose to own a firearm to defend your family,” while a group that favors firearms restrictions called it ”dangerous” and expects it will be overturned. The ruling has national implications because other states have similar restrictions, though it immediately applies only to Western states under the appeals court’s jurisdiction.

>Gun rights groups have been trying to get such cases before the nation’s high court now that it has a more conservative majority. The decision written by an appellate judge appointed by President Donald Trump “should put gun safety advocates across the country on high alert,” said Giffords Law Center Litigation Director Hannah Shearer. “These judges are gaining potentially irreversible inroads on our appellate courts.” However, the Supreme Court’s majority in June declined to consider several challenges to federal and state gun control laws, including Massachusetts’ ban on large-capacity ammunition magazines. Aside from the magazine ban itself, Michel and the unaffiliated Second Amendment Foundation said the case has legal implications for other gun restrictions should it reach the justices because it could allow the court to clarify an obscure legal debate over what standard of review should be used.

>“The Supreme Court seems inclined to do away with the complicated subjective tests that many courts have wrongly applied in Second Amendment cases, in favor of a clearer more objective ‘originalist’ approach that considers the text, history and tradition of a law to determine what infringements might be tolerated,” Michel said in an email. Friday’s ruling was a fractured decision partly because of that issue: Two of the three judges voted to toss out the state’s ban, while the third judge dissented. U.S. District Court Judge Barbara Lynn of Texas, who had been named the third judge on the appellate panel, said the majority’s ruling conflicts with decisions in six other federal appellate courts across the nation, and with a 2015 ruling by a different panel of the 9th Circuit itself. She said she would have upheld California’s law based on that precedent. “This ruling is an extreme outlier” given those earlier decisions, said Eric Tirschwell, managing director for Everytown Law, the litigation team affiliated with Everytown for Gun Safety that favors firearms restrictions. “We expect an en banc panel will rehear the case and correct this erroneous, dangerous, and out-of-step decision.” Friday’s decision upholds a 2017 ruling by San Diego-based U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez, who blocked a new law that would have barred gun owners from possessing magazines holding more than 10 bullets. But he and the appeals court went further by declaring unconstitutional a state law that had prohibited buying or selling such magazines since 2000. That law had let those who had the magazines before then keep them, but barred new sales or imports.

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34b3e3  No.151219


I think the anon's sentiment wasn't "career criminal wanting to use it for a crime", but more likely the felon that fucked up and plead to something he shouldn't have, has a good job, has a home, minds his business. He can't go to the gun shop and pass a background check, but if he doesn't want niggers crawling through windows, what is he to do?

I'm the anon that mentioned either muzzleloader or airgun for defense, earlier, fwiw.

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cd3ed9  No.151475

Youre never welcome

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ceedaf  No.151916

Hello everyones i from türkey

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a670c5  No.152457



You mean


You fucking newfaggot

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47fa9a  No.152470


The “current year” meme came into existence only 5 years ago.

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337c00  No.152563

So I live in the totalitarian union of Europe, guns are not an option for me (besides 3D printed).

I want to stick to knives, which knife should I go for?

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f9dc03  No.152925


Morakniv honestly, there is zero point in getting some fancy meme knife, unless you want it for decorative purposes.

I've been using the stainless serrated version daily for almost 10 years now for my work, and they are incredibly good value.

Their knives haven't let me down yet, and they are dirt cheap.

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43d410  No.154333


Unfortunately, forearms and wrists are one of those things that are genetic. You can certainly increase forearm size, but if you are a small body type/light frame it will be tough, and you really can't increase wrist size, unfortunately. What you are born with is what you get.


Look into crossbows. I don't know the laws in Ireland, but I know in most places bows and the like aren't considered firearms and don't require licensing. Look at a getting a "wrist rocket," too. Basically high powered slingshot great for shooting marbles/ball bearings, etc.


Good advice.

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6330c6  No.154397


Please do not regurgitate disinfo about wrists. Thank you.


Please stop being a newfag. Thank you.


I am pretty sure it's +8.

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47fa9a  No.154424


Try again with an actual argument.

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c9eb74  No.154454

Long time Marlin model 60 owner here. The pic says 14 rounds in the tube but I've never really messed with more than 10. And for whatever reason, shot number 7 jams half the time. Otherwise a really precise rifle and fun to shoot.

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b15851  No.154469

Just tell me what kind of AR-15 Kyle the Kommie Killer, the hero of Kenosha had and where I can purchase one.

If a 17 year old Low T kid can stop a full on assault of a commie terrorist attack by side arms, skate boards and kicks to the head with one of that kind of AR-15, that's the weapon I want.

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34474b  No.154554

File: a3a70e824d45e32⋯.jpg (115.44 KB, 750x559, 750:559, hyenas.jpg)


Most likely affordable AR to get your hands on and likely Kyle's model is a Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport. Good luck finding one though.

If I were to hypothetically be surrounded by a pack of hyenas and I had to choose the ideal self defense tool for such a situation because my life was in danger, also being a poorfag, I would pick a semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun like a Rock Island VR80, a VEPR12, or Saiga, but again, good luck finding one under $1000, if you can even find one at all now. Shit is getting serious and most places, even online, are sold out of everything.

A bad day for a pack of hyenas.


A heads up if any anon purchases this style of shotgun. They are notorious for malfunctions fresh out of the box. You will need to break the gun in with a few hundred rounds, lots of cycling the action, polishing, and cleaning. High velocity ammo is recommended to help cylcle and eject correctly. Once properly broken in, it has serious potential. Paired with quality loads such as ones used for duck hunting, having such a setup would allow you to knock down a moving flock of geese. Waterfowl will be a good source of food in hard times, but also a nice hobby. The ammo in this video would be perfect for a fast moving pack of hyenas, group of coyotes, or a flock of geese. More importantly, the higher velocity and the design of these loads are intended to cycle in semi-automatic shotguns.

Science stuff to activate your almonds.


Or for larger game.


Why not both?

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ade8b8  No.154676


Imagine killing animals for fun, and not even eating them!

The mandatory niggro rapings in the butt you'll get are well deserved.

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db68b3  No.154710


Who says that I'm not going to eat you, faggot? It'd be a shame to let all that good meat go to waste. Equating you to an animal and less than human is the point. I've got a bottle of A1 sauce waiting for you spook fucks whenever you get balls enough to show up on my front porch. Come and get it. I'll make an example out of you.

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db68b3  No.154716


I've said it before and I'll say it again. None of these normies or the MSM or the police will give a single flying fuck when I smoke one of you incel keyboard warriors. I have my go-pro ready to film it. I'm a terrifying bad motherfucker and when I finally snuff out one of you dirtbags, I'll upload it here, complete with timestamp. And guess what? Not a thing will happen because nobody cares about you. You'll end up as a webm on a /b/ rekt thread or a video on bestgore and nobody will even care. I'd be surprised if the local newspaper even publishes your obituary. Nobody else will come to help you. Post your info.

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f8a09c  No.154830


Your words are so brave and you are such a great warrior, anon, that you should post your own info to prove yourself.

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ade8b8  No.154835


Lmao! Look at these faggot! U sound as if jason blaha and steven seagall never had sex. I dont think nobody will ever get around to visiting your shitty trailer park in illinois, so careful there dont kill a young jogging black man that might be just around for a run.

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b98919  No.154866

Never forget, truth and transparency always win against lies. These people are innocent until proven guilty and that’s hard to do when the truth is on their side. Stay vigilant. Stay strong. United we stand.

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f73681  No.154886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I see that my quality posting has triggered a few of you cock sucking comrades. Keep seething.

Another option, depending on your situation, also being a poorfag, is a .22lr. (lol that's not lethal) The thing about a .22lr is that it's a terrible home defense round because it lacks the stopping power of a .45 acp or even 9mm. The strengths of a .22lr is that they are quiet, cheap, and accurate, even at a distance.

Let's say that, hypothetically as always, you are a farmer who is trying to defend your crops from varmints who seek to eat everything you worked for and destroy your garden. You're surrounded by wascally wabbits and must protect your crops. I would suggest a Ruger 10/22 Takedown model, which YOU CAN STILL BUY ONE at Cabela's for under $400. 10 round box mag standard with high capacity after market options. Put a scope on it like you're a low budget vermin sniper! What I like about the takedown model is that it's been dubbed a "backpack" rifle by many survivalists. If you were protecting your farm from a horde of rabbits, you could easily pop off a few shots, pack your gun, and move in a matter of seconds. This gives you a huge tactical advantage. Make your hits and evade detection. Before these varmints know what hit them, you've already vanished. Couple that with the .22lr have little flash, no recoil, and being as quiet as a firecracker, you can move around all night on your farm, undetected, slowly picking these vermin off, one by one.

As always, it's not the rifle itself, but a combination of the right ammo and the know-how to get the desired results. As I had said, .22lr can be accurate at a distance. Pair that with the right round for the job and knowledge of shot placement. Find a safe position from effective range with a clear line of site to your target. I suggest using CCI velocitor from vid related. With shot placement, understand that you're using an underpowered round. Vermin won't drop like a sack of potatoes. Place your shot at the side, into the lungs, near the elbow. The lower ribs are cartilage, not hard bone like the upper ribs. Put the shot into the side because you're trying for a double lung shot. They'll flinch from the first round, but you should be able to achieve three consecutive shots this way before they even realize what's happening. They won't drop immediately, but that varmint scum is mortally wounded and will probably hop off into the darkness, lay down, and die. You can kill a deer this way, for food of course, but most hunters see it as cruel and inhumane to mortally wound an animal and let it suffer and slowly bleed out. Just an FYI about this method. It's frowned upon if you use this method against larger game.


Have gun. Will travel. Seething ensues.

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6e0665  No.154918


You need to stop posting. I'm embarrassed for you.

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cf0e23  No.154940


Life is hard when you are a nigger huh?

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cf0e23  No.154941


Crossbows my brother… CROSSBOWS. That is what you need to be looking at.

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cf0e23  No.154944

File: 8e644f11616a7e0⋯.png (36.1 KB, 878x646, 439:323, Screenshot_from_2020_08_27….png)



Funny how BOTH people think it is "Good Stuff" Kek. That said it is a pretty good idea tbh.

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754fcc  No.155527

So the infograph has the model 1858 listed.

Is this really worth getting over other handguns listed?

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b45722  No.155571


Not sure which graph you're talking about, but if you're talking about a Remington 1858, then hell no. In my opinion, commonality of ammo is of key importance. You'll never find ammo for an 1858, rendering it useless. In the US, as far as ammo goes, the most common rounds you'll find are as follows.

Handgun: 9mm and 45acp

Shotgun: 12 gauge

Rifle: 5.56, .223, 7.62x39, .22lr, .308

This is if you're prepping for Zombie Day. I could by a FEG PA-63 at the pawn shop for $200 (1/3 of the price of a Glock 19), but I'd be fucked when I couldn't find any 9x18mm ammo once the big game kicked off. Meanwhile, there's 9mm Luger and Glock mags scattered all over the battle field and lootable from every corpse. Make sense? Save up to buy a Glock 19 if you can. If you need a firearm now, at least make it some sort of 9mm. Ruger, S&W, Canik, and Taurus all make great budget 9mm pistols, everything you need comes included in the box, for around $300-400 USD.

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5fb6e8  No.155652


Grand Power makes excellent firearms at affordable prices. I've owned a clone of the K100, the STI GP6 and it was the best 9mm pistol I've ever owned. Sadly I had to sell it for money several years ago due to financial hardship, but I plan on buying another. They're slick. Very nice pistols. Simple and easy to break down, clean and use.

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b89e08  No.155787

File: 19d4295c1ec09a7⋯.jpg (338.7 KB, 993x910, 993:910, grand_power_stribog.jpg)


Yes they do. If things ever go back to being normal again, I'd like to get a Stribog. It'd be nice if the next gen would accept Glock mags or have a .45 acp or 10mm option. Put a red dot on that baby and you've got a great setup for home defense.

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5fb6e8  No.156044


You just made my dick move with 10mm. I would give my left nut for something like that.

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312972  No.156048


should i get a gun if i'm an impulsive faggot? i fear having a bad day/week and ending up blowing my brain out because i can't deal with frustration in a non retarded manner

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b781c6  No.156081


Don't do it anon. Cost my mother her life. I know she would regret it if she could.

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c4446a  No.156656


No, if you have no self control, meaning you are a degenerate, then don't buy a gun. Learn how to fight instead somewhere in your city will teach you

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c4446a  No.156658


Slapjack is what I carry in public

Railroad cops in the early 1900s used to carry them though they were huge and had special pants pockets for them, mine is a little smaller but still heavy as fuck and will crush somebody's face if I slap their jaw with it. I don't carry a knife because laws here are cucked and if I don't want to Klingon warrior some guy to death over a petty dispute, they will just put me in jail forever.

Blackjacks are illegal in my city (and probably yours) but you can carry them in a car, then if somebody reaches in your window can grab the blackjack and break their hand or face in two with it. Pepper spray and the like you can carry even though it's technically 'illegal'.

The best self defence is just not get in a fight by yourself. Avoid all public transit. Avoid walking by yourself anywhere after dark. Avoid going to a bar or nightclub with your girl by yourself, you go with a crew of friends to bars and clubs. At night get a ride everywhere, a taxi, a rollin' coal truck, anything but being a fool and walking down the street straight into a pack of nignogs

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740299  No.156664

>Ctrl+f crowbar

<0 results found

Son, I'm dissapoint. You can keep it in your car as a regular tool for changing tires. Get dual spike carbon reinforced one for bonus points. Hatchet/axe is also a useful tool, especially when it's well-balanced. For woodcutting of course :>)

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2af0a1  No.156738


manipulation of enemies wrists and a kick to the groin will disable this. is this police tactic? best way to shoot someone is guns akimbo, this is only close quarter

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2af0a1  No.156739

napalm recipe: (untested)

a generous amount of gasoline and concentrated orange juice, stirred with styrofoam, placed into a glass bottle with a rag, light and throw

more somewhat helpful tips if you google "anarchy cookbook free"

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2af0a1  No.156740

social engineering (Craft of the Devil)

start by:

registering at imdbpro

registerying a google voice account on a cell phone with access to the celluar network

calling production studios and feigning weakness, then on theirs, attack, in order to obtain goods, services, and connections

dont do the gov first, they'll rape someone around you

im trying to get back at viacom/cbs (i started that fucking merger)

oh some emails

emily.stubbs@viacom.com (lawyer for viacom)






try to telnet into their open mail port and give the rfc of imap/pop3 a read

or get some hackers

fuckers killed my sister because of a celebrity orgy, wont even get me laid, and if i try, they just run away, before i used to be handsome and well dressed, im just an anarachist bum destined to live in a psych ward cause of jon stewart

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2af0a1  No.156741


i read in the anarchist cookbook the best chems are stolen from research labs

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55e35b  No.156819


and the anarchist cookbook was written by retards or the feds possibly both

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fc195f  No.157111


You can never have too much food.

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c5e982  No.157631

File: a22aab246bd7346⋯.png (3.22 MB, 3440x1440, 43:18, PE_sintering_info.png)


lol, hush nigger. The fact that you can get away with terrible opsec has made the left weak. Easy prey as you blast your bizarre orthodoxy over the air waves under your real name.

We're careful, curious, and we take notes. We form close knit cells. And we know all of your names. Your best friend, coworker, or cousin could be one of us and you'd never know. Your arrogance and how you're socially accepted is your weakness.

One day soon, one of your quiet coworkers and his friends may kick in your door, gag you, and torture you to death as they extract information about the leadership of your cell. You could have seen it coming, but no, gotta make sure conservatives are *afraid* to publicly voice their opinions.

Good job.

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47fa9a  No.157670


Imagine actually believing that. Ever.

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1de627  No.157722

Live by the Sword die by the Sword

John Browns Body Lies A Mouldering in the Grave

His Soul Goes Marching ON

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2c0f4f  No.157823

Any tips how to get a gun if you're banned from purchasing one?

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47fa9a  No.157825


Yeah, piss off. You’re not entrapping anyone here.

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2c0f4f  No.157827


No faggot, how.

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47fa9a  No.157828


Yeah, piss off. You’re not entrapping anyone here.

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1d7663  No.157967


…What if I told you… Steel can slam into wood all fucking day long and require a mere brush with a stone for repair.

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00f670  No.157980


Plenty advice already in the thread for felonfags and others.

If you can't get the information you need out of this thread while staying legitimate there's no helping you. Go get your shit sealed and rights restored. Or hang in there to when the civil war happens and move to the appropriate independent secession to start over. That's my plan.

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2c0f4f  No.158003


It will take me another 5 years to get my ownership rights restored, and I didn't try because it's been a democrat governor for a long time now. I'll just read the thread closely. I try to get a pistol from a drug dealer but they'd probably kill me, that's the only way I can figure it out.

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650dec  No.158134

File: 9ec860dd7f5970f⋯.jpeg (419.68 KB, 1148x1148, 1:1, peppegel.jpeg)

File: 6f64b475bd7d81d⋯.jpeg (135.49 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, vj.jpeg)

Dont carry firearms on you if you have drinking/drugs/anger issues/negative energy and looking for niggers to start trouble with. These arnt fuckin toys. Keep them legal, and stashed in a safe place in the house in case of civil war. The best thing for broke people is pepper gel.

Its only a misdemeanor if misused, worse thing you get a night in jail and a misdemeanor. You wont have to worry about lawyer fees, prison time, the trauma of killing another or agitating strangers. Plus pepper gel is only $15 and very effective.

Keep pepper gel on you, mind your business, be professional and kind and have manners for everyone, and if around niggers, wear sunglasses so you dont make them chimp out if you make eye contact. Now for the few people on this site that happen to live in places like Detroit or Portland, I can understand carrying a handgun in the car, but leave it locked up in its own mini case and within the glove box. Only take it out incase of total chimpout. Be 100% legal, visit your local police station and go through the proper channels and get training.

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00f670  No.158160

File: 3d6fee2c0cc3537⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 375x600, 5:8, 3d6fee2c0cc3537d431efb2bd0….jpg)


>Now for the few people on this site that happen to live in places like Detroit or Portland, I can understand carrying a handgun in the car, but leave it locked up in its own mini case and within the glove box.

By that same token, if an altercation starts DO NOT go to your car to get your gun and return to the altercation. Get the fuck out of there. Which is why it may not be advisable to keep it in the car while you do other things because of a) liability in case your car gets broken into and b) not having it on you when you actually need it. Each anon is just going to have to make do with the best discretion they can muster.

Thanks for the pepper gel suggestion. As a felonfag I'll look into that for my local laws for day-to-day.

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43d410  No.158184


>As a felonfag I'll look into that for my local laws for day-to-day.

They don't do background checks for crossbows and the like, they can even be ordered online. Get a handheld mini-crossbow or something of the like if you can't have firearms.

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00f670  No.158186


My state makes an exception for "antique" weapons and removes the terminology for calling them "firearms" so I may wind up doing that.

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650dec  No.158328


Firearms are suppose to be the last resort, the final solution to ending violence. If someone steals a gun from your locked glovebox. Report it to the police. The only reason to have it in the car is incase a mob surrounds your car. Nothing good happens carrying a gun around. Your already a paranoid person on edge to carry one and not be involved in law enforcement/security. Most altercations can be avoided with talking with respect. I learned, from experience, a one liner that can stop most men from fighting with you is, " We are men, we are suppose to be logical, not emotional". This line always cuts to the core, because the receiver of this transmitted line will think to himself "Wait a minute, Im not emotional like a women, Ill prove him wrong and out professional him". The line is completely valid when dealing with altercation, its non threatening and non personal, its not making fun of anyone. It will make a male aggressor for the most analyze them selves. But thats for random altercations not robberies. Also practive combative breathing, some people have a tendancy to shake when the adrenaline hits during a altercation. Combat breathing forces the heart to pump the way its suppose to and overide all anxiety. Inhale for 3 seconds, Keep it in for 3 seconds, Exhale 3 seconds.

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650dec  No.158329

File: 7a1d1c1f9e79329⋯.jpg (9.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


For fucks sake, a crossbow. Ok this board is full of idiot teens. The best self defense that cost nothing is knowing how to talk to people. Read some books on how SWAT negotiats and police negotiats during seriouse situations. If your white USE YOUR BRAIN. Dont be a primitive fucking nigger retard. Sun Tzu said, fighting on the battlefield is the most primitive way of fighting. Use your mind and body language

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b85f87  No.158353


Agree completely. It's all about reading your environment, reading others, keeping your emotions and body language in check.


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361d83  No.158387


>I'm a terrifying bad motherfucker

Yet you're too much of a feminine bitch to eat the game you kill. Hahahaha. What a loser.


Also since I'm bumping this I want to recommend the Canik Tp9SF To poorfags that wish to own a full sized handgun. It holds 19+1 has a solid trigger pull with a super short reset. No safety so familiarize yourself with it prior to carry. 9mm is economical and plenty for most needs. It comes in around 280$ and is a nice shooting pistol.

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650dec  No.158489

File: f07145ca8b07295⋯.jpeg (29.5 KB, 257x420, 257:420, book.jpeg)

File: d8f9413b09ee608⋯.jpeg (66.26 KB, 1263x2000, 1263:2000, sdfsdf.jpeg)

File: a1b01f111d2ba35⋯.jpeg (37.04 KB, 260x390, 2:3, 6.jpeg)

You guys are fooooooooooooookin idiots. For the love of god, before purchasing a firearm. LEARN HOW TO SPEAK TO PEOPLE. If you cant read a few books on psychology and dealing with people, YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT OWN A FIREARM. The best self defense you can arm yourself with is knowledge. You get the book or download it, after you read it and program it into your mind, you can take it anywhere and everywhere. They are cheap, and expend the dimensions of the mind. Only a complete and utter idiot moron, will pull a pistol out in the drop of a dime rather use some simple psychology to simmer someone down. A firearm is the last option for self defense. Please, readers dont be idiots and walk around with a gun all mad looking for a fight.

Self defense from what? What you can do

Robbery: Just give up the wallet. You can cancel your cards and you probably don't have much cash on you, It be cheaper to give up your wallet than buy a gun or self defense course. Theres cameras everywhere these days just call the cops after and theyl figure it out, thats why we pay taxes.

Niggers: To be honest, if you ever lived in the inner city, they are bad, they ruin the area, but if you suburban basement dwellers ever ben in the street, white people dont get robbed that much unless they do some greasy shit. You know why this is? Because if a white guy gets robbed, there will be an investigation, their will be a high chance of the white guy snitching, the drug dealers/thugs/gang bangers will have to close up shop and loose money until shit cools down. You dont want to be the idiot all the OG older thugs are mad at for bringing heat on the street. DUHHHHHH

Chimpouts: Just drive away or walk away. You may not be down with it, but if anyone comes up just pretend your BLM and say black lives matter so they think your an allie and exit the situation.

Dont throw your life away on being mad 24/7 and being afraid. Just be nice, respectful, professional, corgial and have good manners and people will for the most part treat you the same way back. And if your an insecure person who has a fear everytime they see a black person just carry mace if your that scared.

People overun by fear should not use firearms.

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719178  No.158491


Those educated enough to know they need firearms, should prioritize firearms asap.

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650dec  No.158498


But what logical reason is it to own them?

I understand if you want to own them and keep them encase the country collapse like Yugoslavia. Or maybe a piece to keep in the glove box for worst case scenario emergency. But being out and about and doing errands or whatever and having them on you is insane and fear driven. You also have to keep in mind, a lot of wacko nut jobs take stupid image boards like /pol/ way to seriously. I just hope I can stop a idiot reading these image boards from making a retarded catastrophic decision by saying read books on psychology rather purchase firearm…FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, READ BOOKS YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS. KNOWLEDGE IS THE BEST SELF DEFENSE!!!

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de845e  No.158562


>encase the country collapse like Yugoslavia

non Engrish detected

But, since you'll understand:

Old Polish proverb goes like this: when it's time to bury your guns, it's time to dig them up.

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