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File: 43037e09b32b520⋯.png (457.37 KB, 735x729, 245:243, kek.png)

404d33  No.117448

The people kneeling in front of these poor blacks are clearly racist. By kneeling, they are mocking the manner of death of George Floyd.

Anyone who kneels is a white supremacist, and should be held accountable. We must spread the word!

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c40718  No.117502


This is actually pretty good… except these masochists wouldl have no trouble coming up with something even more degrading than kneeling.

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923348  No.117643


Surprised no one has made this connection already lol

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404d33  No.117699


I'm not sure there's something more degrading than being an ethnomasocist, but it might give us a few keks

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