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File: 9937c08a48560ae⋯.png (27.76 KB, 640x456, 80:57, 1_5.png)

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518f1b  No.117397

I call it "the great divide" as seen in pic related. The thing with these protests has made many of us already judge the blue states and their leftists traitors as not so noble people. Thus I kept thinking, what could a general direction be? Well then, it became quite obvious.

We disconnect from them entirely. And advertise such sentiments to all who are tired, weary and asking what the white race should do. It should be given as an alternative to the cucking out to niggers, and to their supporters.

Simply only engage with your white race, do not buy from niggers, do not use media that has niggers in it, do not interact with niggers, lefties and jews. Do not hire them. Avoid them wherever you can without violence.

It is the most pristine tactic as it does not involve violence nor anything negative PR worthy. /sig/ (self improvement general) for various reasons already is mostly pro white and has only white ideology embedded into it. For the negro does not want to self improve, for his nature is that of the subhuman materialist. But so are other hobbies like that. Sports groups, hiking groups, even some occupations.

To all of these places these troubled whites that we can reach, we must lead them. Where the end effect will be that the leftists, nigs and jews will be left out of the economic and emotional support. The intellectuality will leave their ranks and they will struggle harder with every day things. As the white numbers leave their ranks and the average IQ and character will be that of africa and other subhuman cultures/races.

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518f1b  No.117399

File: 0f63ea2ffa453b2⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4575x2411, 4575:2411, success_rate_start_Recover….jpg)


so one group that exists on the internet that provides with such material is called /sig/up on telegram. I even made some basic materials as to why non whites can usually not join!

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518f1b  No.117405


and "having something to do" is a thing that greatly helps and is a must for the white race I would say. Maybe its /sig/, maybe its skill searching and getting better ableness in all sorts of categories of life. IDK, but usually those who are less creative and those less of quality cannot do those things either. Many sports groups are filled with whites only. Groups that try to reach something or live by some greater thing than just mere consumerism are like that. Even if they dont only have only whites, they usually only have other high IQ races that are not negro.

So yea. I do not think that being neet degenerates is a good thing. That is why this direction I wanted to suggest. What does the rest think of this? We simply reject the false dilemma and carve out our own future! And so far it is mostly legal and hard to put out.

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d4560d  No.117410

"Median" not a terribly useful metric.

The median of one person having one dollar and two hundred and fifty of the other people have 200 billion dollars is that the median is $100,000,000.50

The AVERAGE, however, known as the mean, is weighted according to number and value.

If a billion people each have 200 billion dollars, and just ONE person has one dollar, then the median amount of money is exactly the same, a hundred billion dollars and fifty cents.

Thus, the mean amount of money for that group of 250 people is


Notice how the median is just a halfway point between the greatest and smallest of a sample group.

The mean is all of the values added together divided by the population of the sample group.

This is used quite often in statistics to mislead the users of the statistics.

If the richest man on Earth gets about a trillion dollars a year, then the median income of planet earth is about half a trillion dollars. So we should all be rich, right?

Far from it.

Remember, folks, dictionaries are your friends.

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d4560d  No.117411


correction: "Thus, the mean amount of money for that group of 250 people is


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159c69  No.117418


But, that's not why I dropped in this afternoon.

What was on my mind was the following:

Life Cycle of a Criminal Organization

A) Starts small, usually, unless well-funded by other criminals

B) Works at attaining as much power and wealth as possible.

C) Often branches out into causing as much suffering and misery among the goyim or men, or heterosexuals, or children, as possible.

D)People groan under the burdens imposed on them by their criminal overlords

E)Criminal overlords seize the means of communication, and ban anyone from dissenting.

F) People bypass the overlords by all means necessary, and figure out they are in the VAST majority, and child-torturing faggots, who have been rammed down everyone's throats as being heroic and wondrous vanguards of a New Normal, are actually a puny minority

G) Momentum gathers as more and more people inevitably find out, in spite of their world-class levels of apathy and lethargy, and are shocked into joining one side or the other

H) The non-perverts band together to disempower, then ultimately are forced to annihilate, the forces of evil.

I) The pedovores destroy everything they can get their hands on, no matter how many lies they have to tell.

J) The once-physically-intact, but morally corrupt Weimar-level society is left physically damaged, but spiritually and morally VASTLY superior to when child molesters got five years in prison, but someone not paying a fifty dollar IRS bill go two hundred and sixty life sentences.

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518f1b  No.117419




and this is relevant how?

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159c69  No.117421

Considering Trollbot had answer to a post literally in the minute (plus two secons) as I posted it, it is obviously a bot.

Anyway, We are seeing a crumbling, worldwide, of the most gigantic and Earth-spanning criminal organization in history.

It doesn't matter how hard the battle is ahead of us. These people must be removed from power over the rest of us. Not to be replaced by younger relatives of theirs. They must be excused and exiled or utterly annihilated.

The choice is not yours anymore. All you can do is pick a side, or you will merely be getting in the way. Remember Lot's wife.

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518f1b  No.117424


oh, so you are a schizo jew? It is not uncommon to keep watch of threads and reply immediately. I shouldnt have expected more haha.

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21f85f  No.117425

<This is not my post, I saved it from 8chan because I liked it so much, but didn't think to screencap it.

We need to be able to build parallel systems. The system relies on us paying taxes and producing far more than we consume. This needs to stop. We need to learn to enjoy the decline and accelerate the decline.

Find ways to build wealth without paying taxes, legally. Most of this will involve owning your own business.

Understand that money is not wealth. A garden gives you wealth that isn't money.

Build our own infrastructure. Credit Unions or Banks that don't kick out members for wrong think. Privacy apps, ways to generate power and other utilities on a local level.

Learn how to legally cost the system as much money as possible. GET YOUR GIBS but learn how to not be dependent on them.

Build companies and communities. Read the basics of corp and business structure. Develop local currencies

This is very short on specifics but go do your research. We need lawyers, CPAs, software developers, and trades. We need lots of small groups doing things in geographically dispersed areas. One project will get the Ruby Ridge treatment fast.

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518f1b  No.117428


/sig/ is exactly great for that, it helps to lay the groundwork for men to learn trades by themselves. Many men in this society do not have the chemical/mental stability to seek out and do stuff with their own creativity. Many are stressed, raised by single moms and are just in a terrible state. Including me, I used to be like that. And I followed the many stoic principles in /sig/. And now I have been employed for many years and regain some of that creativity.

I also wanted to start welding, which you should consider (finally managed to scrounche up enough resources to weld like yesterday lol)

"Find ways to build wealth without paying taxes, legally. Most of this will involve owning your own business."

and with /sig/ I wish to help more people find this way of life, this way of skill acquisition. So in some way we are already in agreement I do believe. I just though that this event is a good way to strengthen the divide. To showcase to those who are tired of the status quo that there is a better alternative out there.

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518f1b  No.117439

File: ef6f6dee7e4fc67⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 600x719, 600:719, Cy2YMk4VQAAJjrr.jpg)

So some get screechy and go like "bloo hoo I have to ditch my shitty leftist friends, coworkers and family and/or have to start lying to them"

well then anon, do you want your race to survive? What do you think your ancestors did when they were faced with traitor whites among them, and a chance to rebuild themselves and their race?

What do you think they did? Thats right, they re-organized with their own, sane whites. And they saved whoever they could, realistically, with what resources that they had. But they absolutely and positively ditched everyone who did not want to hum along with the philosophies. And those people are now dead.

You are living in the blood of people who already did the hard work, and now you have the chance to choose again. Wither and die with the losers, or separate and live.

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518f1b  No.117449

File: d997119c6b447a5⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_if_you_are_distresse….jpg)

All of the truly great content is also only within our own ranks of whites. Like who needs lefties lol

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14ede9  No.117450

File: e07d740ef0993aa⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB, 979x1316, 979:1316, 1.jpeg)

File: 27cb95416b14632⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 446x431, 446:431, 2.jpg)

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File: 8cd3e2c14723aa6⋯.png (107.36 KB, 1355x913, 1355:913, 5.png)


"look at this graph"

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3674e2  No.117453


>Simply only engage with your white race, do not buy from niggers, do not use media that has niggers in it, do not interact with niggers, lefties and jews. Do not hire them. Avoid them wherever you can without violence.

This has been my strategy for a while now. I don't live in an area with a lot of niggers, but it's not just niggers that I refuse to do business with. I refuse to do business with any non-white. If a business in my area has one non-white employee, I won't use them unless it simply cannot be avoided.

As for media exposure, my nigger fatigue is so complete that I just find myself saying "shut up, nigger" and fast-forwarding. I don't want to hear their opinions. I don't want to see them. I want them gone.

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518f1b  No.117454



that a lot more variables than I knew off, tho it mostly confirms what I am saying in a way? So in away, I am a force of nature!


the most based end outcome. Well done. You are perhaps even ahead of me! Since we have the internet at our finger tips, this mindset must be taught to as many whites as possible! So that the stresses on our minds by these subhumans are removed!

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504d18  No.117487

File: 7a844a4d65affe1⋯.jpg (17.31 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 7a844a4d65affe11e785aae375….jpg)


I've personally been doing this for a long time now but it's because I live in such a country where I CAN do it. I am just wondering, how is this possible to do in US if you can be sued even for not baking a cake to some freakshows?

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518f1b  No.117491


there is always a way to get what you want if you are creative. Firewalls can be defeated with enough education and willpower no matter what. We have seen this firsthand ourselves with the internet. For we found a way, and we keep that way up.

We have the greatest advantage of all: A higher IQ, which means we know how the many systems work and how to use their to our advantage. With law, economic means or anything else. As long as we dont share our methods with the leftists, they wont know any better.

For example>>117399

Most niggers are stressful, doesnt sleep well, are kinda in a shitty state. The leftists only briefly knew about this, but they dont have a program for that. They just mentioned it in passing. So if you have a stressed out, sleepless retard. What kind of tactics can you use to fuck with him? To drive him out? I can think of a dozen.

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518f1b  No.117496


>niggers get paranoid faster

>niggers get stressed out faster

>niggers are bigger stress eaters

>niggers sleep less

one of the simplest way to act if you have a nigger in your workplace is to simply bring forth these concepts into the fold. Where work performance is important, it is quite easy to do actually.

>hey, did you know you can see who sleeps well and who doesnt, you can see it on the black spots beneath the persons eye

when you talk to a white coworker

slowly you introduce all of these bits to them, and after a while they will notice that the negro has most of them! Well then they are not racist but they just happen to notice that nigs are doing much worse. That isnt so good for performance reviews!

seriously, dont tell the leftists this

But I used stuff like that before

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518f1b  No.117499


as for bakeries, I dont know, never had one

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c33b76  No.117519

File: 9f658421b0d85d1⋯.jpg (134.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, war.jpg)


Not only it proves you're force of nature, it proves some cosmic power always fucks with our destiny and we're meant to develop in a way it wants. And its done in very dedicated even cycles affecting our social structure leading to planned changes in society that even most powerful of kings and masters cannot affect.

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2baed8  No.117520

I think this is a patently foolish idea.

Disengagement results in isolationism- all the white people with any merit would form cloistered communities.

From that point everything would go to shit in broader society, and instead of Jamal as a neighbor we would border Syria on every side.

If I fired all the niggers from my business they would have no stake in it- and unable to create anything for themselves would be driven to attack me in a mutually destructive fashion.

We have to set the degenerates against each other- history has shown that this is the only way

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518f1b  No.117815

File: adc71b606b0b863⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1584988378147.jpg)


Pretty much yea, I even never really dreamt of the things I was supposed to do. Never really imagined this path, all I got was some vague feeling that something is not right. Drugs were not right, booze is not right, the way relationships were working were not right. It just didnt feel right, and I spend the last years figuring exactly the hows and the why's. And the natsocs helped tremendously with that.


Our general memetic outreach remains obviously, there is nothing wrong with trying to recruit from the normie ranks. Its just that at some point we are supposed to no longer engage with them with things that we need, or things that we do.

And not all of us also have to be on this path, but if we do it, we create great images for them to follow. An alternative community to witness. With its own quirks, goals, and standards. And when they get curious, we can guide them further. Since we know how to get there. Its just that we dont need the modern day stressors of the leftwing, negro or jew among us.

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1f8ea3  No.118010


That is not what a median is.

If a billion people each have 200 billion dollars, and just one person has one dollar, then the median will be 200 billion dollars. Medians pretty much erase outliers.

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d09a07  No.136796

Refusing to buy, employ or deal with niggers and kikes should be the most basic redpill.

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8ab736  No.137075


And that includes not buying any jew movies, jew music, jew services whatsoever. This goes far beyond boycotting Israel. This involved using your finely attuned jewdar to detect and blacklist all of them. And with that you automatically blacklist all niggers too because no nigger appears in society in a commercial context unless put there deliberately by the jew. So no NFL, no NBA, no baseball, no Nike none of it ever. Let nike be worn only on the feet of niggers that looted their stores.

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19666c  No.137081


Thank you anon, I saw that, and my mind almost exploded. It's terrible when people who don't know basic math act like they do.

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af778c  No.137101


chart has no scale, fuck and people take this seriously.

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df8a33  No.137103


Retard. You just said the median is not useful, and then proved exactly why it's useful. You are a fucking retard.

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