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File: cf86e5e29ced0cd⋯.jpg (150.93 KB, 1053x900, 117:100, 1591115350161.jpg)

5bd909  No.117091

A few weeks ago I remember seeing these threads being posted on 4cuck /pol/ and on mintboard and on here where antifa threatened they would soon do something big. They then got a couple of responses of "do it faggot" followed by the thread dying.

Well now I realize they actually delivered on their threat.

I wish I could find the old threads.

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5bd909  No.117094


All I can find at the moment.

Anyone able to find the original threat/warning?

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5bd909  No.117100

File: 5db13410bf57f43⋯.png (553.42 KB, 3811x1860, 3811:1860, 2020_06_03_20_23_15_.png)

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093795  No.117717

Best to keep them busy here instead of burning shit down. Cities stopped burning after they announced that

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2bcff4  No.117744


Natsoc is a response to marxism. I have no personal or racial reason to minimise the impacts of these riots. I am not going to defend a system that seeks to exterminate my people. Let it all burn, so that in the fertile ashes we can build anew.

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a38a71  No.117956


This >>117744

Let them kill each other, and then kill the survivors after that.

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