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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 3b615f7a1948b7c⋯.jpg (91.46 KB, 720x471, 240:157, Terrristas.jpg)

034b3d  No.117010

Gracias por declarar a los ANTIFA como organización terrorista ellos quemaron iglesias, supermercados, comercio, etc han causado muchos asesinatos y destrozos en mi hermoso país Chile es hora que alguien los pare.

evidence an antifa propaganda video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCKn_eT36Pg

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034b3d  No.117017


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49417d  No.117087


On /pol/ you have to speak a GERMANIC LANGUAGE!

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740f65  No.117092


its not like your speakingit you dumb fuck

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ba8e08  No.117106

Devuelta a /choroy/, mi loro.

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5b6552  No.117113



>hates individualism

this isnt true, is it?

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ba8e08  No.117121


is a boomer tier meme

dont think about it

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9582d8  No.117144



Go fuck yourself.

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52a1d9  No.117242


Natsoc's don't hate individualism, they understand that in order for the collective nation to thrive the individual needs to thrive.

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8eb352  No.117894

File: 20928f8039f4edd⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 815x477, 815:477, I_fixed_your_shit.jpg)

OP is faggotinista extraoridnara!

I fixed your lying shit.

1. NS = Certain individuals are impressive and must be fostered, great composers, mathematicians, scientists, artisans. SO FUCK OFF!

2. NS = Freedom of speech allows one to ACTUALLY criticize the evil doers in the first place. They allow it, just don't criticize good people by lying about them, that is not free speech, that is slander. SO FUCK OFF!

3. Free Markets evolve to Corporatocracy, when individuals are only worth what you squeeze out of them. NS was designed to eliminate corporate control of governments. SO FUCK OFF!

4. jews and identified psychopaths. What's not to hate? SO FUCK OFF!

5. NS relocated jews to israel, peacefully. SO JUST FUCK AND DIE YOU SHILL CUNT!.

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da5d3d  No.118006


>n order for the collective nation to thrive the individual needs to thrive.

That's backwards

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a91c93  No.125347




are you fucking retarded or illiterate?

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7b1dd3  No.125359

>hates freedom speech

Speak English you dirty foreigner

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