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8c8cca  No.116945

George Floyd death: Canadian political leaders comment on racism in Canada and the U.S.


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f52e2c  No.116950

>Canadian political leaders being this faggy and retarded

Jesus Christ, can we just deport them all and fucking put them on a goddamn island far from civilization? Fuck 'em all. Especially Fidel Castreau.

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bfa3ab  No.116972

Global Television is like CNN: all marxism, all day. The faggot that owns it also built Canada's largest synogogue. Says it all.

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0639dc  No.116976

File: c0092191d3e45d1⋯.png (127.95 KB, 922x882, 461:441, external_content_duckduckg….png)

Canada is done.

It's all been downhill since Bills C16 & M-103. The Liberal/Leftists dominate the public sphere, and "woke" right-wingers get their info from ((Rebel News)), which apparently the Conservative candidate Andrew Sheer has ties to. Bernier's PPC was largely dismissed as "racist" & was for the most part ignored. We're taking on more and more immigrants each year… see attached video


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8c8cca  No.116994


There is so much "Fuck Bill C16" graffiti all over my city heh. It always had this Medusa head with it too.

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f52e2c  No.117020


All of the Canadian news bullshit peddlers are faggy, cucked kikes peddling the same insane, fake bullshit. They need to get destroyed like that CNN building was.

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f52e2c  No.117111

File: 82e51ab679d9998⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 640x685, 128:137, FUCK.jpg)

Just when I thought shit couldn't get any fuckin' worse-

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8c8cca  No.117169


There's got to be a process behind this and people behind this and physical locations and ways to disrupt this all.

I once had a nurse tell me about where the refugee camps were (kept a massive secret btw from all Canadians) while she talked about "why do they do these things they do, I can't understand it". It was like when I as a child read Medicins Sans Frontiers and got redpilled for first time on niggers, I could see her experiences at the refugee camp changed her.

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37d921  No.117177


where are they?

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f52e2c  No.117194

File: ca8c496e1fbb190⋯.png (124.77 KB, 510x478, 255:239, CBC_CONFESSION_LOL_MY_SIDE….png)

>CBC admitting to being fake bullshit news

Well well well

This shit is just perfect

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3dd5a2  No.117258


>where the refugee camps were

i didnt even fucking know we had these. cmon tell us where they are.

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8c8cca  No.117598



Because I use protonmail and there's only 50 MB of storage I have to delete my emails regularly. I would have to ask her again and right now that same nurse is too busy going to these stupid BLM protests.

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8c8cca  No.117600

I think if YMCA opens again from Covid-lockdown I could volunteer for the refugee camps though and be told where it is then ghost them.

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b5fb72  No.134220

File: e5990ee954dbccb⋯.png (192.47 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1569453112951.png)

Gun Grabber Petition e-2574 still has two months potential signatures. Current total validated signatures as of July 1st, is: 224,910.

Province – Signatures

Alberta 52443

British Columbia 39560

Manitoba 9254

New Brunswick 6152

Newfoundland and Labrador 2389

Northwest Territories 362

Nova Scotia 5864

Nunavut 198

Ontario 74398

Prince Edward Island 562

Quebec 20766

Saskatchewan 11899

Yukon 729


Leaf web wizards know you any hex for getting these rookie numbers up?

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301f28  No.134225

Nova Scotia shooter turned out to be an RCMP agent, so this is probably an attempt to erase the trail.

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5a6e14  No.134227


I think Global is even worse than MSNBC.

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411618  No.134290

Remember that old saying "politics is Hollywood for ugly people"? Well that's Ottawa for you. You might add "for ugly stupid morally depraved gluttonous smelly people". Ottawa is the most boring fucking up shithole excuse for a city in the world. Fucking scum, both the politicians and the massive ever growing army of bureaucrats that infest it.

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254550  No.134292


They are currently placing "refugees" in motels or school dormitories. It's really dependent on which province or city that claim asylum. The majority dream of going to Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver but because of overcrowding, they are being shipped off to smaller cities where the government doesn't have to give them as much $$$ to live.

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e415d2  No.134293


The Pedovore Queen of England's Stasi is being overthrown?

Good. No country needs a national police force enforcing the will of a foreign monarch.

The provinces can have their own versions of state troopers.

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411618  No.134332


Oh it's so much worse than that; they want to make it impossible to run away to an all white community like I did two and a half years ago. I got so fucking sick of Vancouver, I hate the fucking place. I'm in a town of 60,000 and it's 98.9% white here. Going to Costco is heaven here. No nigs, no chinks, no muslim fucks in their stinking medieval garb. The government under Trudeau is flat out fucking evil.

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3a8957  No.134340


I had to look this shit up. Jail time for "misgendering" someone? WTF? Though I have to say, I don't encounter any trannies in my line of work, are they that widespread in canada? Do relatively normal people have to deal with these degenerates? Do they parade around and try to get you to talk to them?

Fucking wierd.

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411618  No.134359

File: f9d3a9c48097a55⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 909x501, 303:167, wenchley_Medsley.JPG)

File: 12bf66d222862d5⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 640x479, 640:479, 3203995207_89ca800e36_z.jpg)

File: 367c8ca0eddb440⋯.jpg (93.16 KB, 1079x997, 1079:997, wenchly_mesley.JPG)

It's really getting out of control you guys. Wendy Mesley was THE ideal Canadian woman, she was like the voice of God on high to Canadians; every night they all stop what they're doing and watch The National on CBC and get the correct political opinions to utter so they won't say anything that can get them fired, but then she made the mistake of quoting the word "nigger" in a private conference call over a news show on racism and that was too much for the delicate shitskiness only a generation or two away from cannibalism in the African jungles. We watched her progress from cute Canadian babe, to powerful modern Canadian woman to martyred cancer survivor but even all that couldn't protect her from the new religion of worshipping shitskins. Sad


Do we even have enough chug raping drunken hillbillies from Williams Lake we can bring down south to turn this shit around? Are there enough foul bitches that love carving each other's eyes out in broken beer glass fights out in Surrey to win the day for us?

We need them now like never before.

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6d7ae3  No.134366


General Law of Revolting Behaviour: E=MC^2; where E = Explanation, M = Most Prollems, C^2 = Kikes.

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632c96  No.134384


There is a male tranny at my work that is constantly on edge of losing his temper. The managers are afraid to deal with him so he gets away with whatever he wants. "It's just the hormones" they say, making excuses for him. Trannies are driven entirely by rage and jealousy and have no qualms leveraging their societal advantages to get their way and fear is the only thing allowing them to get away with it.

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411618  No.134387


I can assure you it's much worse than that. I remember reading an article back in the 80's about stuff Chicago police know. They call transvestites "gumps". Despite their attire gumps are pitchers not catchers. Because this is counter intuitive it leads to a lot of disagreements with them and that means some pretty toxic levels of violence. The other thing you should know about gumps is that they're all packing blades; they seem to like needle pointed long razor sharp daggers for some reason or other. They love to stab. As has been noted here most are suicidal eventually.

So beware and stay clear of this shit head. He's not just a rational person leveraging infantile behavior to get his way; he's a violent psychopath looking for the opportunity and the justification for stabbing someone and seriously wounding them or maybe even killing them. A lost eye, a punctured lung, an extinguished life is nothing to a gump.

Beware. Actually I'd just quit and go pack gyproc for a living rather than work at that place your at. I don't think any degenerate hedonist pervert is weird enough to want to fetishize swamping on a gyproc delivery truck They're a rough bunch but they're not sex freaks.

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a8754e  No.135284

File: b75dc40df8f495e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 853x1174, 853:1174, 1573849889396.png)

Two additional petitions to sign against the Fidel Castreau gun grab derivative of the RCMP-Fed organized shooting in Nova Scotia. Be vigilant enough to validate the signature by clicking the wait for it reply email link. Otherwise your signature will be disqualified.



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e4bd57  No.147539


Canada is run by communist old ladies standing behind the son of Fidel Castro. You don't need guns to take your country back.

Walk into a communist old ladies house, quick twist, walk out, burn your mask/gloves/clothes, forget you were ever there.

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