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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: d2175b43ddbcc41⋯.png (348.98 KB, 629x489, 629:489, DASFADS.png)

4079f3  No.116742

If you really want to win that race war of yours go out and get fit,

women are simple creatures, if youre better looking theyll listen to you,so work out you fat fucks. if working out doesnt work, dont eat for a week or so and just have water. but always make sure you work out.

learn to hit on women, start with something inviting and innocent "hey i really like (thing they recently posted but nothing less than a day old or more than a week old), then somehow make it about yourself, "yeah i tried doing that recently aswell" "ive been thinking about doing that" then try and carry a conversation without sperging out. make them like, you, start the sexual remarks slowly, dont go full on, start with inneundos to test the waters, if they show any sign of being uncomfortable move on, find a new person, go on dating websites and get a good generalised message going "hey, loved your outfit in your second pic, do you plan them or just put something together on the spot?"

- Generalised

- Starts an innocent conversation theyll be likely to reply to

- Women love thinking their unique, complimenting their outfit gets

their clits rock hard

then after that slowly make innocent remarks that are slightly sexual, but dont be autistic about it. start with compliments on their body before anything else compliment their legs, as a start, women are very insecure about their legs, if they disagree with the compliment, good, say some chad shit like "hey there legs i wouldnt mind having wrapped around my neck thats all im gonna say" just get on the topic of how pretty they are but keep the messages short and try not to double text, lips are an easy one, "youve got such nice lips tho tbh, would probably look better if they were on mine tho"

shit like that, anyways this isnt a teaching retards how to flirt thread, practice this shit, figure out what type of girls like what, its all trial and error, dyed hair? tattoos? doc martens?, minimum 3 bodies and wont keep any babies you put in them. but will probably fuck you straight away if youre over 5" and semi decent looking.

never apologise, if you fuck up just make a joke out of it. showing any sign of weakness will make them like you less.

the more "trad" they look the slower youll have to take it.

after you get them to like you fuck them, use a condom the first time but slowly get them comfortable, cum in them and dont acknowledge it, if they freak out act like its normal and say some shit like "oh its fine i had vasectomy or whatever. but deny it at first and say its probably just their discharge. when they get pregnant wait a bit, play the long game, then when youre pretty sure theyre keeping it. start a fight with them nothing physical but just make it that they dont like you anymore. so when you leave they wont want to contact you. then leave that mf. single mothers are also good targets cause theyre easier to get with and are more likely to keep the child, especially if they think youre gonna stick around.

do this shit with multiple girls at once, barely use social media so they dont have a way of finding out. rinse and repeat with as many girls as you can.

thats how you win the race war.

go outbreed them anon

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c875e7  No.116745

Great advice, thanks fag.

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4079f3  No.116752


Eat shit and die xo

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0edfa3  No.116853


no, if you used all of that advice up to the point where you started talking about sexual remarks, you could then use it to redpill them. Liberal white kids won't help anyone, anyway, more white kids there are, more likely some are going to have some hidden mutations. Its better to start building weapons secretly and sterilizing any incurable defects like low functioning autists and diseased people.

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56bb92  No.117095

ever heard of DNA? yeah you dumbass they are gonna fuck you over with child support


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572aa7  No.117436


oh fuck youre right, i forgot all those blacks with 4-10 baby mommas are paying child support, right anon?

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572aa7  No.117441


>if you used all of that advice up to the point where you started talking about sexual remarks, you could then use it to redpill them.

true, women will listen to anything you say as long as they want you to fuck them, ive said pretty based shit in front of hardcore liberals and theyve aggreed with me just cause they want me to fuck them, but dont be a retard an the moment they show interest in you start going on about how you want to kill niggers, start slow, it can take years to convince somone these things, but ive turned my liberal exes into nazis multiple times so dont give up

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f56d50  No.117562


Something like 70% of the male population in prison grew up in a single mother household. Kids need fathers, and we dont need to act like niggers.

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5b4a3e  No.117596

File: 1e1082a43ebc74f⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1e1082a43ebc74f86b961a5c01….mp4)


You were doing so well anon, then you sperged at the end.

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572aa7  No.117601


race wars arent my area of expertise, getting women to fuck me is, kinda just got bored at the end, my point still stands tho, fat losers that cant do a single pushup arent gonna win a fucken race war.

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572aa7  No.117603

OP here, take my advice on women, not political or race war shit, unlike you fat retards that sit on your computers all day and jerk off over the idea of other, healthier, fitter, more attractive than yourself white people fighting your race war for you, i actually have experience with women, people are alot like videogames, but going from people you meet online to women in real life is like goinf from frogger to EDEN, bit of a steep learning curve there, but its all practice and knowledge as long as you dont have fucking terrible genetics.

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85afca  No.117604

I'd also like to add that fitness adds way more conversation topics with both men and women. If you try to make other male friends on the basis that you both watch anime or play a certain video game then you're going to be in a sperg relationship and probably get mad at each other when your tastes don't match. Same for politics

Men should seek friendship with other men who /sig/ and want to accomplish things.

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572aa7  No.117610


Thats a big one, being around other men that are into self improvement is super important ngl, ive made alot of my friends that were pathetic little DYELs and tubs of lard into pretty fit guys just by bullying and peer pressuring them into it, im not an asshole i make sure its all in good fun but make sure it still hurts them just enough to motivate them. its manipulative but i justify it by the fact its made their lives alot better, these cunts were massive virigns before and hadnt even held anyones hand and now a couple of them are fucking a decent looking girl every 1-4 weeks.

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572aa7  No.117611


also i personally got fit because my friend were all pretty good athletes, they gave me good advice but teased me for being out of shape, instead of being a bitch about it i hit the gym and ate better

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1562b4  No.117740


>/pol/ is fat and unhealthy because thats what the media told me

>i am fit and healthy, this is an ACHIEVEMENT to me

Imagine finding your self worth in sea of shallow cunts, degrading yourself to the mannerisms of the common negro. White people always lived in the premise of making the world a better place for their children; pumping out children and raising them in a single parent household does more harm to us than good.

Your entire blogpost stinks of (((retardation))).

<tears down /pol/ fabric

<ignores /sig/

<'motivates' by insults, not rewards

<tries to convince a people to do something detrimental to their race and ultimately alien to them

<degrades women of a race to whores and wombs

<promotes degrading 50% of the white race, lying to them and leaving them with the burden and blessing of a child which should be carried by BOTH parents.

In fact, you dont even seem to acknowledge children need both parents to become a stable adult, someone youd call an asset to society.

>Cum in them but dont acknowledge it

Virgin detected.

You dont win a race war by numbers anon. There have never been more white people on this planet, as there are now. Being outnumbered is a hurdle, but not one we cannot overcome as a group. Fucking like rabbits, mirroring the behaviour of subhumans, does nothing for the fight. Its simply a cope from a hedonistic faggot - trying to get his bastard sons to do his dirty work. Absolutely pathetic.

SAGE and reported.

GTFO with your blogpost. I wont call you a kike, but you certainly talk and seem to act like a nigger.

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fb1953  No.117978

Genghis Khan was fat and had a tiny penis, and would absolutely destroy you in a race war, faggot. You're wrong about everything. KYS

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f587e6  No.119004

File: ac7a5b1adcf300e⋯.png (716.33 KB, 962x724, 481:362, 1571823702269.png)

Make Amalekites Great Again.

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fe54b2  No.119007

File: d320df02b32317f⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20200604_150702.jpg)

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I'm on it. Taking creatine and t booster. Iz very nice. Fuck the fucking fuckers.

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572aa7  No.119047


Whats your experience with T boosters? ive got pretty naturally high test but have been getting barely any sleep recently so my test has dropped a bit.

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572aa7  No.119049


>"OP here, take my advice on women, not political or race war shit"

imagine defending women, imagine thinking /pol/ isnt unfit, imagine thinking i expected all white men to do this to all white women,

god youre fucking retarded kill yourself, i know that /pol/ users are for the most part, fat and retarded and incapable of raising a child, and with how heavily they would try to shove their idealogy down their childrens throat theyd most likely end up with a child with counter ideologies anyway. Call me a virgin all you like, the women ive cummed in have let me do it so i dont know how to be sneaky about it.

kill yourself you fat retard.

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ee2187  No.119050


I am fit as fuck just don't have any skills to flirt honestly and I don't approach women, unless I had to do it. I do not ever engage in small-talk with anyone either. I only tell people what to do or engage in arguments.

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572aa7  No.119107


make dating profiles on shitty sites and send a conversation starter to like 400 women, then talk to them all and do your best, itll get pretty boring but youll get over any nerves you have of talking to women, youll get practice in and youll learn what youre doing, youll learn what different women are like and youll learn flags that will tell you about them.

pretty quickly youll notice flags that tell you everything else about them, women that like metal and punk music are often sluts, women that wear big boots are often sluts, women that have died hair are often sluts.

its all a matter of practice, work your way up

start with online sites that arent anywere near you, message less atractive girls at first and work your way up, then when youre talking to attracitve girls on those sites, move on to talking to girls on tinder, if tinder doesnt work set up an instagram account with a fake name or just no name on it and the best photos of yourself, send a bunch of messages to a bunch of girls like you did on the first site, but social media isnt a dating app, like say 5-9 of their semi recent photos, if they like any of yours back, follow them, if they follow you back, youre pretty set, otherwise just shoot them a message something normal, "hey i saw your post about _ its pretty cool do you do that often?", then just try and make friends with them but dont be too friendly for too long, if they take a long time to respond, you take a long time to respond, but if they talk with you often do your best to get things moving, compliment them, but make it personal, Dont say theyre pretty, tell them you think theyre pretty, Dont tell them they have nice eyes, tell them you think they have really nice eyes, theyll assocaite those compliments with you that way. im not gonna tell you how to build an entire relationships but those should help. also, a cheat is ask them about interests, favourite games, shows, books, music, etc, when they reply with a title of something, dont open it, read the reply in notification and study one of those things, they say theyre really into this one band, you go listen to that band, read about the members, maybe itll take a day but its a great way to guarentee an improvement to your relationship. if its super obscure dont tho, or atleast get a good escuse for liking it, then when you know enough about them reply back with some shit like "Oh no way! you like _? i was obsessed withe them for a while ahah" if they reply about it continue the conversation about that with them, then use the little knowledge you have to continue that conversation for a bit, but dont nerd out about it, dont act like you care too much, then use that to make them talk about themself, women LOVE talking about themself, but only when its to a guy they mildly like and they think cares about those things, ask them what theyve been listening to recently, reading recently, watching recently, etc.

all in all, those are some easy things thatll make talking to women way easier and have worked for me almost every time.

happy hunting anon

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8d14ec  No.119111



The fact you turbobenders are even allowed to post here speaks volumes to how much the staff of this board explicitly want us to fail.

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c9d6a0  No.120910

> Fat losers dont win race wars

then why are you here kike

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