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bd4e14  No.114871

Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/1/20 - TUCKER BLASTS KUSHNER FOR SUBVERTING MAGA! - Fox News Full Show (HD)


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78a37c  No.115076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You got to watch Tucker he's sneaky. It's pretty clear he was helping the Jews with their divide and conquer strategy by egging Trump to send in the military guns blazing.

Worst advice ever

One video of US troops shooting a black man and this country will be worse than South Africa.

Vid related

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706c3b  No.115086


>One video of US troops shooting a black man and this country will be worse than South Africa.

>Implying things can get worse

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15757b  No.115098


Except we have guns to fight back. Stop getting me excited.

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677483  No.115116

File: 29ea838c58ece6d⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 500x342, 250:171, wolf_of_wall_street_rookie….jpg)


>One video of US troops shooting a black

Only one? Those are rookie numbers. I'd rather take my chances in a civil war. It's better to burn out than fade away.

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5f9437  No.115124


> One video of US troops shooting a black man and this country will be worse than South Africa.

If things are accelerated right now then America will never, ever, become as bad as South Africa because we still got the guns and demographics on our side. It's only if we do nothing and slow boil to death that we become South Africa. Race war now = white race saved. Race war 50 years from now = whites exterminated.

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9e4559  No.115374


>> Kushner, kushner, kushner

What about Lispy Grahamnesty and the rest of Cuckervative Inc?


< The jews WANTS Trump to send the military on the justice rioters! They are diving us along racial lines!

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78a37c  No.115874


The Jews are pissed about white and black rioters looting businesses. They want the blacks killing the whites not this multicultural looting.

Sources like NBC news are throwing their credibility behind claims the all the white ANTIFA members are actually "white supremacists." Everyone here knows that laughably absurd. It's an attempt to get blacks to attack antifa and all white people. Idk if it's effective but it's chickenshit.

White's are Amalek, don't you ever forget that because the Jews certainly won't. They need to be asked about Amalek

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78a37c  No.115884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I responded before i noticed you were a Jew trying to egg on a race war just like the media.

You remind me of this guy in the video haha.

Hey genius whites aren't gonna do shit, most are on the other side and here you are calling for a race war hahaha dumb. White's didn't do shit in ww2 aka the Holocaust so i'm not sure why you are larping like that happened.

Idk why the mods allow blatant agent provo's.

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713bd5  No.115917

>foreigners get beaten

>(((JEWellery))) stores get looted

>(((press))) reporter beaten and robbed

>(((Star flag))) carrier beaten

I'm supposed to be mad at Antifas?

Thx Antifas! Finally doing something productive.

There are no good jews.

This tucker dude on (((Fox News))) is just as anti-European as all the others.

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6a6704  No.116531


>its because of the wealth discrepancy

Gay and bluepilled

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586861  No.116648

I like Tucker. (Saint Dylan does as well) His show is probably the absolute most the jews will allow on television these days. The fact he comes across as someone with an actual soul, capable of independent thought makes him respectable. There are probably people even better than him in the media, but they shut their mouths entirely for their sake of their career.

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f9c03c  No.119247

You didn't webm it you fucking idiot OP.

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00aac8  No.119249


>I like Tucker

Tucker is a neocon twink who's job is to take watered down WN talking points and feed them to retarded Trump supporters to keep them on the Republican plantation.

You even admit that he is Jew-approved so why don't you go fuck yourself.

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09429d  No.136354

The video is gone. I hope you archived it.

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34ca76  No.136367


fag…you didn't even bother to upload a webm or mp4. You are FIRED

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f239e4  No.136427

File: 90dbca1875fd726⋯.jpg (370.95 KB, 1597x1200, 1597:1200, kent_state.jpg)


The whole anti war movement just stopped dead after Kent State you know.

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d840e4  No.136430


>actually believing this

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eb881f  No.137030


Except he's extremely critical of Trump, and the judenpresse has tried extensively to get him taken off the air. I'm fine with him going 90% every night instead of going 100% once and disappearing forever.

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cef5f1  No.138600


If kikes wanted him off the air he would be off the air. It fucking (((Fox))).

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d5cbb8  No.138718



It's 2020. OP sucks at life.

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38ae98  No.138766


>video shoah'd


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38ae98  No.138768

File: 3bfd9b4c408da95⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 479x328, 479:328, 3bf.jpg)

> this country will be worse than South Africa


Did you get out quarantine a bit too late, anon?

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ba9eba  No.139042


>One video of US troops shooting a black man and this country will be worse than South Africa.

Reddit-posting aside, don't make promises you can't keep, anon. Some of us are itching for that first shot to be taken by a chimp.

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4ed618  No.139611


>t. niggerlover

GTFO from this board, you don't belong here.

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f239e4  No.139612


It's true; everybody was a hippie going to peace marches and then boom they gunned some down, the war came to an end and suddenly everyone was a disco boy in a shitty disco suit with bigh high heels or a disco girl in a satin acetate dress and a shitty Farrah Fawcett hairstyle. Get up and boogie.

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f4a81f  No.139625

File: b26c12106b25b07⋯.png (132.59 KB, 826x630, 59:45, ClipboardImage.png)

let's see if he bends the kneel tonight or if he sticks up for himself

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12b600  No.139628


Set your DVRs, anons - this is going to be a truly legendary cucking.

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2d0d1b  No.139837


He didn't cuck out too hard at all, in fact he turned it around on the "ghouls" who celebrated the destruction of Neff. That might be it for Tucker though, he announced he's taking a "long-planned vacation."

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f44025  No.139871

based tucker exposing the jew openly once and for all

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12b600  No.139962

File: 344f5f3002281a8⋯.jpg (405.04 KB, 1100x816, 275:204, warbosslincoln.jpg)


>He didn't cuck out too hard at all

>didn't cuck out too hard

>too hard

Could it have been worse? Sure. But it was plenty bad enough. He conceded that making a very mild racist joke years ago was wrong, evil, and rightly makes one unemployable. Tuck has been railing against "cancel culture" for years; how sweet must it be for the Jews to force him to cancel one of his own guys?

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e65a52  No.139963


>force him


How the fuck are you civnat retards even ALIVE when you're this fucking stupid? When Cucker comes back from his "vacation," he'll support fags, trannies, and say black lives matter. Because that's what mouthpieces do. They are LITERALLY all nothing more than text to speech drones who happen to be made of flesh.

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e65a52  No.139964


Oh good, I can't even use n-dashes and proper grammar without some new faggot formatting destroying my text. Wonderful.

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d6d7f6  No.140004


lets say that is true. Wouldn't that just make it even more fun to turn him into a white nationalist symbol? kek

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4dbc0e  No.140011


>capitalising jew

>reddit spacing

Lurk two years.

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12b600  No.140014

File: 416dfd4cb13451d⋯.png (833.08 KB, 750x1036, 375:518, waaaaghmrbond.png)


Honestly, that's completely fair. You're right: Cucker is an actor who reads lines in front of a camera, nothing more.

It still must be fun for the Jews to take their puppet, make it a symbol for us, then have it betray us. But really, it's our own damned fault for being dumb enough to think the puppet was a real person.

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d6d7f6  No.140019


>reddit spacing


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eed4c9  No.140029

Tucker is a pressure release valve. Don't buy into the meme that he's /ourguy/

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c97f0b  No.140042

Shut it down

Tucker is an evil jew controlled opposition plant who only cares about money and fame and molesting children and will do anything Jews say, he literally licks semitic boots every day

Stop talking about him

Stop giving him attention

He will kill all white people

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d6d7f6  No.140048


>chaos in the established media is a bad thing for the whites

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ee93e5  No.140060


First of all, that red text is really annoying.

Now to be fair, we do not know the extent of Tucker's involvement in writing his scripts, but obviously the end product is something slicker than he could come up with on his own, at least within the time frame he has to produce a new show.

They should find someone that doesn't need any teleprompter, and just let that person speak off the cuff. It'd be far more entertaining. Not that I'm too interested in improving Jewish TV anyways, and there are plenty of youtubers/streamers who can do this.

It's a shame really that Neff didn't slip a few terms like Dindu and Jogger into Carlson's scripts, would have made for some great material.

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