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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 679c71a7859035d⋯.png (22.56 KB, 150x149, 150:149, NLG_2012_logo_white_transp….png)

438337  No.114832

NLG is basically a bunch of antifa lawyers. Add these numbers to as many spam lists as you as possible. Call them and tell them a false story to waste their time.


Source: https://www.nlg.org/massdefenseprogram/

Austin, TX: (512) 817-4254

Buffalo, NY: (716) 332-4658

Central Pennsylvania: (717) 686-9989

Chicago, IL: (Update: 5/30/20: “If you or someone you know has been arrested and needs a lawyer to visit them in police custody, contact the Cook County Public Defender at 1-844-817-4448.

If you or someone you know has been criminally charged and needs legal representation in court, call the NLG-Chicago at 773.309.1198.

If you’re organizing an action and would like to request NLG Legal Observers, contact us at chicago.lo.program@gmail.com”)

Cleveland, OH: (216) 5050-NLG [654]

Detroit, MI: (313) 925-2626

Eugene, OR: (541) 687-9180, run by the Civil Liberties Defense Center

Georgia: (678) 902-JAIL

Houston, TX: (512) 975-5880

Idaho: (208) 991-4324

Los Angeles, CA: (310) 313-3700 / arrests@nlg-la.org

Madison, WI: (608) 520-0654

Massachusetts: (617) 431-6626

Minnesota: (612) 444-2654

New Hampshire: (802) 417-2173

New Jersey: (908) 818-0002

New York City: (212) 679-6018

North Carolina: (919) 408-7569

Pittsburgh, PA: (412) 212-6753

Portland, OR: (503) 902-5340

Sacramento, CA: (916) 500-4654

San Francisco/Bay Area, CA: Demo Public Line – (415) 909-4NLG; Demo Jail Line – (415) 285-1011

St. Louis, MO: (314) 312-0836.

Seattle, WA: (206) 658-7963

Vermont: (802) 417-2173

Washington, DC: Operated by Law for Black Lives: (202) 888 1731

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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