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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: e349d3750587535⋯.png (68.03 KB, 739x728, 739:728, vaughn.png)

148fe2  No.113463

Stormfront are "WN 1.0" wignat enthusiasts, /pol/ are smart and sexy. This is not exactly wrong, but that's not why they failed. This goes far deeper than "optics".

Why do we believe that which we believe? Why do we do that which we do? Why, fundamentally, are we White supremacists?

"He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist."

At the end of the day, it's all about survival - if we do nothing, we'll lose our homelands, and then we'll have nowhere else to go.

"This planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, devoid of human life, as it did millions of years ago."

How do you get people to fight for their own interests? More specifically, how do you solve group coordination problems?

If everyone littered, the world would be a worse place. But I would derive a small convenience from just dumping my trash on the ground.

If everyone said the N-word, the world would be a better place. But if I say "nigger" alone, then I'm cast out of society.

The solution to these two problems is the same: racism.

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148fe2  No.113465

File: a2234e25ea2c74a⋯.png (110.93 KB, 500x372, 125:93, badmeme1.png)

File: 2d9392b4649d554⋯.jpg (122.9 KB, 672x372, 56:31, badmeme2.jpg)


WN 1.0 didn't realize this. They thought that they could sell people on neo-Nazism by convincing them that it wasn't racist: "Look, here's some Black National Socialists!" - "We don't want White supremacy, just racial separatism!".

This is wrong. Their goal here is to sell people on National Socialism by leaving out the race aspect. This is putting the cart before the horse. Even if they succeeded, you'd just get a lot of confused kids who liked swastikas but didn't have anything against the Blacks. When people say that Hitler was based and redpilled, they do so with the full awareness that he was, well, based and redpilled. If you just want to produce people who like National Socialism, you're falling prey to Goodhart's law. [1]

Consider how you got redpilled: did you start to ask questions about the economic policy of Nazi Germany, obscure occult movements of the 1900s, and the JQ, or did you just read about how the media has been covering up the fact that Blacks are more violent and have most likely been lying about everything else too? [2]

What we need is for people to get comfortable being racist. It's only through racism that the White race will be able to organize and fight for its own interests. Whether they then think Hitler is a swell guy is ultimately unimportant - "libertarianism with racist characteristics" would completely unironically be a perfectly fine way to run a society. (This is why National Bolshevism is utterly retarded - it puts the economic theories before the racism)

They don't have to conceptualize it that way, but they have to be it. If they think their racism is ironic, it doesn't matter. Racism is still racism - it's a performative act of language that takes back our dominion in our own homelands, one "nigger" at a time: if you have one guy "ironically" saying the N-word, then the ten other White guys around him are going to realize this is a safe space for their racism, and the Blacks are going to realize this isn't a place they're welcome. [3]

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148fe2  No.113467

File: 376a7c7c687a529⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 900x900, 1:1, deathofnations.jpg)

File: a2477cd73256c38⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 500x274, 250:137, opengates1.jpg)

File: c9ce6c0d83d02fe⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, opengates2.jpg)


Why do you the Jews put such tremendous efforts into suppressing the N-word? Why can you, relatively unmolested, talk about racial IQ gaps, but be viciously attacked whenever you say the N-word, even in a non-racist context?

Why is "I'm going to say the N-word" a fantastic meme, but all of the "redpill" videos with Hitler speeches set to dramatic music a giant fucking waste of effort?

Why is /pol/ tremendously successful, but attempts to translate it into real-world political parties such utter failures?

Why is the only popular /pol/ propaganda video With Open Gates?

What is it with /pol/ and (full) anonymity?

The answer is, it's not a symbol, it's just an idea, and that idea is racism. When you have a symbol, like the Black Sun, people can attack it, call it racist, and smear it with all sorts of unsavory figures. When all you have is an idea, they have to engage with it at face value. There's no way to insult an anon, you have to engage with their ideas. When people do this, we win. When we put symbols to the ideas, they attack the symbols, and we lose.

This is why With Open Gates was the best propaganda video we ever made. There's no ideology or symbols in it, just pure, unadulterated racism and hatred for immigrants.

(I say this completely sincerely; the only emotion a reasonable man should feel watching it is disgust, anger, and hatred)

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148fe2  No.113469

File: 9dc0ec97a444fd4⋯.jpg (88.54 KB, 600x717, 200:239, saint_tarrant.jpg)

So, how do we do this? How do we get people to be comfortable with an idea they, at its very core, have been inoculated to reject?

There's two prongs to the strategy: the private and the public. The public is the material which shapes the views of the broader society. The private is the material that an individual consumes and engages with as part of his redpill journey - private conversations and YouTube videos fitted to his particular point in the overton window, basically.

There, the trick is to avoid getting them to put up their defense mechanisms. When you say certain combination of words, their brain locks up. It's like your friend's phone: when you have it, you can use it relatively freely, but if you hit the lock button just once, you'll have to give it back.

In other words, we have to advocate for racism, but with better optics. It's not "racism," it's "group differences," "informal heuristics," "Bayesian statistical reasoning," or "ethnic self-interests". Not only is it OK to be White, it's OK to fight for White self-interests.

Meanwhile, the goal of the public redpills are to make the job of the private's easier. We have to wear down his defense mechanisms. (That's also why "they just call all White people Nazis, it doesn't mean anything" is such a great meme). If you see, all around you, a constant stream of racial slurs and calls for genocide and terrorism, that guy expressing skepticism about immigration suddenly doesn't seem so bad anymore. That's why Tarrant had great optics despite being a mass shooter and a terrorist, and why the Jews spent so much time and effort on taking down his video: even if people would have watched it and found it appalling, a little bit of their defense mechanisms would forever have died.

Hail victory.

1: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." ~Charles Goodhart

2: See left-wing trap ContraPoints video where "she" criticizes the leftist version of wignats (1:37–2:25): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuN6GfUix7c

Observe how Tabby is an almost exact carbon copy of our wignats:

>The character Tabby represents a lot of what I think is wrong about leftist strategy: the indifference to optics, the undisguised hostility to the ideologically impure, the sectarian nitpicking, the alternation between extreme optimism (“a communist revolution can happen in the United States and it will go well if it does”) and extreme pessimism (“neoliberal propaganda has so tight a grip on the general public that why should we even bother trying to appeal to them?”), the blurring of lines between recognizing the necessity of violence in certain situations and the aesthetic celebration of violence as an end in itself. ~ContraPoints

3: Innuendo Studios (leftist) made a great video on /pol/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4

Edited for brevity:

>Not only can you not tell the difference between a bigot who doesn't know they're a bigot, and a bigot who knows, but won't tell you; there is no line dividing the two.

>I don't know if they believe it, but in that moment, they believe they believe it. How many layers of irony are they on? 9 times out of 10, it doesn't matter.

>We are what we pretend to be.

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1e6624  No.113476


One of my history teachers actually fell for the "doesn't Hitler realize he doesn't have blonde hair" trap.

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6574e9  No.113486

This is a carbon copy of a thread trumpniggers tried to start over on /bestpol/. It is a subtle shill thread to try and push MIGA to WN.

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bb577c  No.113490

Stormfront did decent work and fulfilled their purpose in their day. My babby's first red pills came years and years ago before there was /pol/ or 4chan when I went onto Stormfront to read what those crazy, retarded nazis were saying for fun, only to realize they had a fuckton of smart people on there and I agreed with 95% of what they said. I don't think Stormfront failed at all, I think they actually did some decent work back in the day. Likewise the next generation, /pol/ and the chans did a lot of excellent work in their heyday, and now the new, younger generation are using more modern style stuff like Bitchute and Telegram as WN youtube and twitter. All of these things are evolutionary and generational incarnations, each helping in their own way.

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310b9d  No.113541

Things have to get worse before they can get better. Being a civcuck has only recently become normalized due to Trump dominating the conversation 24/7 for the past 4 years. The MAGAtards are still at the phase of eating baby food. Yes, the Overton window has shifted, and there is newly opened public space for expressing ideas soft Nationalism ("America First", "Islam is Satanic Terrorism"). These ideas were perfectly normal and ubiquitous 50 years ago. We have lost a lot of ideological ground to the Bolshevik-Kike Left since 1960. Seizing back that territory will take time.

My opinion is that whites wont collectively re-embrace Racism until our population declines by another 50%. As shocking as that will be, it will turn on natural instinctive herd behaviors in us. As awareness of the Great Replacement becomes known to all whites, we will stick together tighter. It's just natural to prefer to be in a community surrounded by your own race. There will come a time when "soft racism" will be normal and universal among whites again. The risk of course is we can't afford to drop from 7% of the global population to 3.5% for that to happen. But i see no other way to force whites to rally than accelerating our extinction, but not so far as to completely extinguish ourselves.

Btw, i was one of the ghost writers for Ricky Vaughn, and so i appreciate your posting his avatar. The RV phenomenon simply could not be done today because of the rampant censorship and deplatforming. The Zeitgeist always channels through whatever are the available means of the day. In the current year RV would appear as a different type of message and medium than back in 2015-2016.

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c28ff1  No.113558


How do you become a ghostwriter for a random Twitter poster?

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f52473  No.113564

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f52473  No.113566


I am from Netherlands. It has always been incomprehensible to me why in English-speaking society there is little talk about this from the scientific side.

It has long been studied and known that the average brain mass of blacks is on average 150-200 grams less than that of a European.

These studies were carried out in the 20th century before the Second World War in Britain and Germany and are quite well known in the scientific community, this is the basic morphology.

Other lies and media speculation. White and black are not morphologically equal, they have a completely different brain. The brain of black is less by as much as 150-200 grams, this is a huge difference. And this is not eugenics, it is morphology as a universally recognized science throughout the world.

And by the way, the size of the penis in blacks is not bigger as a rule, this is a myth, and in porn of course it is a product of using stretching with cell division, operations with incisions at the base, silicone and enlargement through vacuum pumps.

I think that in the western community more approaches from the scientific side are needed.

Explain to people that Negroes are just physiologically stupid and not able to be people on a scientific basis, their brain is on average much smaller and all of their functions mainly carry adaptive social functions, but they are not suitable for human ones.

Then there can be no questions what’s what. Blacks are another dead end branch of evolution; they are those who have not moved forward and remained in the past.

Integrating them into society is the same as putting a suit on a monkey and trying to say that the monkey is also a man.

Blacks are not people and have never been equal to white. And the whole world history confirms this every day

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f52473  No.113574


It's not about hair color at all.

Europeans also have different average brain weights.

On average, Europeans have more brain mass than Asians and Blacks. Also, the different structure of the brain, and what is responsible for the intellect, Europeans have the largest structures, and more than Asians and Blacks.

This is a scientific fact.

It needs to be approached from the scientific side. It is impossible to integrate people with an average brain weight of about 1150-1200 grams and Europeans with 1350 grams

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1899d0  No.113655

File: 81c3081e1941687⋯.png (7.66 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a5ca32b4b30d1e⋯.png (342.95 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cac857832b52a8d⋯.png (625.52 KB, 968x681, 968:681, ClipboardImage.png)

From an Anglin article:

>When I realized how funny it was, I started referring to myself as a “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist” in order to amplify the disconnect between Romper Stomper and my memes. I remember that sometime in 2015, I was talking to a Jew journalist from some publication, and he asked me how I identified and I said “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist.” He paused for a good several seconds and said “um, okay.” He knew that this was simply an insult, and not something people who are called that are supposed to identify as, and so he suspected a goyim trick was afoot. He printed the article without using the term.

>Charlottesville was intended to be an “Alt-Right” rally. And I always thought of the Alt-Right as being what I was doing. I thought of it as normal, social people who like jokes and fun but are also totally fed-up with the Jews and the attacks on the white race.

>But for whatever reason, the people who organized Charlottesville decided to invite groups that actually fit the stereotype of extremely anti-social, costume-wearing “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists.”

>This was a morbidly obese, cartoonish version of the Romper Stomper stereotype in real life which came to define the term “Alt-Right” in the public mind.

>After Charlottesville, people who I had thought were on the same page as me as far as the Alt-Right being normal people who simply cared about facts and not an anti-social group of perverse weirdos continued to associate with these freakish fetishists and continued to solidify the brand I did a lot to help build as a sickening, humiliating circus show.

>At that point, the “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist” meme stopped being funny and the “Alt-Right” brand started being gay. Because with it came an association with imagery of anti-social fat slobs in goofy costumes.

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428866  No.113663

You are way overthinking it

/pol/ = Funny, irreverent, dynamic. A good time.

stormfront = Miserable, everyone constantly offended. I'd rather go play vidya in my free time.

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2954a6  No.114117


Way to just ignore neural tube patterning that's near the top of the genetic differences quotient chart you fucking assnigger.

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8960b0  No.114128

File: 9d20e3a2a0a7782⋯.jpg (475.31 KB, 709x913, 709:913, Ricky_Bobby_jew_watch.jpg)

File: 585c8499411239f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1544x685, 1544:685, Clearview.png)

File: 36fd32de21af413⋯.png (370.19 KB, 763x678, 763:678, Clearview2.png)

How can anyone still say anything nice about Ricky Bobby after his and his jew buddy Richard Schwartz's "Smartcheckr" was rebranded as "Clearview AI", and sold to ZOG?

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907cdd  No.114359


>As shocking as that will be, it will turn on natural instinctive herd behaviors in us. As awareness of the Great Replacement becomes known to all whites, we will stick together tighter.

I would like to believe that but the events in South Africa seem to belie this statment. While there are plenty of of good white farmers there are also alot of white cops and white politicians who go along with plans of the ANC because they truly believe in their commie bullshit. Personally I think the more successful approach is to prioritize helping the right kind of whites. This somewhat corresponds to the basic rules of first aid where first responders must prioritize themselves and their group before applying first aid to others, lest they themselves become a liability.

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0dc6b4  No.119244


"Ironic" racism failed even harder than WN 1.0 did. What did 10 years of posting cartoon frogs to each other achieve? A fat retarded Zionist in the White House and a vile snuff movie from Christchurch.

So stick your juvenile imageboard culture and your retarded "ironic" racism up your ass. Although you're probably a millennial so you'd enjoy putting things up your ass wouldn't you.

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96fae1  No.119511

>/pol/ succeeded

Man fuck I'd hate to see failure.

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8d9c67  No.119528

/pol/ hasn’t succeeded at anything since they stole a flag from Shia Labeouf

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d8704b  No.120013


Man I remember some clash this guy had with Nehlen years ago now. Must have brought them both crashing down in flames because I haven't heard anything about them in years. If this guy is actually a subverter it would make sense because I remember Nehlen actually naming the Jew and now he's gone.

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e84485  No.120168


I hate that you're right.

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fa8791  No.120171


this thread was started by trump shills. they just want the veneer of 2016.

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2dad7e  No.120302


the election destroyed /pol/

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a335c0  No.120315


Hey don't beat yourselves up, you've succeeded in radicalizing a few people into becoming mass murderers since then.

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3d97f6  No.120498


And what the fuck have you done?

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1467b8  No.120536

Does Stormfront even have memes? What is Stormfront anyway, never visited it, anyone got the url?

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1450dd  No.122010

>/pol/ are smart and sexy

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1450dd  No.122011

>/pol/ are smart and sexy

I highly doubt this.

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32efe1  No.122138


I wouldn't say the election but imkikey destroyed /pol/ by systematically banning everybody who wasn't a trumpnigger.


stormfront has always been a honeypot/controlled oppostion ops instigated by the glowniggers.

It was to herd to the retarded skinheads to a place where they could be easily monitored.

/pol/ evolved from free and anonymous discussion of ideas. /pol/ was forged on the anvil of debate. We came to realise the truth by mercilessly discussing every idea under the sun until the strongest survived.

That is why anonymous imageboards are the only true place of discussion on the entire interbutts. Nothing we say we could ever use for personal gain. No reputation or other incentive drives our discussion. We only seek to find the truth. That is our power over all other means of communication. No think tank group or even forum could compare since all its members ultimately have some secondary goals to achieve in their discussion. Be it to keep their positions or their patrons happy or just for some internet-bux or upvotes or emojis.

We present the idea in its barest form.

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8adee6  No.122216


Yes collective action is power, and right now we are powerless.

But WN 2.0 failed at Charlottesville because they had no media or legal support.

So I think what we need for the struggle is a legal organization. Even if they try to financially cancel it, or wipe it from the internet, or launch endless nuisance lawsuits, we must prevail somehow. I believe an ADL type organization for our side must be established, no matter how many tries it takes.

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9079c8  No.122337


Now is the perfect time to begin building an organization like this. With all the chimpouts going on, fence sitters are going to be much easier to win over. The major problem we have though is raising up a group that will command authority in the normie-sphere. Not sure about you but I'm just a random citizen with no public following. We need individuals who have credentials if we ever hope to reach more people beyond those already floating around the chans. Maybe that's the primary reason /pol/ memes seep into social media so well because an idea cannot be fought whereas, as OP said, symbols are easy to silence.

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84a82a  No.123024


>My opinion is that whites wont collectively re-embrace Racism until our population declines by another 50%

So you will wait until the worldwide White population is literally halved?

By that time we will be dead. We cannot even wait 2040-50, for obvious reasons.

Besides, as >>114359 says, South Africa is a perfect example of this waiting failing hard.


>Integrating them into society is the same as putting a suit on a monkey and trying to say that the monkey is also a man.

What did monkeys ever do to you??


Burgers doing nazism is embarrassing.

They should at least try to have their own respectable culture before trying to pass as educated Europeans. They totally fail. These swastikunts are terribly annoying.

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84a82a  No.123027


Unless you can draw normies or, gasp, leftists here, we're pretty much playing in a safe box with our "debates". Turns out it might have been an echo chamber all along. I loved the /x/ shit about the prophetic election of Trump though. If only we were sent signals that this would serve our interests on the longer scale. But it just gave hope to idiots that now, every once in a while, we can have a MAGAPOTUS to *cough* defend us *cough*.

How many white burgers got it that 9/11 was an USRAEL job? How many know about the USS Liberty? How many have understood that Troomp is pro-kikes and nothing else? Etc.

It is hard to know if the current situation has somehow improved on the intellectual-awakening front or not.

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61b320  No.123116

File: c5df92edf62e5de⋯.png (46.09 KB, 936x234, 4:1, irreconcilable_differences.png)


Great post. I agree that the best way to convey our ideas is to explain that there are irreconcilable differences between ethnicities, while avoiding the use of any emotionally charged words (trigger words). But most importantly IMO is to show that whites are disappearing (e.g. soon to become a minority in the US, the number of births in Europe are becoming largely non-white, London is majority non-English, etc…). Nothing triggers white people more than the fact they are disappearing.

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61b320  No.123121


Maybe a pro-white organization could work on the lines of BLM. It'd have to focus on killed white people by blacks (which unfortunately happens way more often than the inverse), and at the same time speak out against the media bias (for not giving any attention to the issue).

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9ba963  No.124315


Call it WHITE LOVE and focus only on data making us appear as victims. All crimes against Whites, current or old, slavery on Whites too, Whites resisting massive invasions in Europe yet not seeking war, etc.

Above all: no speech about removing non-Whites: this conclusion will be obvious but it must remain off the record.

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