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File: bf28be7b8cf5f06⋯.jpg (392.78 KB, 3321x1788, 1107:596, 873z483832.jpg)

51bee2  No.113090

Hello /pnd/ its been a while something noteworthy happened from here.

Whats the approximate situation?

>the virus is causing the governments to cut ties to the lesser essential individuals

>The riots spreading from Minneapolis are not just the reaction to the death of one negro

>It is also a valve for those that are desperate to let out their anger after they have been left behind by the government

>Most of them, you guessed it, are niggas

>they are going apeshit in the streets, mad that a chimp has been choked + the lack of food-stamps is really getting to them

>Feds are shooting rubber-bullets & teargas in their face for getting to close

>People are raising awareness for police violence

>Blacklivesmatter & Jew-Tang-Clan is living it up again

It is tempting for /pnd/ to turn on the news and watch those negros to get smashed

But what if I told you we could make it even worse for them?

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51bee2  No.113091


>We let those negros know in what a shithole of a situation they are

>Find influencer that are brainwashed enough by that they retweet that shit

>support radicalization of them via group-polarization wherever you can

>Remind them about the US constitution

>”there need to be more protests or there aint gon’ be no change“

>Mock CNN and other news outlet that they are not reporting more on the matter

>Remind negros that they are under surveillance by the government

>Increase paranoia; they read all their Whatsapp messages etc.

>Push the social media platform -> Publisher scandal and raise the awareness

>Remind Negros of open-source alternatives

>now hold your horses here; you wont turn Tyrone into a Linux enthusiast from one day into the other

>But what they can do is use Signal org / Mastadon (joinmastodon org) as an alternative to Whatsapp/Snapchat etc.

>by convincing folks to use and alternatives to Whatsapp, we piss of kike Zuckerberg too

>they don’t need to shift to open-source as daily driver; for protest organization will be enough

>CIA will find have ways around the encryption but it wont be easy like the usual mainstream social media to monitor

>By that hopefully we have more aggressive Negros on the streets that force the military to go against them

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826a92  No.113154

File: 8e7bd9f72f636ac⋯.png (544.92 KB, 737x412, 737:412, 2020.png)


>Whats the approximate situation?

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d78789  No.113163


They need to become woke about the fact that SJW's and kikes are only treating them as pets and exploiting their misery to get political power. By them going against their handlers, they become less predictable, and harder to control. They need black leaders, not some whitey and (((whitey))).

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523516  No.113352


>claiming that the ZOG useful idiot army will ever actually fight the ZOG military golem

Why? Do you know a damn thing about this situation?

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