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The holocaust never happened

File: c9321bded933348⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 343x361, 343:361, its_happening.jpg)

4c22e9  No.112966

WE HAVE TO ACT NOW. How do we make the dindus direct their focus to the fed? Imagine if all the Minneapolis rioters invaded the federal reserve building in downtown Minneapolis. How do we show them this is their true enemy?

To be clear, I do NOT support anything illegal, and I do not want to cause anyone to do anything illegal. I just want the rioters to go protest peacefully outside the fed. IMAGINE if they invaded the building but don't meme them into actually doing it.

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4c22e9  No.112968

Btw please help spread this on halfchan /pol/

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369390  No.113082


Enjoy your optics nightmare kike.

All of your pet niggers are firmly reinforcing every stereotype complaint about them on live TV. As a bonus, the Soros financed command and control structure and kike social media feeding this chimp out are going to come under intense federal investigation. Wait until the niggers realize their cities were destroyed by external forces bused in by a kike billionaire.

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31d442  No.113096

File: 56b273e0e28157a⋯.png (81.61 KB, 800x1296, 50:81, 327D89EB_A696_4883_ADB7_26….png)


>Kike calling legit post a kike post

>They don’t send their best.

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30ee13  No.113108

inb4 >b-but that's too hard, they're too elite, they're untouchable

Everytime I've raised the idea about focusing them on banks and bankers the shills have come swarming out. Just watch, they'll do it again here, or this thread will just get slid or deleted.

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c49065  No.113113



God, I've missed you.

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08b5a3  No.113127

No. Let them keep continuing their mistake. Don't interfere.

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8285be  No.113147

File: a1dfc1c79a29926⋯.jpeg (37.21 KB, 500x262, 250:131, B43A7EAE_92D4_4203_8B79_D….jpeg)


>hey guise lets convince niggers getting free monopoly money in the mail is a bad thing

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e0d9e3  No.113670

File: f056373fb8a24e4⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, us_law_internet_glow_cia_t….png)

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f0fe06  No.113855


>pol does not condone violence

this isn't pol you cuck

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d75824  No.113902


>claims we're not under the violence restrictions of /pol/

>lists restrictions which include violence

You fucking dipshit.

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1496f7  No.113989


>Imagine if all the Minneapolis rioters invaded the federal reserve building in downtown Minneapolis.


Clearly you have never actually been in the Federal Reserve Building.

If you had, you would know that any attempt at what you suggest would end extremely quickly and in a torrential bloodbath.

What is more, it wouldn't even make the news in the morning because the Feds are simply that professional.

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d4e1f6  No.114033



Fuck off glowniggers


I haven't been inside and I don't know what the fuck would happen but something big would happen

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