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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 22f607edcae600b⋯.jpg (21.32 KB, 450x405, 10:9, 1590878034201.jpg)

582a49  No.112964

Here's the order of events they want:

>le 56% whites fight the 13% blacks and other darkies

>kikes let it go on

>kikes load up police with WMD tier shit to SAVE PATRIOTS, (MAGA, BLUE LIVES MATTER BTW)

>kikes finally get the militarized police to 'help' the whites end it

>woohoo, tons of white youths died but MAGA we won

>militarized police now takes all our guns easily, too make sure such a tragic civil war never happens again of course

>kikes import a billion darkies from third world for that nice GDP, no way for us to stop it

>bye whitey

Say NO to more dangerous police.

STOP internalizing clips of burning jewish-owned corporate buildings you see in the (((media))) as an attack on your people. YOUR people have been robbed of this country, but we can take it back.

Niggers act like niggers because the jews subverted our system, destroyed their cities (all democrat ran), pointed out how most white people have it better than them, and enraged a lot of them, and enraged a lot of whites by pointing at niggers being niggers.

There will be bloodshed, but if enough of us wake up, we can in the end destroy the eternal jew, and have a future for both of our childrens. We don't have to live together in the future to be at peace.

Come November this year, don't think about who you're voting for, think about which [Global Corporation] warehouse to burn down first.

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3487ad  No.112988

File: 81b37b75ee613e0⋯.png (560.82 KB, 1010x1200, 101:120, gigachad4.png)


>Pick a side, goy!

There's no justice in this world. There's just a winner and losers. This isn't a case where we have "allies but dey dont want u 2 ally with dem!" this is a case where whites are seriously on their fucking own. Take anything as you will, but remember, niggers pigs and kikes won't lift a fucking finger to help you. You're an individual unit, nobody is on your side but yourself. But fret not, your genes haven't changed for shit. And if you're wanted to get in on those psychopathic buzzjoys of hurting someone, now's the fucking time to do it.

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582a49  No.112991


Hey glowie, a couple obvious problems with your shitty propaganda. 1, most pigs are whites, they can be freed with information, 2, your call for violence, as usual, is weak.

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3487ad  No.112993


Damn fucking right I'm a glowie. Cmon bitch boy, blow up a fucking building. We already have your IP and are going to your house RN, damn I love being part of the FBI.

Pigs in the fucking end are on a yid's payroll. They - once this shit is over - will do their damned best to fuck us in the ass.

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7a9d8a  No.112997

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582a49  No.112998


>hah you called me out for trying to make you people violent, do something violent

What do they teach you dumb fucks in training glowtard? I'm guessing just like everything else, the min required intelligence to recruit went into the shitter to, you people are using 2010 strats in 2020.

When the type angry retards who fall for your weak shit are done fighting in the streets, we will have educated them about our true enemy, and the possibility for peace, and we won't have even broken a law. Your own rage fueled drones will turn against you, and that will be your defeat, or your employers rather, you are posting here after all lmao fucking moron.

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582a49  No.113017


Don't let them worry you, he's harmless. Making their presence known and obvious is really all they got in the chamber unless you take their bait directly and make a threat. They want to scare you into not discussing certain topics.

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251519  No.113019

People are literally burning police stations and breaking the White House barricades and you mongoloids really still think that FBI/CIA means something.

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582a49  No.113023


>fbi/cia's boss burned down a couple buildings while some black teenagers protested in the streets, and you still aren't taking our bait?

>I mean you think we mean something?

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c0b439  No.113038


Nigger, I want them to burn their own cities down. FUCK THEM

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