Fellow men of America, we are not the same. We are not brothers, we do not share all of the same struggles; but we share one which supercedes all.
The economic wastelands, barren of any hope, opportunity, avenue of success, or future of any kind, which these blacks have been raised in, has resulted in them burning down a system which left them with the choice; destroy the industrial prison surrounding them, or accept enslavement. These instances have been microcosms of what is soon to be experienced all across America.
Realize, even well off American youths of today are looking at top job prospects consisting of Fortnite Streamer, Amazon Warehouse Worker or Internet Prostitute. It should be clear there is a problem that can no longer go ignored.
Small business in America is dead. This COVID19 debacle spit on the long dead corpse of The American Dream. Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc all receive billions in bailouts while the last of small businesses die. There's been a fight for measley $15 hourly wage in America for quite some time now. Warehouses need to be burnt down, Megachain workers need to unite and strike, subverted unions need to be overthrown and remade, until that number doubles. Maybe then we can begin negotiating with this small powerful group of people who do not wish to destroy this civilization, for they own every institution. They wish to implement measures to ensure we will not be able to burn down our unsalvagably subverted governing & corporate institutions when the common man finally realizes it is necessary.
We must manage to look past differences, we can think as one, we will walk in lockstep. You can feel it in your soul if you try. Many of you are beaten, but together we can never be broken, our civilization is slowly turning to us to save it once again. You will stop commiserating, for it will always be true, that if we choose to save ourselves, we can save all of humanity, and if we cannot, then all of humanity is doomed to eternal enslavement.