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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The holocaust never happened

File: 45caaa53a25fc8c⋯.jpg (476.88 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 2000.jpg)

8b47c8  No.112753

Dear black people:

This is why you can't have nice things.

You don't police yourselves. You allow idiots like this to say one thing (Black lives matter), while acting in a way which indicates that he does not actually believe that ANYONE's life matters. Looting and rioting are dangerous sociopathic behaviors. Yet you welcome these actions and admire these people for what they do.

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f4370e  No.112754

post in the containment thread

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489902  No.112768

File: 91b5bb29889632d⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1526x2048, 763:1024, 1586269487215.jpg)

Shut the fuck up, you white cockroach.

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8ccfe3  No.112777


Dear white people

Please stay the fuck out of the business, imma gets mine

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8a343a  No.112845

File: 0583833bcc38d06⋯.png (37.16 KB, 478x659, 478:659, Derek_Chauvin_The_Hero_of_….png)

Dear niggers,

Say mama please.

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42416a  No.113004


Just saw the video yesterday. Dude didnt give a fuck, but executed the nigger like a cockroach

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a0befd  No.113016

File: 3d380fa7735bc13⋯.jpg (81.23 KB, 700x420, 5:3, minneapolis_police_precinc….jpg)




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6a01f7  No.113346

File: 617cd992bd2b3e4⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Curb_Stomp.jpg)


>those replies

the seethe is real

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1e7973  No.113462


Obama's are in your graphic

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