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File: fe4d3e870811ca0⋯.gif (299.53 KB, 480x319, 480:319, reaktionsbild_pfeife.gif)

f9ae1d  No.112613

Here is the Timeline:

>secret service announced the official designation of "The Wing" (synonym for the patriotic/nationalist wing of the party) as right-wing extremist and it would now use secret sevice tools to observe it

>in the history of the FRG the alternative Right-Wing Party "The Republicans" met a similar fate and split itself apart over the Secret Service designating it as Extremist, so in an eternal attempt to please the public it mutilated itself

>the other nationalist Party NPD, which is seen as a laughing stock full of stupid, low-life Neonazis was so full of "V-Männer" (paid Informants) that an actual scandal broke out, because it seemed like it had more Informants, that it was only kept alive by them

>now the same tactic is used on the AfD, the AfD always had a neo-liberal presence in the party, who are israel-worshipping, american bootlicking, basic bitch Conservatives with a bit of Islamcriticism (we just need to spend more, so they integrate better)

>meanwhile a huge subculture of Alternative Right-Wing Groups were forming inside the AfD and also with the Identitarians and other organisations like the Institute for State Policy, which is a proper right-wing think tank

>holy shit, they actually became strong enough in the AfD to get rid of their neoliberal founders and actually turn it more and more to the Right

>huge election victories in the East, where they took over the local Party Organisations and with their combination of Nationalism and Social Policies, instead of neoliberal hyper-individualism in the West, they managed to almost become the biggest party in some areas

>Neoliberals are seething hard and think they are only losing in the West, because AfD in the East are saying "racist shit"

>cue Secret Service observation

>One of the current Leaders Meuthen suddenly proposes that the entire Wing should just fuck off and found a new party, the East can go, maybe we do a coalition with you, but don't count on it

>wtf that is retarded, you dividing fuck

>haha okay jk jk

>but actually let me just rescind the party membership of a few famous members of the Eastern AfD and also remove ties to metapolitical right-wing organisations like the Institute for State Policy, we need to please our Masters so they rescind the designation of the Wing as Right-Wing Extremist

>the Wing, which didn't really exist as an organisation anyway, decided to abolish itself, because it didn't change anything and to maybe keep peace

>didn't get them anything, Meuthen is still trying to split the party and is even pushing for a very quick Party Meeting to do the Coup de grâce

Basically everything is still on a razor's edge. The AfD managed to get rid of Lucke and Petry, who would have just turned the party into a neoliberal conservative party. This is the battle for the soul of the party. I fear that if we lose, so many people will become disillusioned that it might take one or two decades to recover from that and start again. But I admit that it doesn't look well. Meuthen had the majority behind him in the leadership of the party, because he managed to just purge another local leader of the party in the East with a majority. And him trying to organise a party meeting now seems very worrying, because he probably already organised a majority in secret.

>but then the true Nationalists in the party are just going to make their own party, which will be so much better

Sadly such a loss would be soon as a moral triumph and discredit them, I fear. It was already hard enough to have a new party emerge and have success in Germany, where the mentality is just different. Germans like to be loyal to structures and listen to Authorities. The loss of an institution would also mean the loss of an ideology. I bet lots of convinced National Socialists just became regular, apolitical citizens in post-war Germany. Lots of them got absorbed in the CDU. (Conservative Party)

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c7d16c  No.112620

File: f21c1e74567b24c⋯.jpg (241.48 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Der_Dritte_Weg.jpg)


The AfD have always been a liberal party. Why not invest your energy in actual ideologically National Socialist movements like Der Dritte Weg? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_III._Path

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765fce  No.112628

File: 080e0e2eb449d54⋯.jpg (123.84 KB, 789x1200, 263:400, kike_media_covers_for_thei….jpg)

File: b21bd334d89cf03⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 636x382, 318:191, weidel_lesbian_refugees.jpg)


Once you have seen the state of the AdF's (((leadership))) a fucking jewish homosexual lesbian who represents 'German family values' you have seen everything you need to see. There isn't anything more to say.

>how to be a jewish homosexual globalist and populist at the same time really brings home the jewish schizo character of (((the party))).

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f9ae1d  No.112639


Says a lot about our current society, if a lesbian is actually defending the Nationalist Wing of the Party and voted against expelling a party member, despite being libertarian herself.

She, for some reason, likes us.


I can't really deny that, but the AfD also has lot of good personell. I don't like the thought of just turning away from all organisations, who aren't pure. The Left infiltrates Organisations they find morally disgusting and change them from the inside. Why can't we do the same thing?

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b419e5  No.112641


>jewish homosexual lesbian who represents 'German family values'

tbh she does, sadly

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c7d16c  No.112643

File: b764684dd1640d2⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 3723x2646, 1241:882, Nordic_Resistance_Movement….jpg)


>The Left infiltrates Organisations they find morally disgusting and change them from the inside. Why can't we do the same thing?

We don't have infinite money and manpower like our opposition, let's worry about devoting manpower and resources to infiltration of opposition groups once the groups which actually align with our interests are fully on their feet. Here in burgerland we have learned the futility of attempting to infiltrate the liberal opposition Republican party, they are optimized specifically to exclude anyone with racial solidarity or socialist views. I fear that any further such attempts would end up being a waste of time and energy, which is dangerous given the critical racial situation. Better to die honestly with your face to the enemy, rather than to be repeatedly stabbed in the back without learning your lesson.

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765fce  No.112652

File: 639f6862fa052a5⋯.png (40.89 KB, 500x439, 500:439, come_on_do_nazi_stuff_9905….png)


Disgusting. I don't think so. The war against Ethnic German people continues. Look at that kike lesbian, she is fucking (or whatever dykes do to each other, who the fuck knows) a member of the poo race. She is literally fucking a piece of shit. In the meantime…IN ACTUAL GERMANY…people with braids are considered to be an 'extremest threat'.

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a4662c  No.113410


Oh man, ich bin froh einen Deutschen hier zu sehen. Ich suche gerade nach deutschem Lesematerial, das ideologisch eindeutig rechts ist. Mein letztes deutsche Buch war das depressive Finis Germania und ich kann Englsich langsam nicht mehr sehen. Könntest du mir einige deutsche Bücher oder Authoren empfehlen, die als Nazi Schund oder faschistisch von den Kulturkämpfern identifiziert werden. Gruß aus NRW.

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