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The holocaust never happened

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36232e  No.111460

Funny how all the cell phone issues I had for years after being redpilled went away in March of this year (nothing has changed work and home wise, even with COVID-19):

<powerful echoes on the line

<scratchy noises

<clicking sounds

<other, strange noises and sound distortions

<suddenly, "randomly" one party to the call can't hear the other (and not due to cheek mute)

<incredible lag

<dropped calls

All of these didn't happen at once.

These issues were encountered, seemingly randomly, with plenty of bars on both ends of the call (I asked). Only rarely did I not have plenty of bars. Not once did one or more of these issues occur when they could be attributed to lack of bars (I looked). Never used phones to play games, watch videos, listen to music or for any other nonsense. New cell phones and switching between several (major) service providers over the years had no effect. The disruptions came in waves spanning months at a time and were, quite frankly, maddening, and they just so happened to correspond with periods of redpill-dropping activity.

Given my own psychology, I believe such disruptions were intentional based on other surveillance-informant-provocateur-related happenings in my early days of enlightenment, but that won't be detailed here at this time. They made getting work done very difficult where phones were required (people would say things like, "weird," and I would have to make some excuse to hang up, or hang up unannounced if they all of a sudden couldn't hear me, and then call them back, only for it many times to happen again). It creeped people out. I would become enraged. The government was "pushing my buttons," if you will, [pic-related] trying to get me to snap and perhaps reach out, unwittingly, to one of their online assetfags to, uh, "take action." [You absolute retards.] If they were able to access my calls, then they were certainly able access the phones' microphones and hear me yelling at them to all get fucked upon hanging up. Wouldn't be surprised if they heard lots of outbursts like that and concluded I was an ideal candidate for a patsy setup. They just needed to keep pushing.


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36232e  No.111461

Made calls to the various cell phone service providers' technical support staff on a number of occasions during this time period, all to no avail. It didn't matter if the phone was connected to the cellular network through wifi or not. Sometime last year I gave up, resigning myself to the fact infinite surveillance was my bane and that such provocations would forever be a part of my life. "Oh well, c'est la vie, steel yourself," I finally decided after years of this shit. The surveillance part didn't bother me nearly as much as the idea the government could literally and did legally fuck with people who've done nothing illegal and have no intention of doing anything illegal. Someone who's on record with them preaching to not doing anything illegal. Someone who's always said to, when in doubt about legality, err on the side of caution.

What gives them the right to waste innocent people's time and energy? Time is life…and vice versa. If you steal someone's time whether it be through kidnapping, ransomware, sending people viruses or other means, you're stealing their life. This is immoral on its face.

Then in March it all stopped.

Turns out in March:

>An effort to extend parts of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) stalled in the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, after President Donald Trump promised to veto it and Republicans withdrew their support.

>The rules that would be renewed until December 2023 cover the FISA court's approval of:

>warrants for business records [and by that it means anything electronic having to do with your *personal* business],

>allow surveillance without establishing that a subject is acting on behalf of an extremist group [in other words, whenever FedGov feels like it, unless it's their darling Antifa of course],

>and allow continued eavesdropping on a subject who has changed cellular telephone providers.


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36232e  No.111462

Much of this FISA stuff IIRC goes all the way back to early post-9/11 times. These provisions had to be renewed by Congress and authorized by the President every two years or whatever it was. Every time they came up for renewal they were renewed without fail by way of overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate and prompt signature of the Executive. That is, until March of this year. Since then, because the latest installment expired in March, Congress has been as usual eagerly trying to get the above provisions renewed, but Trump, for once, has done the right thing and told them to fuck off.

>Trump threatened a veto on Twitter earlier on Wednesday, posting: "If the FISA Bill is passed tonight on the House floor, I will quickly VETO it."

>After the tweet, none of Trump's fellow Republicans in the House backed a procedural measure related to the bill. Some of the 183 Republican "no" votes came from lawmakers who previously supported it.

Trump unsurprisingly appears to have done this because it affected him personally:

>Trump recently turned against FISA, charging on Twitter that former Democratic President Barack Obama's administration improperly used it for surveillance of his campaign aides in 2016.

So thanks, Obama.

One thing's for sure, the State will push and push and push until it gets these powers back one way or another. I can see it pointing to writings like this saying, "see, the 'extremists' are jumping for joy," an obvious red herring.



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02d81d  No.111470

Only 3rd rate intelligence agencies cause interference on phone lines. If the NSA spies on you there is no trace of this kind.

T. Someone who worked for the NSA

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36232e  No.111595


Thanks for post, but:

(a) not referring to unintended interference; and,

(b) what about Stingrays and other systems/devices, can they cause or be used to cause intended interference?

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e3a7ac  No.112185


Well I am no /tech/, but I am guessing you have to run some sort of encrypted line and route it through something to anonymize yourself. I'd ask /tech/ or people more competent, and look for some software that does what tor basically does.

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e205cb  No.112260

And don't forget to install Debian on your PC, or wpd.app if you're using Kikedows 10.

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ae5f1d  No.112276

Remember when every other thread on any given board/chan wasn't a LARP?

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36232e  No.113375


>T. #1 Ne'er-do-well

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