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916c2f  No.110731



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8b2277  No.110733

>is it an election year?

>better turn it up a notch

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aefd27  No.110738

>jew puppet paid by jews to read jewish scripts on jewish television

>says something as a steam release valve for jew controlled opposition party so that they do nothing, as always

>meanwhile the ZOG emperor has deported no one and imported over 2 million nonwhites

Kill yourself, boomer.

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46836b  No.111239

Tucker, Dobbs, and Laura are the only people worth watching on TV. Tucker and or his staff obviously read here. He needs to keep pushing. American is behind him.

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c46cfb  No.111245


>still watches talmudvision

Wake up anons…we got a live one.

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204ba5  No.111256

d&c by the communist kill whitey chinese:


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204ba5  No.111258


Well, it's an addiction, anon, your "prescriptions" are shit.

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204ba5  No.111260


But, also, you


ffs you show total ignorance of this content, go die chinese glow nigger

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204ba5  No.111261





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c46cfb  No.111262


I am an Ethnoglobalist anon. Why would I settle for a moratorium on immigration when I want a Ethnic European ONLY world?

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204ba5  No.111266


I can tell you didn't watch the video. I'll wait for you to watch it, then issue your commentary, supposed but utterly phony white nationalist (china d&c poop, actually, you are).

It's obvious a million times over, because your comment doesn't address … something which is quite noticeable (I won't say what it is and let you cheat), re kikes, in the video.


You're chinese. You don't understand our society, haven't watched the video, because Xi Jinping, who takes 1000 men's penises up his asshole every day, that faggot, will not permit you to see videos, and, if you did, you wouldn't understand, across so many dimensions, your comprehension of the concept itself of so white a notion as reasoning eternally escapes you, our society and cultural expectations.

in short, a greater ccp keyboard general has ever sat a gee

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62d9f0  No.111267



Fuck off, Qtard. You have your own containment.

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204ba5  No.111268



see how he has no time to even see the video, or discuss concepts. The "karens" of the rw niche, bullsit.

THEY ARE NOT REAL. They are chinese just hindering intellectual interaction.


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32556c  No.111270

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

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204ba5  No.111273

China, didn't watch the video, d&c, won't bait meI






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204ba5  No.111274

See how they vanish, they are chinese shills. None have any arguments, they're not people who are real.

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62d9f0  No.111276


stfu Qtard

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32556c  No.111277


Our problem was not created by China. Multi-culturalism, multi-racialism, White genocide are all products of jewish capitalism, fear of National Socialism, and efforts to win the cold war. Industries are exported wholesale to non-White countries to create loyal vassals and they are allowed to share in the exploitation and murder of Whites. Non-White immigrants are auxiliary occupation forces for capitalism. A moratorium doesn't solve the problem – getting rid of non-Whites and capitalism does.


Why don't you wait more than 3 minutes?

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204ba5  No.111279

Check out the d&c:


>no knowledge of the video

>sucks on china's dick

>want's a response to kitchen sink posting (see, anon, it's in the newspaper wank wank wank)


not an argument. You don't know anything about the topic, get paid to post emptiness for the soon to be dead Xi Jinping.

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32556c  No.111281


The video does not matter. Tucker's take on something does not matter. We are beyond the remedial here – much to the chagrin of trumpniggers. We deal in root causes.

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204ba5  No.111284


How do you know it the arguments are invalid, if you have no stupid sense to even find out what they are in the first place?

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32556c  No.111287


Tucker's hand, and the hands of the circles he moves in, have already been tipped with their association and close working relationship with Yoram Hazomy's "National Conservatism" gay-op. What he thinks doesn't matter because it is all rooted in preserving a system, their system.

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204ba5  No.111290


<he's associated with something

… … … anon, you are retarded. That's no argument at all, you attempt to hide information and argument through a barrage of fallacies.

Most of all because you are chinese, thus unable to even see the video.

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b5bc22  No.111291

>>111277 (checked)


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33fa21  No.111314


Tucker looks into the camera and tells America that (((they))) are trying to control your language so (((they))) can control your thoughts. That (((they))) are trying to fear the public into compliance. He knows. He is the most important person in American media. Laura and Dobbs are good to but they occasionally kiss the ass of the Jews who are destroying America.

If you haven't noticed a low intensity revolution is under way. The battle space is the human mind and the bullets are information. The human mind is the most important domain, even more so than the kinetic warfare domain the US currently controls. Who cares how many nukes, guns, and ships you have if the minds of the population that have to vote politicians into power are poisoned by CFR jews that are operating against America from within? It's difficult to drop a bomb when no one wants the bomb dropped.

Who cares what land mass you declare as yours if a foreign agent kike like George Soros can openly enter that space and conduct economic, political, and psychological warfare against the public and law enforcement?

Our financial sector, educational sector, "media," and major channels of mass communication being controlled by people working against the American national interests is a grave national security threat.

As to talmudvision, Fox was the only network that exposed the Mossad's involvement in 9/11, which caused the British freemasonic cult of B'nai B'rith to kvetch and whine about the treatment of the Jews. see


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9eabae  No.111403

File: 2004d5b153d17d3⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, df2.jpg)

Video got nuked. Any other places got it?

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