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7d1ff7  No.110291

Racial homogeneity is, for a variety amount of reasons, nessecary for the functioning and happiness of any society. When a nation becomes "diverse" i.e. radically transforms its demographics by integrating people from non-majority races it falls victim to a loss of culture, a signifigant decrease in social cohesion, and a dangerous increase in political instability, among other things. To reverse this demographic change, however, would be rather difficult, for doing so will, in the short term at least, displace millions, cripple the economy, and lead to quite a bit of resentment. It's a sort of "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't" type thing. I believe we should get rid of nonwhites, but recognize that doing will be extremely difficult.

Accidentally posted in /pdf/ lol.

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cd275e  No.110328

Okay. How is this a thread?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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