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1afaf7  No.109764


What if white people, by nature, are inclined to deny the collectivism+despotism that is so prevalent in all other races? By depostism I mean a class of parasites shows people "how to live", and the collective "follows the leader".

Whites, in general (but specifically the Northern Europeans), are a race of Family First tribalists. Whites enjoy living with familiar people whom we get to know personally (families, tribes, nations)–because we are individuals with unique personalities.

Whereas the non-white collective sees itself as 1 herd with 1 personality. It's why all Jews respond to every pain enacted against 1 Jew. They cannot see any difference between themselves even.

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8b2585  No.109776


> what if

What if you are a terminal faggot?

oh look…you are!

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